
时间:2020-11-29 20:10:32

I'm trying to populate an object array with new objects. Here is the code:


Main class

public class Bejeweled extends JFrame{

public Bejeweled(){
    Board board = new Board();

public static void main(String[] args){
    Bejeweled game = new Bejeweled();

Board class

public class Board extends JPanel{

final int BOARDHEIGHT = 8;
final int BOARDWIDTH = 8;
Gem[] gems;

public Board(){
    gems = new Gem[BOARDHEIGHT * BOARDWIDTH];

public void start(){

public void fillBoard(){
    Arrays.fill(gems, new Gem());
    for(Gem gem : gems){
        System.out.println(gem.type); //**This was expected to print random numbers**

Gem class

public class Gem {

public int type;

public Gem(){
    this.type = genType();

public int genType(){
    return (int) (Math.random() * 7);


The problem is that all objects appear to be the same. I know I should encapsulate type in the Gem class, but I'm trying to limit the amount of code I'm posting here.


A new Board gets created from the main class, in the Board class a Gem[] is filled with newly created Gems (class Gem).

从主类创建一个新的Board,在Board类中,Gem []充满了新创建的Gems(类Gem)。

1 个解决方案


Arrays.fill fills the array with the value you provide, which in this case is a particular instance of Gem. Instead, you need to use a for loop and set each of the array elements to a distinct Gem:


for(int i = 0; i < gems.length; i++) {
    gems[i] = new Gem();

Note that if you really have an 8x8 board, it's much preferable to have a Gem[8][8] than a Gem[8*8].

请注意,如果你真的有8x8板,那么Gem [8] [8]比Gem [8 * 8]更可取。


Arrays.fill fills the array with the value you provide, which in this case is a particular instance of Gem. Instead, you need to use a for loop and set each of the array elements to a distinct Gem:


for(int i = 0; i < gems.length; i++) {
    gems[i] = new Gem();

Note that if you really have an 8x8 board, it's much preferable to have a Gem[8][8] than a Gem[8*8].

请注意,如果你真的有8x8板,那么Gem [8] [8]比Gem [8 * 8]更可取。