
时间:2022-09-25 10:15:11

I am new to NSCache, I want to cache the response data and use it. So my [cache setobject] is in class A and I need to get it from class B using [cache objectForKey]. But it is always NULL.It works in same class as below..

我是NSCache的新手,我想缓存响应数据并使用它。所以我的[cache setobject]在A类中,我需要使用[cache objectForKey]从B类中获取它。但它总是NULL。它在同一个类中工作如下..

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://ios.eezytutorials.com/sample-files/sample-dictionary-plist.plist"];
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:url];
NSCache *cache = [[NSCache alloc]init];
[cache setObject:dict forKey:url];
NSLog(@"%@",[cache objectForKey:url]);

How to get that from different class?


1 个解决方案


NSCache is not a singleton or shared instance. If you want to use the contents of a specific instance, you could place your NSCache instance on AppDelegate or create your own singleton class to manage it.



NSCache is not a singleton or shared instance. If you want to use the contents of a specific instance, you could place your NSCache instance on AppDelegate or create your own singleton class to manage it.
