
时间:2022-09-25 09:14:22

Is there a simple way in Java (that doesn't involve writing a for-loop) to create an array of objects from a property of another array of different objects?


For example, if I have an array of objects of type A, defined as:


public class A {
    private String p;
    public getP() {
        return p;

I want to create an array of Strings that contains the value of A[i].p for each i.


Essentially, I'm I want to do this: Creating an array from properties of objects in another array, but in Java.


I attempted to use Arrays.copyOf(U[] original, int newLength, Class<? extends T[]> newType) along with a lambda expression, but that didn't seem to work. What I tried:

我尝试使用数组。copyOf(U[] original, int newLength, Class newType)和lambda表达式,但这似乎行不通。我试着什么:

Arrays.copyOf(arrayA, arrayA.length, (A a) -> a.getP());

2 个解决方案



With Java 8, you can use the Stream API and particularly the map function:

使用Java 8,您可以使用流API,特别是map函数:

A[] as = { new A("foo"), new A("bar"), new A("blub") };
String[] ps = Stream.of(as).map(A::getP).toArray(String[]::new);

Here, A::getP and String[]::new are method/constructor references. If you do not have a suitable method for the property you want to have, you could also use a lambda function:


String[] ps = Stream.of(as).map(a -> a.getP()).toArray(String[]::new);



This is where a powerful concept in functional programming called map is useful. Here's how map is defined:


map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

Thus, map is a function that takes a function (that takes a and returns b) and a list and returns a list. It applies the given function to each element of the given list. Thus map is a higher order function.


In Java 8, you can use this idiom if you can convert the array into a stream. This can be done simply:

在Java 8中,如果可以将数组转换为流,可以使用这个习语。这可以简单地做到:;

where the mappingFunction takes an element from stream (say of type A) and converts it to another (say of type B). What you now have is a stream of B's, which you can easily collect in a collector (e.g. in a list, or an array) for further processing.




With Java 8, you can use the Stream API and particularly the map function:

使用Java 8,您可以使用流API,特别是map函数:

A[] as = { new A("foo"), new A("bar"), new A("blub") };
String[] ps = Stream.of(as).map(A::getP).toArray(String[]::new);

Here, A::getP and String[]::new are method/constructor references. If you do not have a suitable method for the property you want to have, you could also use a lambda function:


String[] ps = Stream.of(as).map(a -> a.getP()).toArray(String[]::new);



This is where a powerful concept in functional programming called map is useful. Here's how map is defined:


map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

Thus, map is a function that takes a function (that takes a and returns b) and a list and returns a list. It applies the given function to each element of the given list. Thus map is a higher order function.


In Java 8, you can use this idiom if you can convert the array into a stream. This can be done simply:

在Java 8中,如果可以将数组转换为流,可以使用这个习语。这可以简单地做到:;

where the mappingFunction takes an element from stream (say of type A) and converts it to another (say of type B). What you now have is a stream of B's, which you can easily collect in a collector (e.g. in a list, or an array) for further processing.
