
时间:2022-09-25 07:37:52

I was reading over this small article to understand inheriting from EventEmitter, but I'm a little confused.


He does this:


function Door() {
    this.open = function() {
Door.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype;



Why does he manually invoke the EventEmitter constructor with his own constructor's this? Also, why does he set the prototype of his contsructor's prototype to the prototype of EventEmitter? That's super confusing to me.


Then someone in the comments suggested he do this instead, which seemed more elegant:


function Door() {
    this.open = function () {
util.inherits(Door, events.EventEmitter);



This seems WAY cleaner than the other way, though that's probably just because I fail to understand what's going on in the first instance. I would not be surprised if util.inherits is doing the same thing as the first example.


The second one at least makes a little sense to me, but I still don't understand why they don't just do this:


function Door() {
    this.open = function () {
Door.prototype = new events.EventEmitter();



Can anyone explain to me what the differences between all of these approaches is and why in the first two they invoke .call(this) on the EventEmitter constructor? I omitted that line while trying out the examples and they still worked.


4 个解决方案



The third example is not generally correct: that creates one single EventEmitter instance for all door instances.


Let's imagine a simple case:


var Foo = function() {
    // each Foo instance has a unique id
    this.id = Math.random();
Foo.prototype.doFoo = function() { console.log("Foo!"); }

Suppose we want to create a Bar constructor that inherits from Foo and adds some new properties. If you follow your final example:


var Bar = function() {
    this.something = 5;
Bar.prototype = new Foo();

This is wrong because all Bar instance will have the same id property. Instead, we must call the parent constructor for each instance:


var Bar = function() {
    Foo.call(this);  // set unique `id` on `this`
    this.something = 5;
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);

Note that the final line here is the same as Bar.prototype.__proto__ = Foo.prototype; because Object.create creates a new object whose __proto__ is set to the Object.create argument.

请注意,此处的最后一行与Bar.prototype相同.__ proto__ = Foo.prototype;因为Object.create创建一个新对象,其__proto__设置为Object.create参数。



Why does he manually invoke the EventEmitter constructor with his own constructor's this?


This is necessary to make sure whatever code is in the EventEmitter constructor function is executed. Some classes might not do anything interesting in the constructor, but others will have important code there, so you should always do this to make sure that code runs the same way it would run if you had just made a new EventEmitter directly with var emitter = new EventEmitter;

这是确保执行EventEmitter构造函数中的任何代码所必需的。有些类可能在构造函数中没有做任何有趣的事情,但是其他类在那里会有重要的代码,所以你应该总是这样做,以确保代码的运行方式与你刚刚使用var emitter =创建一个新的EventEmitter时的运行方式相同新的EventEmitter;

In some languages (such as Java) this "constructor chaining" type behavior is implicit, but in JavaScript it must be explicitly done.


Exactly how to set up inheritance in JavaScript comes down to an "it's complicated" answer and others can probably do it more justice than I. There are also several viable variations and people differ on which is preferable. However, FYI the source for util.inherits is here and the best in-depth examination of all the flavors of doing this I have seen is in this video: Douglas Crockford: Advanced JavaScript. Basically, watch that in it's entirety periodically until it sinks in.

究竟如何在JavaScript中设置继承归结为“它很复杂”的答案,而其他人可能比I更加公正。还有一些可行的变体,人们不同,哪个更好。但是,仅供参考,util.inherits的来源就在这里,我在这个视频中对所有这些风味进行了最深入的检查:Douglas Crockford:高级JavaScript。基本上,定期观察它,直到它沉入其中。

Places to look for reference. If you fully understand how all these works, you've mastered it (it still turns my brain into a pretzel at some point along the way)




function Door() {

Door.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype;

In this case using events.EventEmitter.call(this) is like using super in languages which have one. It's actually can be omitted in simple cases, but it will break domain support on current node version and maybe something else in future versions.


Setting __proto__ just sets up the prototype chain. At can be also done like this:


Door.prototype = Object.create(events.EventEmitter.prototype);

but in this case you also need to set constructor property manually.


util.inherits(Door, events.EventEmitter);

This is the idiomatic way of inheriting in node. So you are better to use this. But what it does is basically the same as above.


function Door() {
Door.prototype = new events.EventEmitter();

And this is the WRONG way, don't use it! You will end with having events shared between instances in some versions of node.




The Node v6.3.1 documentation states about util.inherits(constructor, superConstructor):

Node v6.3.1文档说明了util.inherits(constructor,superConstructor):

Usage of util.inherits() is discouraged. Please use the ES6 class and extends keywords to get language level inheritance support. Also note that the two styles are semantically incompatible.


The following code shows how to inherit from EventEmitter with Typescript:


import { EventEmitter } from "events"

class Person extends EventEmitter {
    constructor(public name: string) {

let person = new Person("Bob")
person.on("speak", function (said: string) {
    console.log(`${this.name} said: ${said}`)
person.emit("speak", "'hello'") // prints "Bob said: 'hello'"

The previous code will transpile into the following ES6 code:


"use strict";
const events = require("events");
class Person extends events.EventEmitter {
    constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
let person = new Person("Bob");
person.on("speak", function (said) { console.log(`${this.name} said: ${said}`); });
person.emit("speak", "'hello'");



The third example is not generally correct: that creates one single EventEmitter instance for all door instances.


Let's imagine a simple case:


var Foo = function() {
    // each Foo instance has a unique id
    this.id = Math.random();
Foo.prototype.doFoo = function() { console.log("Foo!"); }

Suppose we want to create a Bar constructor that inherits from Foo and adds some new properties. If you follow your final example:


var Bar = function() {
    this.something = 5;
Bar.prototype = new Foo();

This is wrong because all Bar instance will have the same id property. Instead, we must call the parent constructor for each instance:


var Bar = function() {
    Foo.call(this);  // set unique `id` on `this`
    this.something = 5;
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);

Note that the final line here is the same as Bar.prototype.__proto__ = Foo.prototype; because Object.create creates a new object whose __proto__ is set to the Object.create argument.

请注意,此处的最后一行与Bar.prototype相同.__ proto__ = Foo.prototype;因为Object.create创建一个新对象,其__proto__设置为Object.create参数。



Why does he manually invoke the EventEmitter constructor with his own constructor's this?


This is necessary to make sure whatever code is in the EventEmitter constructor function is executed. Some classes might not do anything interesting in the constructor, but others will have important code there, so you should always do this to make sure that code runs the same way it would run if you had just made a new EventEmitter directly with var emitter = new EventEmitter;

这是确保执行EventEmitter构造函数中的任何代码所必需的。有些类可能在构造函数中没有做任何有趣的事情,但是其他类在那里会有重要的代码,所以你应该总是这样做,以确保代码的运行方式与你刚刚使用var emitter =创建一个新的EventEmitter时的运行方式相同新的EventEmitter;

In some languages (such as Java) this "constructor chaining" type behavior is implicit, but in JavaScript it must be explicitly done.


Exactly how to set up inheritance in JavaScript comes down to an "it's complicated" answer and others can probably do it more justice than I. There are also several viable variations and people differ on which is preferable. However, FYI the source for util.inherits is here and the best in-depth examination of all the flavors of doing this I have seen is in this video: Douglas Crockford: Advanced JavaScript. Basically, watch that in it's entirety periodically until it sinks in.

究竟如何在JavaScript中设置继承归结为“它很复杂”的答案,而其他人可能比I更加公正。还有一些可行的变体,人们不同,哪个更好。但是,仅供参考,util.inherits的来源就在这里,我在这个视频中对所有这些风味进行了最深入的检查:Douglas Crockford:高级JavaScript。基本上,定期观察它,直到它沉入其中。

Places to look for reference. If you fully understand how all these works, you've mastered it (it still turns my brain into a pretzel at some point along the way)




function Door() {

Door.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype;

In this case using events.EventEmitter.call(this) is like using super in languages which have one. It's actually can be omitted in simple cases, but it will break domain support on current node version and maybe something else in future versions.


Setting __proto__ just sets up the prototype chain. At can be also done like this:


Door.prototype = Object.create(events.EventEmitter.prototype);

but in this case you also need to set constructor property manually.


util.inherits(Door, events.EventEmitter);

This is the idiomatic way of inheriting in node. So you are better to use this. But what it does is basically the same as above.


function Door() {
Door.prototype = new events.EventEmitter();

And this is the WRONG way, don't use it! You will end with having events shared between instances in some versions of node.




The Node v6.3.1 documentation states about util.inherits(constructor, superConstructor):

Node v6.3.1文档说明了util.inherits(constructor,superConstructor):

Usage of util.inherits() is discouraged. Please use the ES6 class and extends keywords to get language level inheritance support. Also note that the two styles are semantically incompatible.


The following code shows how to inherit from EventEmitter with Typescript:


import { EventEmitter } from "events"

class Person extends EventEmitter {
    constructor(public name: string) {

let person = new Person("Bob")
person.on("speak", function (said: string) {
    console.log(`${this.name} said: ${said}`)
person.emit("speak", "'hello'") // prints "Bob said: 'hello'"

The previous code will transpile into the following ES6 code:


"use strict";
const events = require("events");
class Person extends events.EventEmitter {
    constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
let person = new Person("Bob");
person.on("speak", function (said) { console.log(`${this.name} said: ${said}`); });
person.emit("speak", "'hello'");