如何检测应用程序在哪个屏幕上启动? [重复]

时间:2021-07-22 03:18:44

This question already has an answer here:


I work on a WPF Application. I have two monitors connected to the same machine. I launch the application. How can I detect on which of the two screens the application is launched via code (C#)? Thanks!


1 个解决方案


Have you tried the Screen class? To get the current screen use the static method FromControl and pass your control as an argument. Then you can check the device name or Primary property to detect if you are on the primary monitor.



Have you tried the Screen class? To get the current screen use the static method FromControl and pass your control as an argument. Then you can check the device name or Primary property to detect if you are on the primary monitor.
