
时间:2022-09-22 15:07:30

This question already has an answer here:


I am using this procedure that reads my local reference bibtex file and automatically formats them inside my HTML page. The procedure is fairly straightforward but something somewhere is not working and after a LOT of debugging I cannot figure it out.


After spending quite some time on this, I have zeroed down the problem to this area in my code:


<textarea hidden name="bibtex_input" id="bibtex_input" cols=50 rows=20>
    <?php echo file_get_contents("ref.bib"); ?>

<div id="bibtex_errors"></div>
<div class="bibtex_template">
        <a class="url"><span class="title"></span></a><br>
        <span class="author"></span><br>
        <span class="booktitle"></span>
        <span class="if publisher">
            <span class="publisher"></span>.
        <span class="if pages">
          p. <span class="pages"></span>.
        <span class="if year">
            <span class="year"></span></span>
        <a class="bibtexCodeLink">

<ol id="bibtex_display">

        <hr />

Seems like PHP cannot execute inside the textarea tags for some reason. Outside the textarea tags PHP echoes the contents of the file just fine and I can see it on the page. In any case when php is used inside the textarea tags, I cannot see the formatted output on my HTML page and instead see this.



This is what it should look like.



What I have tried:


  • PHP is working. phpinfo() shows me the PHP version when PHP is invoked anywhere else on the page.

    PHP正在运行。 phpinfo()向我展示了在页面上的其他任何位置调用PHP时的PHP版本。

  • JS script, jquery and stylesheet mentioned on the page above is included in the header.


  • Scripts, html, php files, stylesheets all have proper 644 or 755 chmod on them. So it shouldn't be a permissions issue(?)

    脚本,HTML,PHP文件,样式表都有适当的644或755 chmod。所以它不应该是权限问题(?)

  • The page itself is saved as .php and not 'html'.


  • The 'ref.bib' file's contents are proper and have been tested on the website I linked above. It should work.
  • 'ref.bib'文件的内容是正确的,并已在我上面链接的网站上测试过。它应该工作。
  • Used this website to validate my HTML. My HTML syntax should be free of errors.
  • 使用此网站验证我的HTML。我的HTML语法应该没有错误。
  • Console shows me this:


    jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).size is not a function @http://mywebsite.edu/~me/group/bibtextohtml.js:446:9 l@https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js:2:29373 a/https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js:2:29677 undefined

    jQuery.Deferred异常:$(...)。size不是函数@http://mywebsite.edu/~me/group/bibtextohtml.js:446:9 l @ https://ajax.googleapis.com/ ajax / libs / jquery / 3.3.1 / jquery.min.js:2:29373 a / https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js:2:29677未定义

    TypeError: $(...).size is not a function[Learn More]




How can I get it to work like it shows on the website linked above? Is it a problem with PHP inside textarea tags or something else?

如何让它像上面链接的网站上显示的那样工作? PHP内部的textarea标签或其他东西是一个问题吗?

3 个解决方案



After help from the community here and after some experimentation according to comments made, I was able to look at the developer console in browser and see that the jquery was giving errors. In short, I was using the latest version of jquery (3.x) and the tool (that I took from the website linked in my question) was using a function that is deprecated. I went on the page, looked at their source, and used their specific version of jquery. It works now.


Alternatively, I also tested updating the deprecated size() function to .length and it now works with the latest jquery.


For more info, see this: g.size() is not a function - Jquery Error

有关更多信息,请参阅:g.size()不是函数 - Jquery错误



Procedural PHP is as intelligent as an hammer so I'm pretty sure that if there's any content it is displayed despite of it's adherence with HTML. It not even bother about if there is any html within the page unless you don't tell it to.


It could seem trivial but please check the page source generated with right click->View Page Source and check there and not with just the inspector.

这看起来似乎微不足道,但请检查右键单击 - >查看页面源生成的页面源,并检查那里,而不是只检查器。

Textarea allows only plain text and I think that anything else (e.g. html strings) is just discarded by your browser.




Your code has the correct structure. There are closing tags that confused your textarea tags.


<textarea ...>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents('...'));?>



After help from the community here and after some experimentation according to comments made, I was able to look at the developer console in browser and see that the jquery was giving errors. In short, I was using the latest version of jquery (3.x) and the tool (that I took from the website linked in my question) was using a function that is deprecated. I went on the page, looked at their source, and used their specific version of jquery. It works now.


Alternatively, I also tested updating the deprecated size() function to .length and it now works with the latest jquery.


For more info, see this: g.size() is not a function - Jquery Error

有关更多信息,请参阅:g.size()不是函数 - Jquery错误



Procedural PHP is as intelligent as an hammer so I'm pretty sure that if there's any content it is displayed despite of it's adherence with HTML. It not even bother about if there is any html within the page unless you don't tell it to.


It could seem trivial but please check the page source generated with right click->View Page Source and check there and not with just the inspector.

这看起来似乎微不足道,但请检查右键单击 - >查看页面源生成的页面源,并检查那里,而不是只检查器。

Textarea allows only plain text and I think that anything else (e.g. html strings) is just discarded by your browser.




Your code has the correct structure. There are closing tags that confused your textarea tags.


<textarea ...>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents('...'));?>