
时间:2022-09-22 12:21:58
  1. 查询扩展原理:
    1. 开启查询扩展(query expansion)时候,进行两次查询,第一次,查出用户给定的关键词对应的记录;第二次,用第一次查出的结果里的关键词,再去查一次,把两次的结果返回给用户
  2. 实验
    1. mysql> select id,title,body from articles where match(title,body) against('fulltext' ) order by id asc;
      | id | title | body |
      | 8 | MySQL Full-Text Indexes | MySQL fulltext indexes use a .. |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

      mysql> select id,title,body from articles where match(title,body) against('fulltext' with query expansion ) order by id asc;
      | id | title | body |
      | 1 | MySQL Tutorial | This database tutorial ... |
      | 2 | How To Use MySQL | After you went through a ... |
      | 4 | MySQL vs. YourSQL | When comparing databases ... |
      | 5 | MySQL Security | When configured properly, MySQL ... |
      | 7 | 1001 MySQL Tricks | 1. Never run mysqld as root. 2. ... |
      | 8 | MySQL Full-Text Indexes | MySQL fulltext indexes use a .. |
      6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  3.  注意:

    1. 运用这个功能,可能会搜到很多不相关的信息,因此,只有当keyword比较short的时候,才使用
  4. 参考资料: