
时间:2022-09-22 10:46:13


 Class QCImageErrorCapture
Dim qtpApp
Sub Class_Initialize()
Set qtpApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
If qtpApp.CurrentDocumentType = "Test" Then
qtpApp.Test.Settings.Run.DisableSmartIdentification = False'False
qtpApp.Test.Settings.Run.OnError = "Stop" '"NextStep" "stop"
qtpApp.BusinessComponent.Settings.Run.OnError = "Stop"
End If
End Sub
Sub Class_Terminate()
'Check if the current test has failed. If failed then only capture screenshot
If Reporter.RunStatus = micFail Then 'and qtpApp.CurrentDocumentType = "test" Then
End If
End Sub Private Sub CaptureAndAttachDesktop()
'QC is not connected
If QCUtil.IsConnected = False then Exit Sub 'The test is not running from Test Lab
If QcUtil.CurrentRun is Nothing Then Exit Sub On error resume next
'Hide QTP to make sure we don't get QTP in snapshot
' Set qtpApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
' qtpApp.Test.Settings.Run.DisableSmartIdentification = True
' msgbox "display"
qtpApp.visible = False 'GIve time for QTP to get hidden
Wait 'Capture the screenshot to the report folder
Desktop.CaptureBitmap Reporter.ReportPath & "/Report/ErrorImage.png", True
qtpApp.visible = True
' Browser("title:=视博云业务全流程管理平台").Close ' SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "iexplore.exe"
' isFail = True Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "失败截图", "失败截图", Reporter.ReportPath & "/Report/ErrorImage.png" If qtpApp.CurrentDocumentType = "Test" Then
Browser("title:=视博云业务全流程管理平台").Page("title:=视博云业务全流程管理平台").Frame("html id:=FM_Logo").Image("file name:=icon_exit.png").Click
Browser("title:=视博云业务全流程管理平台").Dialog("text:=来自网页的消息", "nativeclass:=#32770").WinButton("text:=确定").Click
end if 'Add the capture to QC
' Set oAttachments = QCutil.CurrentRun.Attachments
' Set oAttachment = oAttachments.AddItem(null)
' oAttachment.FileName = Reporter.ReportPath & "/Report/ErrorImage.png"
' oAttachment.Type = 1 'File 'Check if the current test is a QTP Test or Business Component
' Select Case LCase(qtpApp.CurrentDocumentType)
' Case "test"
' print "test"
' oAttachment.Description = "Name: " & qtpApp.Test.Name & vbNewLine & "Error: " & qtpApp.Test.LastRunResults.LastError
' Case "business component"
' oAttachment.Description = "Name: " & qtpApp.BusinessComponent.Name & vbNewLine & "Error: " & qtpApp.BusinessComponent.LastRunResults.LastError
' 'We can also add the Business COmponent to a User Defined Field
' 'QCUtil.CurrentTestSetTest.Field("TC_USER_01") = qtpApp.BusinessComponent.Name
' 'QCUtil.CurrentTestSetTest.Post
' End Select
' 'Add the attachment
' oAttachment.Post
' print "post"
End Sub
End Class 'Create the object in one of the attached libraries. When the Test or Business component ends
'the screenshot will be captured
Set oErrorCapture = new QCImageErrorCapture


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