为什么我不需要一个32位的密钥,或者是NodeJS crypto的初始化向量?

时间:2022-09-20 13:58:33

I was working interchangeably with Node's crypto library and Ruby's OpenSSL library.


The challenge I was coming across was that I could encrypt usingaes256 in both libraries.


However, in node using the crypto.createDecipher('aes256', key) I could have a key that was less than 32 bits long, but ruby would throw an error saying the key is not long enough when using:

但是,在节点中使用加密。createDecipher('aes256', key)我可以有一把小于32位长的密钥,但ruby会抛出一个错误,说使用时密钥不够长:

cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new 'aes256'
key = 'geeses'

I also don't have to set an initialization vector for node, but ruby seems to set one under the covers. I'm pretty new to this crypto stuff, what's going on here?


2 个解决方案



When you use crypto.createDecipher(), the value you pass as the second argument is a password from which a key and IV will be derived (using one iteration of MD5 hashing). This is accomplished by using EVP_BytesToKey() to create those two values. OpenSSL knows the correct lengths both values need to be because the cipher is also passed to EVP_BytesToKey().


So most likely the Ruby function is more analogous to node's crypto.createDecipheriv() which accepts both a key and an IV (which need to be the right lengths for the cipher).




While @mscdex answers is perfectly, I want to add how to get a cipher with a specific key when your algorithm does not require Initialization Vector using the crypto.createCipheriv or crypto.createDecipheriv


Taking the case of AES-256-ECB where chaining is not done and hence IV is not used. You can pass empty Buffer as IV.


    var data = "plaintext";
    const key = crypto.randomBytes(32);
    var iv = new Buffer('');
    var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('AES-256-ECB',key,iv);
    var encrypted = cipher.update(data,'utf8','base64');
    encrypted += cipheriv.final('base64');
    console.log('encrypted AES-256-ECB',encrypted);

And decrypt fairly simply using the same pattern:


   var decipheriv = crypto.createDecipheriv('AES-256-ECB',key,iv);
   var decryptediv = decipheriv.update(encrypted,'base64','utf8');
   decryptediv += decipheriv.final('utf8');
   console.log('decrypted base64 aes-256 ',decryptediv);



When you use crypto.createDecipher(), the value you pass as the second argument is a password from which a key and IV will be derived (using one iteration of MD5 hashing). This is accomplished by using EVP_BytesToKey() to create those two values. OpenSSL knows the correct lengths both values need to be because the cipher is also passed to EVP_BytesToKey().


So most likely the Ruby function is more analogous to node's crypto.createDecipheriv() which accepts both a key and an IV (which need to be the right lengths for the cipher).




While @mscdex answers is perfectly, I want to add how to get a cipher with a specific key when your algorithm does not require Initialization Vector using the crypto.createCipheriv or crypto.createDecipheriv


Taking the case of AES-256-ECB where chaining is not done and hence IV is not used. You can pass empty Buffer as IV.


    var data = "plaintext";
    const key = crypto.randomBytes(32);
    var iv = new Buffer('');
    var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('AES-256-ECB',key,iv);
    var encrypted = cipher.update(data,'utf8','base64');
    encrypted += cipheriv.final('base64');
    console.log('encrypted AES-256-ECB',encrypted);

And decrypt fairly simply using the same pattern:


   var decipheriv = crypto.createDecipheriv('AES-256-ECB',key,iv);
   var decryptediv = decipheriv.update(encrypted,'base64','utf8');
   decryptediv += decipheriv.final('utf8');
   console.log('decrypted base64 aes-256 ',decryptediv);