Apcahe Shiro学习笔记(一):简介及运行官方Demo

时间:2021-09-17 02:50:28

一、Apache Shrio:

  apache shiro 是一个功能强大和易于使用的Java安全框架,为开发人员提供一个直观而全面的的解决方案的认证,授权,加密,会话管理。







  运行Demo需要使用Apache Maven,下载链接:http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi

  Shrio 官方10分钟教程链接:http://shiro.apache.org/10-minute-tutorial.html



Apcahe Shiro学习笔记(一):简介及运行官方Demo


Apcahe Shiro学习笔记(一):简介及运行官方Demo


Apcahe Shiro学习笔记(一):简介及运行官方Demo

三、运行Shiro Demo:

  进入解压路径下的~\samples\quickstart,运行 mvn compile exec:java 命令

Apcahe Shiro学习笔记(一):简介及运行官方Demo

Apcahe Shiro学习笔记(一):简介及运行官方Demo


Apcahe Shiro学习笔记(一):简介及运行官方Demo

四、分析Shiro Demo:


# ........Apache License 说明
# =============================================================================
# Quickstart INI Realm configuration
# For those that might not understand the references in this file, the
# definitions are all based on the classic Mel *s' film "Spaceballs". ;)
# ============================================================================= # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Users and their assigned roles
# Each line conforms to the format defined in the
# org.apache.shiro.realm.text.TextConfigurationRealm#setUserDefinitions JavaDoc
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [users]
# 创建一个角色'root',设置密码为'secret',添加角色'admin'
root = secret, admin
# 创建一个角色'guest',设置密码为'guest',添加角色'guest'
guest = guest, guest
# 创建一个角色'presidentskroob ',设置密码为'12345',添加角色'president'
presidentskroob = 12345, president
# 创建一个角色'darkhelmet ',设置密码为'ludicrousspeed',添加角色'darklord'和'schwartz'
darkhelmet = ludicrousspeed, darklord, schwartz
# 创建一个角色'lonestarr',设置密码为'vespa',添加角色'goodguy'和'schwartz'
lonestarr = vespa, goodguy, schwartz # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Roles with assigned permissions
# Each line conforms to the format defined in the
# org.apache.shiro.realm.text.TextConfigurationRealm#setRoleDefinitions JavaDoc
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [roles]
# 创建一个角色'admin',通过通配符'*'表示拥有所有的权限
admin = *
# 创建一个角色'schwartz ',拥有'lightsaber'下的所有的权限
schwartz = lightsaber:*
# The 'goodguy' role is allowed to 'drive' (action) the winnebago (type) with
# license plate 'eagle5' (instance specific id)
goodguy = winnebago:drive:eagle5


* Apache License 说明
*/ import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
import org.apache.shiro.authc.*;
import org.apache.shiro.config.IniSecurityManagerFactory;
import org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager;
import org.apache.shiro.session.Session;
import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject;
import org.apache.shiro.util.Factory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /**
* Simple Quickstart application showing how to use Shiro's API.
* @since 0.9 RC2
public class Quickstart { private static final transient Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Quickstart.class); public static void main(String[] args) { // 通过IniSecurityManagerFactory载入ini文件,创建Factory
Factory<SecurityManager> factory = new IniSecurityManagerFactory("classpath:shiro.ini");
// 获取SecurityManager类
SecurityManager securityManager = factory.getInstance(); // SecurityUtils配置SecurityManager
SecurityUtils.setSecurityManager(securityManager); // Now that a simple Shiro environment is set up, let's see what you can do: // 获取当前正在执行的用户
Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); // 获取Shrio封装好的Session类(不是web或EJB项目也可以使用)
Session session = currentUser.getSession();
session.setAttribute("someKey", "aValue");
String value = (String) session.getAttribute("someKey");
if (value.equals("aValue")) {
log.info("Retrieved the correct value! [" + value + "]");
} // 判断当前用户是否已经进行了认证
if (!currentUser.isAuthenticated()) {
// 创建一个用户密码形式的token
UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken("lonestarr", "vespa");
try {
// 用户登录
} catch (UnknownAccountException uae) {
log.info("There is no user with username of " + token.getPrincipal());
} catch (IncorrectCredentialsException ice) {
log.info("Password for account " + token.getPrincipal() + " was incorrect!");
} catch (LockedAccountException lae) {
log.info("The account for username " + token.getPrincipal() + " is locked. " +
"Please contact your administrator to unlock it.");
// ... catch more exceptions here (maybe custom ones specific to your application?
catch (AuthenticationException ae) {
//unexpected condition? error?
} // 获取认证主体,由于之前使用的是UsernamePasswordToken,所有这里是获取的用户名
log.info("User [" + currentUser.getPrincipal() + "] logged in successfully."); // 测试角色
if (currentUser.hasRole("schwartz")) {
log.info("May the Schwartz be with you!");
} else {
log.info("Hello, mere mortal.");
} // 测试权限
if (currentUser.isPermitted("lightsaber:weild")) {
log.info("You may use a lightsaber ring. Use it wisely.");
} else {
log.info("Sorry, lightsaber rings are for schwartz masters only.");
} // 测试权限
if (currentUser.isPermitted("winnebago:drive:eagle5")) {
log.info("You are permitted to 'drive' the winnebago with license plate (id) 'eagle5'. " +
"Here are the keys - have fun!");
} else {
log.info("Sorry, you aren't allowed to drive the 'eagle5' winnebago!");
} // 登出
currentUser.logout(); System.exit(0);


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