
时间:2022-01-09 02:51:40

It's possible run pg_dump in the RDS or in a S3 (without using a intermediary like ec2 to execute the command)


2 个解决方案



You should be able to access it as long as your db security group allows external access to port 5432 (default for postgres). Then you can just run:


pg_dump -h <database_host> -U <username> <database>

Keep in mind that your connection will not be encrypted.


AFAIK, there is no interface in AWS between RDS and S3, so you would have to use an intermediary to transfer the data to S3.




The AWS CLI added support for uploads from stdin, so you now have the option of doing something like this:

AWS CLI添加了对stdin上传的支持,因此您现在可以选择执行以下操作:

pg_dump ...dbargs... | aws s3 cp - s3://my-bucket/backup-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")

It's not ideal, as you are streaming to your local machine and then into s3 - but it's at least a single command.

这不是理想的,因为你正在流式传输到本地机器然后进入s3 - 但它至少是一个命令。



You should be able to access it as long as your db security group allows external access to port 5432 (default for postgres). Then you can just run:


pg_dump -h <database_host> -U <username> <database>

Keep in mind that your connection will not be encrypted.


AFAIK, there is no interface in AWS between RDS and S3, so you would have to use an intermediary to transfer the data to S3.




The AWS CLI added support for uploads from stdin, so you now have the option of doing something like this:

AWS CLI添加了对stdin上传的支持,因此您现在可以选择执行以下操作:

pg_dump ...dbargs... | aws s3 cp - s3://my-bucket/backup-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")

It's not ideal, as you are streaming to your local machine and then into s3 - but it's at least a single command.

这不是理想的,因为你正在流式传输到本地机器然后进入s3 - 但它至少是一个命令。