Linux x64 下 Matlab R2013a 300 kb 脚本文件调试的 CPU 占用过高问题的解决办法

时间:2022-09-18 14:05:36

(1) 系统+软件版本

CentOS 6.5 (Final), 64 位,内核initramfs-2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64,

MATLAB Version: (R2013a)
     Java 1.6.0_17-b04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode

(2) 问题描述


最近,把所有函数集合到一个M文件(332.4 kb),只是简单地设置了几个断点, 运行到断点位置再停止运行, cpu和内存占用都还算正常.

但接下来对m文件的编辑就开始变得非常慢, 甚至是只添加几个单词就会卡住, 一直没有响应, 内存占用不变, 而1/4核CPU的占用高达100%, 只能从系统监视器里杀死进程.

我猜想, Matlab对M文件大小的支持,是不是非常有限? 子函数版本太多也是罪过,想着集成起来可以方便调用和标注,没想到弄巧成拙了...

Linux x64 下 Matlab R2013a 300 kb 脚本文件调试的 CPU 占用过高问题的解决办法

Linux x64 下 Matlab R2013a 300 kb 脚本文件调试的 CPU 占用过高问题的解决办法

(3) 解决办法


一是使用 '-singleCompThread' 参数启动matlab. 亲测可用. 调试编辑都和原来基本一样, 不再卡顿了. 这要感谢水木网友 @RSVP 的耐心解答.

[usr@usr ~]$ matlab -help

    Usage:  matlab [-h|-help] | [-n | -e]
[-arch | v=variant | v=arch/variant]
[-c licensefile] [-display Xdisplay | -nodisplay]
[-nosplash] [-mwvisual visualid] [-debug] [-softwareopengl]
[-desktop | -nodesktop | -nojvm]
[-r MATLAB_command] [-logfile log]
[-Ddebugger [options]] -h|-help - Display arguments.
-n - Display final environment variables,
arguments, and other diagnostic
information. MATLAB is not run.
-e - Display ALL the environment variables and
their values to standard output. MATLAB
is not run. If the exit status is not
on return then the variables and values
may not be correct.
-arch - Start MATLAB assuming architecture arch.
v=variant - Start the version of MATLAB found
in bin/glnxa64/variant instead of bin/glnxa64.
v=arch/variant - Start the version of MATLAB found
in bin/arch/variant instead of bin/glnxa64.
-c licensefile - Set location of the license file that MATLAB
should use. It can have the form port@host or
be a colon separated list of license files.
environment variables will be ignored.
-display Xdisplay - Send X commands to X server display, Xdisplay.
-nodisplay - Do not display any X commands. The MATLAB
desktop will not be started. However, unless
-nojvm is also provided the Java virtual machine
will be started.
-nosplash - Do not display the splash screen during startup.
-mwvisual visualid - The default X visual to use for figure windows.
-debug - Provide debugging information especially for X
based problems.
-desktop - Allow the MATLAB desktop to be started by a
process without a controlling terminal. This is
usually a required command line argument when
attempting to start MATLAB from a window manager
menu or desktop icon.
-nodesktop - Do not start the MATLAB desktop. Use the current
terminal for commands. The Java virtual machine
will be started.
-singleCompThread - Limit MATLAB to a single computational thread.
By default, MATLAB makes use of the multithreading
capabilities of the computer on which it is running.
-nojvm - Shut off all Java support by not starting the
Java virtual machine. In particular the MATLAB
desktop will not be started.
-jdb [port] - Enable remote Java debugging on port (default )
-r MATLAB_command - Start MATLAB and execute the MATLAB_command.
-logfile log - Make a copy of any output to the command window
in file log. This includes all crash reports.
-Ddebugger [options] - Start debugger to debug MATLAB.
-nouserjavapath - Ignore custom javaclasspath.txt and javalibrarypath.txt files.

二是使用外部编辑器 Emacs 来编辑和调试. 调试采用 matlab-shell mode, 稍微复杂一些, 传统的快捷键都不怎么能用, 只能用命令设置断点和运行, 涉及到的命令有: dbstop & dbstatus & dbcont & dbquit 等, 可参阅这篇博客<MATLAB的简单debug功能>. 在调试过程中编辑脚本也没问题, matlab 占用也小. 有关 Emacs 多窗口之间切换的快捷键可以参考 学习Emacs系列教程(十):多窗口.

Linux x64 下 Matlab R2013a 300 kb 脚本文件调试的 CPU 占用过高问题的解决办法


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