静态链接到动态库。 glibc的

时间:2022-05-16 20:09:12

So. I have a problem where I have two versions of GCC on a machine.
3.4.6 and 4.1

所以。我有一个问题,我在一台机器上有两个版本的GCC。 3.4.6和4.1

This is due to some dependency issues with a new piece of software. (requires glibc 4.1)

这是由于新软件的一些依赖性问题。 (需要glibc 4.1)

When I go to link this new software with the 4.1 libraries it links fine. However, when it comes to executing the software it can't find the library, because it is looking at 3.4.6 in my LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the 4.1 lib it blows up the shell,among killing other things, because the 3.4.6 libraries are used for that.

当我将这个新软件与4.1库链接时,它链接得很好。但是,当涉及到执行软件时,它无法找到库,因为它在我的LD_LIBRARY_PATH中查看3.4.6。如果我将LD_LIBRARY_PATH设置为4.1 lib,它会破坏shell,同时杀死其他东西,因为3.4.6库用于此目的。

Its a bit of a catch 22.


Is there any way that at link time I can give an absolute path to that shared library without using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH?


This way I can hopefully have both versions, but only use 4.1 for this specific application?


3 个解决方案


You mean an absolute path that's used when the program is started and that's favored when looking for libraries? rpath is exactly that. It will overwrite the default search path and stuff set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Just tell gcc to pass it through to the linker:

你的意思是一个绝对路径,它在程序启动时使用,在寻找库时更受青睐? rpath就是这样。它将覆盖LD_LIBRARY_PATH中设置的默认搜索路径和内容。告诉gcc将其传递给链接器:

g++ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/my_4.1 -omy_binary *.cpp

You can make it show you the search processing (use help to make it give you more options):


[js@HOST2 cpp]$ LD_DEBUG=libs ./a.out
  5859:     find library=libc.so.6 [0]; searching
  5859:      search path=/usr/lib/my_4.1/tls/i686/sse2:/usr/lib/my_4.1/tls/i686:
               /usr/lib/my_4.1/sse2:/usr/lib/my_4.1  (RPATH from file ./a.out)
  5859:       trying file=/usr/lib/my_4.1/tls/i686/sse2/libc.so.6
  5859:       ....
  5859:      search cache=/etc/ld.so.cache
  5859:       trying file=/lib/libc.so.6  (note: found here!)


not really an answer to your question, but an alternate solution:


you should be able to fix up your issues by adding your new lib path to /etc/ld.so.conf and running ldconfig as root.



Can't you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH just for the application that needs it? I.e. instead of setting it globally as an exported variable, run your program as


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/4.1/libs my_executabel




You mean an absolute path that's used when the program is started and that's favored when looking for libraries? rpath is exactly that. It will overwrite the default search path and stuff set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Just tell gcc to pass it through to the linker:

你的意思是一个绝对路径,它在程序启动时使用,在寻找库时更受青睐? rpath就是这样。它将覆盖LD_LIBRARY_PATH中设置的默认搜索路径和内容。告诉gcc将其传递给链接器:

g++ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/my_4.1 -omy_binary *.cpp

You can make it show you the search processing (use help to make it give you more options):


[js@HOST2 cpp]$ LD_DEBUG=libs ./a.out
  5859:     find library=libc.so.6 [0]; searching
  5859:      search path=/usr/lib/my_4.1/tls/i686/sse2:/usr/lib/my_4.1/tls/i686:
               /usr/lib/my_4.1/sse2:/usr/lib/my_4.1  (RPATH from file ./a.out)
  5859:       trying file=/usr/lib/my_4.1/tls/i686/sse2/libc.so.6
  5859:       ....
  5859:      search cache=/etc/ld.so.cache
  5859:       trying file=/lib/libc.so.6  (note: found here!)


not really an answer to your question, but an alternate solution:


you should be able to fix up your issues by adding your new lib path to /etc/ld.so.conf and running ldconfig as root.



Can't you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH just for the application that needs it? I.e. instead of setting it globally as an exported variable, run your program as


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/4.1/libs my_executabel

