使用jQuery和Ajax解析XML RSS提要

时间:2021-12-14 03:40:44

I am trying to parse an xml RSS feed (http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/feed/), currently I can get the content contained within <link> and <description> however I can't get <title> because whenever I try to get it instead of giving me the blog title, I'm given the title for my own webpage.

我正在尝试解析一个xml RSS提要(http://blog.counterstrike.net/index.php/feed/),目前我可以获得 中的内容,但是我不能获得 ,因为每当我试图获取它而不是给我博客标题时,我都会得到我自己网页的标题。</p>

The thing I find odd is that eventually if I keep refreshing the page the actual title of the blog appears. Not sure what causes this but ideally I'd prefer just to have the title of the blog and not of my own webpage.


I've looked at this question which helped me get started: parsing xml using jquery and ajax


Below is the code I have so far


$(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ url: 'http://cors.io/?u=http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/feed/', type: 'GET', dataType: "xml" }).done(function(xml) { $.each($("item", xml), function(i, e) { $("#feed").append($(e).find("item title")); $("#feed").append("<br />") $("#feed").append($(e).find("description")); $("#feed").append("<br />") $("#feed").append($(e).find("link")); $("#feed").append("<br />") }); }); });

美元(文档)。准备好(函数(){ $。ajax({url: 'http://cors.io/?u=http:// blog.counterstrike.net/index.php/feed/',类型:'GET',数据类型:"xml"})。每个($(“项目”,xml)、功能(i,e){ $(" #食”).append($(e)。找到(“项目标题”));$(" #饲料”)。追加(“< br / >”)(“#食”).append($(e)(“描述”));$(" #饲料”)。追加(“< br / >”)(“#食”).append($(e)(“链接”));$(" #饲料”)。追加(“< br / >”)});});});

In addition to retrieving the title of the blog, I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me how to replace the likes of &#8217; which is shown within the description with what they're supposed to be.


Finally is it possible to retrieve and display images and videos from the RSS feed? It seems like they're contained within <content:encoded>.

最后,是否可以从RSS提要中检索和显示图像和视频?它们似乎包含在 中。

1 个解决方案



I'm not overly sure why I was getting the website title and not the RSS item title but I eventually got this working. Here's the code below which I used to retrieve both the title and url of the RSS item.


$(document).ready(function () {
        url: 'http://cors.io/?u=http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/feed/',
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: "xml"
    }).done(function(xml) {

        $.each($("item", xml), function(i, e) {

            var blogNumber = i + 1 + ". ";

            var itemURL = ($(e).find("link"));
            var blogURL = "<a href='" + itemURL.text() + "'>" + itemURL.text() +"</a>";

            var itemTitle = ($(e).find("title"));
            var blogTitle = "<h4>" + blogNumber + itemTitle.text() + "</h4>";



I found it easier to debug what I was retrieving from the RSS item by assigning the values I was receiving to a variable which I could then check the value of using the Google Chrome DevTools.

我发现通过分配给一个变量的值来调试从RSS项中获取的内容更容易,然后我可以检查使用谷歌Chrome DevTools的值。

I decided against getting the description and media files like images / videos from the RSS feed and instead just showed the title and url in a list in my web page. If anyone else wants to provide an answer of how to get the description and the media files working correctly, I'll be happy to approve it as the solution.


Hopefully this will help anyone who has faced similar issues.




I'm not overly sure why I was getting the website title and not the RSS item title but I eventually got this working. Here's the code below which I used to retrieve both the title and url of the RSS item.


$(document).ready(function () {
        url: 'http://cors.io/?u=http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/feed/',
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: "xml"
    }).done(function(xml) {

        $.each($("item", xml), function(i, e) {

            var blogNumber = i + 1 + ". ";

            var itemURL = ($(e).find("link"));
            var blogURL = "<a href='" + itemURL.text() + "'>" + itemURL.text() +"</a>";

            var itemTitle = ($(e).find("title"));
            var blogTitle = "<h4>" + blogNumber + itemTitle.text() + "</h4>";



I found it easier to debug what I was retrieving from the RSS item by assigning the values I was receiving to a variable which I could then check the value of using the Google Chrome DevTools.

我发现通过分配给一个变量的值来调试从RSS项中获取的内容更容易,然后我可以检查使用谷歌Chrome DevTools的值。

I decided against getting the description and media files like images / videos from the RSS feed and instead just showed the title and url in a list in my web page. If anyone else wants to provide an answer of how to get the description and the media files working correctly, I'll be happy to approve it as the solution.


Hopefully this will help anyone who has faced similar issues.
