如何使用c#在未加入Microsoft Active Directory中的域时对ldap进行身份验证

时间:2022-09-17 21:38:12

For some reason, ldap and directory services does not work when the computer is not joined to the domain. The error messages from .net is domain not available. Anyone know what needs to be done?


the basic...

 domainAndUsername = domain + @"\" + username;
 entry = new DirectoryEntry(_path, domainAndUsername, pwd);
 entry.AuthenticationType = FindAuthTypeMicrosoft(authType);

... doesn't seem to work when logged in locally to the machine when trying to supply testdomain.com to the code above.


Even though I can ping testdomain.com without an issue. What is different or the problem?

即使我可以毫无问题地ping testdomain.com。有什么不同或问题?

3 个解决方案


This code has worked for me in the past (though I admit I am not in a position to test it right now):


DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://server-name/DC=domainContext,DC=com");
entry.Username = @"DOMAIN\account";
entry.Password = "...";
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sn=Jones))";
SearchResultCollection results = searcher.FindAll();

The hardest part (for me anyway) is figuring out the "connection string" details. I generally rely on ADSI Edit and AD Explorer to help me figure out what the correct values are. Softerra LDAP Browser - the free version is a bit older, v2.6 and tucked away in their download section.

最困难的部分(无论如何)正在弄清楚“连接字符串”的细节。我通常依靠ADSI Edit和AD Explorer来帮助我弄清楚正确的值是什么。 Softerra LDAP浏览器 - 免费版本有点旧,v2.6,隐藏在下载部分。


Directory services rely on an ActiveDirectory. So you need to add the machine to an Domain or explicitly supply the domain controller. Note that domain does not mean a domain name from the domain name system. It means a ActiveDirectory Domain.



i was leaving _path blank. sorry my own issue.



This code has worked for me in the past (though I admit I am not in a position to test it right now):


DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://server-name/DC=domainContext,DC=com");
entry.Username = @"DOMAIN\account";
entry.Password = "...";
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sn=Jones))";
SearchResultCollection results = searcher.FindAll();

The hardest part (for me anyway) is figuring out the "connection string" details. I generally rely on ADSI Edit and AD Explorer to help me figure out what the correct values are. Softerra LDAP Browser - the free version is a bit older, v2.6 and tucked away in their download section.

最困难的部分(无论如何)正在弄清楚“连接字符串”的细节。我通常依靠ADSI Edit和AD Explorer来帮助我弄清楚正确的值是什么。 Softerra LDAP浏览器 - 免费版本有点旧,v2.6,隐藏在下载部分。


Directory services rely on an ActiveDirectory. So you need to add the machine to an Domain or explicitly supply the domain controller. Note that domain does not mean a domain name from the domain name system. It means a ActiveDirectory Domain.



i was leaving _path blank. sorry my own issue.
