
时间:2022-09-16 14:22:27

I am trying to move my database and web app from PostgreSQL to MySQL, the application is using play 2.3.0.

我正在尝试将我的数据库和Web应用程序从PostgreSQL移动到MySQL,该应用程序正在使用play 2.3.0。

I made the app work with MySQL but I haven't yet made the error management, i'll need your help there:


the original code uses PSQLException like this:


import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException

try {
      SQL("DELETE FROM Lab WHERE id = {id}")
        .on("id" -> lab.id)
    } catch {
      case e: PSQLException
        if e.getMessage.contains("update or delete on table \"lab\" violates foreign key constraint \"conference_organizedby_fkey\" on table \"conference\"") |
           e.getMessage.contains("update or delete on table \"lab\" violates foreign key constraint \"appuser_lab_fkey\" on table \"appuser\"")
        => Logger.warn(e.getServerErrorMessage.getMessage); false

I don't find the MySQL error handler that is the best for this type of error.


What do you think I should use?


1 个解决方案


Just catch SQLException, of which PSQLException is an implementation, and stick to its methods - namely getMessage()

只需捕获SQLException,其中PSQLException是一个实现,并坚持其方法 - 即getMessage()

Unless you really need the extra info PSQLException provides, it is better not to know the actual class of the exception, because then you are invisibly binding your handler to the JDBC connection path.



Just catch SQLException, of which PSQLException is an implementation, and stick to its methods - namely getMessage()

只需捕获SQLException,其中PSQLException是一个实现,并坚持其方法 - 即getMessage()

Unless you really need the extra info PSQLException provides, it is better not to know the actual class of the exception, because then you are invisibly binding your handler to the JDBC connection path.
