
时间:2022-09-16 13:34:39

In my Django model I've created custom MyIPAddressField which is stored as integer in mysql backend. To do that I've implemented to_python, get_db_prep_value, get_iternal_type (returns PositiveIntegerField) and formfield methods (uses stock IPAddressField as form_class).

在我的Django模型中,我创建了自定义MyIPAddressField,它在mysql后端存储为整数。为此,我实现了to_python,get_db_prep_value,get_iternal_type(返回PositiveIntegerField)和formfield方法(使用stock IPAddressField作为form_class)。

The only problem is field lookup in cases like builtin search in ModelAdmin. So, the question is how to implement get_db_prep_lookup to perform string-based lookup types like 'contains', 'regex', 'startswith', 'endswith'?


Mysql has special function inet_ntoa() but I don't know how to instruct ORM to use it in admin search queries. For example: SELECT inet_ntoa(ip_address) as ip FROM table WHERE ip LIKE '%search_term%'. Why custom fields perform type casting on python side but not on database side?

Mysql有特殊功能inet_ntoa()但我不知道如何指示ORM在管理搜索查询中使用它。例如:SELECT inet_ntoa(ip_address)as ip FROM table WHERE ip LIKE'%search_term%'。为什么自定义字段在python端执行类型转换而不在数据库端执行?

EDIT1: probably there is another way to solve search problem - don't transform integer column to string, but instead split search argument into subnet/mask and perform some binary math to compare them against integer IP value.

EDIT1:可能有另一种解决搜索问题的方法 - 不要将整数列转换为字符串,而是将搜索参数拆分为子网/掩码并执行一些二进制数学运算以将它们与整数IP值进行比较。

EDIT2: this is my code so far:



class MyIPField(models.Field):
    empty_strings_allowed = False

    __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase

    def get_db_prep_value(self, value):
        if value is None: return None
        return unpack('!L', inet_aton(value))[0]

    def get_internal_type(self):
        return "PositiveIntegerField"

    def to_python(self, value):
         if type(value).__name__ in ('NoneType', 'unicode'): return value
         return inet_ntoa(pack('!L', value))

    def formfield(self, **kwargs):
        defaults = {'form_class': IPAddressField}
        return super(MyIPField, self).formfield(**defaults)

class MyManager(models.Manager):
    def get_query_set(self):
        return super(MyManager, self).get_query_set().extra(select={'fakeip': "inet_ntoa(ip)"})

class Address(models.Model):
    # ... other fields are skipped (Note: there was several foreign keys)
    ip = MyIPField(u"IP address", unique=True)

    objects = AddressManager()

    def __unicode__(self):
            return self.ip


class AddressAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('address',)  # ... some fields are skipped from this example
    list_display_links = ('address',)
    search_fields = ('fakeip', )

admin.site.register(Address, AddressAdmin)

But when I use admin changelist search box, I get error "Can not resolve keyword 'fakeip' into field. Choices are: ip, id". Is it possible to fool Django and make it think that fakeip is a real field?


Using standard IPAddressField (string based) is not appropriate for my needs, as well as switching to Postgres where it stored in proper format.


Also I've looked to Django admin internals (options.py and views/main.py), and I see no easy way to customize ChangeList class or search mechanics without massive copy/pasting. I thought that Django admin is more powerful than it is.

另外我看过Django admin internals(options.py和views / main.py),我认为没有简单的方法可以自定义ChangeList类或搜索机制而无需大量复制/粘贴。我认为Django管理员比它更强大。

1 个解决方案


You could instruct the ORM to add an extra field to your SQL queries, like so:


IPAddressModel.objects.extra(select={'ip': "inet_ntoa(ip_address)"})

This adds SELECT inet_ntoa(ip_address) as ip to the query and a field ip to your objects. You can use the new synthesized field in your WHERE clause.

这会将SELECT inet_ntoa(ip_address)作为ip添加到查询中,并将字段ip添加到对象中。您可以在WHERE子句中使用新的合成字段。

Are you sure you don't really want something like WHERE (ip_address & 0xffff0000) = inet_aton('')? Or do you really want to find all ip addresses in your log that contain the number 119 somewhere?

你确定你真的不想要像WHERE(ip_address&0xffff0000)= inet_aton('')这样的东西吗?或者你真的想在日志中找到包含号码119的所有IP地址吗?

If suffix is the /24 from CIDR notation:

如果后缀是来自CIDR表示法的/ 24:

mask = 0xffffffff ^ 0xffffffff >> suffix

Add to the WHERE clause:


(ip_address & mask) = (inet_aton(prefix) & mask)


You could instruct the ORM to add an extra field to your SQL queries, like so:


IPAddressModel.objects.extra(select={'ip': "inet_ntoa(ip_address)"})

This adds SELECT inet_ntoa(ip_address) as ip to the query and a field ip to your objects. You can use the new synthesized field in your WHERE clause.

这会将SELECT inet_ntoa(ip_address)作为ip添加到查询中,并将字段ip添加到对象中。您可以在WHERE子句中使用新的合成字段。

Are you sure you don't really want something like WHERE (ip_address & 0xffff0000) = inet_aton('')? Or do you really want to find all ip addresses in your log that contain the number 119 somewhere?

你确定你真的不想要像WHERE(ip_address&0xffff0000)= inet_aton('')这样的东西吗?或者你真的想在日志中找到包含号码119的所有IP地址吗?

If suffix is the /24 from CIDR notation:

如果后缀是来自CIDR表示法的/ 24:

mask = 0xffffffff ^ 0xffffffff >> suffix

Add to the WHERE clause:


(ip_address & mask) = (inet_aton(prefix) & mask)