
时间:2022-09-15 20:50:40

I am really stuck using a custom model for my pivot, and don't understand why can we make a custom model for it if we can't use it as a model. I've seen many answers and articles, and all chose to extend Pivot or Model, but real life usage is never taken into account and never go any further than giving it a "named" class.


Here is an example of what I'm trying to achieve: My main models: Player model, with players table. Game model, with games table.


Player and Game have a many-to-many relationship, that we can call "Party" with a "game_player" table.


Less important for now, I have also a Score model that holds the score/turns, a Party can have many scores, so scores table has a party_id entry.


So, here are basically my classes (Laravel 5.2):

所以,这里基本上是我的课程(Laravel 5.2):


class Player extends Model
    // The Games this Player is participating to.
    public function games() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(Game::class)->withPivot('id')->withTimestamps();

    // The Scores belonging to this Player.
    public function parties() {
        return $this->hasManyThrough(Score::class, Party::class);

    // The Custom Pivot (Party) creation for this Player.
    public function newPivot(Model $parent, array $attributes, $table, $exists) {
        if ($parent instanceof Game) {
            return new Party($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists);
        return parent::newPivot($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists);


class Game extends Model
    // The Players participating into this Game.
    public function players() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(Player::class)->withPivot('id')->withTimestamps();

    // The Scores belonging to this Party.
    public function parties() {
        return $this->hasManyThrough(Score::class, Party::class);

    // The Custom Pivot (Party) creation for this Game.
    public function newPivot(Model $parent, array $attributes, $table, $exists) {
        if ($parent instanceof Player) {
            return new Party($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists);
        return parent::newPivot($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists);


class Party extends Pivot
    protected $table = 'game_player';

    // The Player this Party belongs to.
    public function player() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Player::class);

    // The Game this Party belongs to.
    public function event() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Game::class);

    // The Scores belonging to this Party.
    public function scores()
        return $this->hasMany(Score::class);


class Score extends Model
    // The Party this Score belongs to (has "party_id" column).
    public function party() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Party::class);

Now, I have two different sets of problems that appear depending on if I extend Model or Pivot on Party:


1) When Party extends Pivot:


  • Can't do something like Party::count(), anything that works with models.
  • 不能做像Party :: count(),任何与模型一起使用的东西。

  • Can't do something like Party::where("player_id", $player->id) and so on ... Basically I want the party to have a scores/turns table attached to it and to do so I need to select the pivot model.
  • 不能做像Party :: where(“player_id”,$ player-> id)等等...基本上我希望派对上有一个得分/转牌表,这样做我需要选择枢轴模型。

  • Can't do something like $events->player->first()->scores() nor event $events->player->first()->pivot->scores(), it breaks with the following:
  • 无法执行类似$ events-> player-> first() - > scores()或事件$ events-> player-> first() - > pivot-> scores(),它会突破以下内容:

PHP error: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model

PHP错误:传递给Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Relations \ Pivot :: __ construct()的参数1必须是Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Model的一个实例

2) When Party extends Model:


  • Can do trivial things such as Party::count(), Party::where("Game_id", $game->id)
  • 可以做一些琐碎的事情,比如Party :: count(),Party :: where(“Game_id”,$ game-> id)

  • Lose all pivot functions, so can't do $game->players, not even $game->players() work: $game->players()->count() is correct, but $game->players()->first() or $game->players->first() will break with the following:
  • 失去所有的枢轴功能,所以不能做$ game->玩家,甚至不是$ game-> players()工作:$ game-> players() - > count()是正确的,但$ game-> players() - > first()或$ game-> players-> first()将破坏以下内容:

PHP error: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::__construct() must be of the type array, object given

PHP错误:参数1传递给Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Model :: __ construct()必须是类型数组,给定对象


How to correctly use the custom pivot model when instantiating them is different?


I hope to achieve the following:


  • Do the normal $events->players->attach($player)
  • 做正常的$ events-> players-> attach($ player)

  • Be able to attach a score like $score->party_id = $events->players->find($x)->pivot->id (or any other way via a scope for example)
  • 能够附加分数,如$ score-> party_id = $ events-> players-> find($ x) - > pivot-> id(或通过范围的任何其他方式)

  • Be able to count all parties being played, or the ones on one specific game or by a specific player (something like Party::count(), $player->parties->count() etc)
  • 能够计算正在玩的所有方,或特定游戏或特定玩家的方(如Party :: count(),$ player-> parties-> count()等)

Thank you.

1 个解决方案



For my -little- experience with laravel i've found that pivot tables are used when you have a many-to-many relatinship that only keeps one link between a specific object from the table A to the table B. For example User with Role.


As you can image, a user A just need one link/relation with the role B. But what happens if we want to use a pivot table (for example Sales) that needs to keep different records between userA and productB? I haven't found a direct way to do this.


My solution is treat the intermadiate table as an actual model, then make one-to-many relationships with both tables (users-sales and products-sales) and then if, I need to, relate this middle model with another ones.

我的解决方案是将intermadiate表视为实际模型,然后与两个表(用户 - 销售和产品 - 销售)建立一对多关系,然后如果我需要将此中间模型与另一个模型相关联。

So in your case, i'd have 4 clear models:


  • Player | one-to-many with Party
  • 播放器|与党一对多

  • Game | one-to-many with Party
  • 游戏|与党一对多

  • Party | one-to-one with Score | many-to-one with Party | many-to-one with Player
  • 派对|与分数一对一|与党多对一|与玩家多对一

  • Score | one-to-one with Party
  • 得分|与党一对一

With this approach you also has more control of the properties of each model.




For my -little- experience with laravel i've found that pivot tables are used when you have a many-to-many relatinship that only keeps one link between a specific object from the table A to the table B. For example User with Role.


As you can image, a user A just need one link/relation with the role B. But what happens if we want to use a pivot table (for example Sales) that needs to keep different records between userA and productB? I haven't found a direct way to do this.


My solution is treat the intermadiate table as an actual model, then make one-to-many relationships with both tables (users-sales and products-sales) and then if, I need to, relate this middle model with another ones.

我的解决方案是将intermadiate表视为实际模型,然后与两个表(用户 - 销售和产品 - 销售)建立一对多关系,然后如果我需要将此中间模型与另一个模型相关联。

So in your case, i'd have 4 clear models:


  • Player | one-to-many with Party
  • 播放器|与党一对多

  • Game | one-to-many with Party
  • 游戏|与党一对多

  • Party | one-to-one with Score | many-to-one with Party | many-to-one with Player
  • 派对|与分数一对一|与党多对一|与玩家多对一

  • Score | one-to-one with Party
  • 得分|与党一对一

With this approach you also has more control of the properties of each model.
