
时间:2022-09-15 11:40:18

I am very new to Json files. If I have a json file with multiple json objects such as following:


{"ID":"12345","Timestamp":"20140101", "Usefulness":"Yes",
{"ID":"1A35B","Timestamp":"20140102", "Usefulness":"No",
{"ID":"AA356","Timestamp":"20140103", "Usefulness":"No",

I want to extract all "Timestamp" and "Usefulness" into a data frames:


    Timestamp    Usefulness
 0   20140101      Yes
 1   20140102      No
 2   20140103      No

Does anyone know a general way to deal with such problems? Thanks!


4 个解决方案



Use a json array, in the format:


{"ID":"12345","Timestamp":"20140101", "Usefulness":"Yes",
{"ID":"1A35B","Timestamp":"20140102", "Usefulness":"No",
{"ID":"AA356","Timestamp":"20140103", "Usefulness":"No",

Then import it into your python code



data = json.load(json)

Now the content of data is an array with dictionaries representing each of the elements.


You can access it easily, i.e:





You can use json.JSONDecoder.raw_decode to decode arbitarily big strings of "stacked" JSON (so long as they can fit in memory). raw_decode stops once it has a valid object and returns the last position where wasn't part of the parsed object. It's not documented, but you can pass this position back to raw_decode and it start parsing again from that position. Unfortunately, the Python json module doesn't accept strings that have prefixing whitespace. So we need to search to find the first none-whitespace part of your document.

您可以使用json.JSONDecoder.raw_decode来解码任意大的“堆叠”JSON字符串(只要它们可以适合内存)。 raw_decode在有有效对象后停止,并返回不在解析对象中的最后位置。它没有记录,但您可以将此位置传递回raw_decode,然后从该位置再次开始解析。不幸的是,Python json模块不接受具有前缀空格的字符串。因此,我们需要搜索以查找文档的第一个非空白部分。

from json import JSONDecoder, JSONDecodeError
import re

NOT_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[^\s]')

def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=JSONDecoder()):
    while True:
        match = NOT_WHITESPACE.search(document, pos)
        if not match:
        pos = match.start()

            obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos)
        except JSONDecodeError:
            # do something sensible if there's some error
        yield obj

s = """

{"a": 1}  



for obj in decode_stacked(s):



{'a': 1}
[1, 2]



So, as was mentioned in a couple comments containing the data in an array is simpler but the solution does not scale well in terms of efficiency as the data set size increases. You really should only use an iterator when you want to access a random object in the array, otherwise, generators are the way to go. Below I have prototyped a reader function which reads each json object individually and returns a generator.


The basic idea is to signal the reader to split on the carriage character "\n" (or "\r\n" for Windows). Python can do this with the file.readline() function.

基本思想是通知读者分割托架字符“\ n”(或Windows的“\ r \ n”)。 Python可以使用file.readline()函数执行此操作。

import json
def json_readr(file):
    for line in open(file, mode="r"):
        yield json.loads(line)

However, this method only really works when the file is written as you have it -- with each object separated by a new line character. Below I wrote an example of a writer that separates an array of json objects and saves each one on a new line.

但是,此方法仅在文件写入时才真正起作用 - 每个对象用新的行字符分隔。下面我写了一个编写器的例子,它分隔了一个json对象数组并将每个对象保存在一个新行上。

def json_writr(file, json_objects):
    f = open(file, mode="w")
    for jsonobj in json_objects:
        jsonstr = json.dumps(jsonobj)

You could also do the same operation with file.writelines() and list comprehension

您也可以使用file.writelines()和list comprehension执行相同的操作

    jsobjs = [json.dumps(j)+"\n" for j in json_objects]

And if you wanted to append the data instead of writing a new file just change ' mode="w" ' to ' mode="a" '.

如果你想附加数据而不是写一个新文件,只需将'mode =“w”'更改为'mode =“a”'。

In the end I find this helps a great deal not only with readability when I try and open json files in text editor but also in terms of using memory more efficiently.


On that note if you change you mind at some point and you want a list out of the reader, Python allows you to put a generator function inside of a list and populate the list automatically. In other words, just write


lst = list(json_readr(file))

Hope this helps. Sorry if it was a bit verbose.




As you parse through the objects, you are dealing with dictionaries. You can extract the values you need by searching via key. E.g. value = jsonDictionary['Usefulness'].

在解析对象时,您正在处理字典。您可以通过搜索键来提取所需的值。例如。 value = jsonDictionary ['有用性']。

You can loop through the json objects by using a for loop. e.g.:


for obj in bunchOfObjs:
    value = obj['Usefulness']
    #now do something with your value, e.g insert into panda....



Use a json array, in the format:


{"ID":"12345","Timestamp":"20140101", "Usefulness":"Yes",
{"ID":"1A35B","Timestamp":"20140102", "Usefulness":"No",
{"ID":"AA356","Timestamp":"20140103", "Usefulness":"No",

Then import it into your python code



data = json.load(json)

Now the content of data is an array with dictionaries representing each of the elements.


You can access it easily, i.e:





You can use json.JSONDecoder.raw_decode to decode arbitarily big strings of "stacked" JSON (so long as they can fit in memory). raw_decode stops once it has a valid object and returns the last position where wasn't part of the parsed object. It's not documented, but you can pass this position back to raw_decode and it start parsing again from that position. Unfortunately, the Python json module doesn't accept strings that have prefixing whitespace. So we need to search to find the first none-whitespace part of your document.

您可以使用json.JSONDecoder.raw_decode来解码任意大的“堆叠”JSON字符串(只要它们可以适合内存)。 raw_decode在有有效对象后停止,并返回不在解析对象中的最后位置。它没有记录,但您可以将此位置传递回raw_decode,然后从该位置再次开始解析。不幸的是,Python json模块不接受具有前缀空格的字符串。因此,我们需要搜索以查找文档的第一个非空白部分。

from json import JSONDecoder, JSONDecodeError
import re

NOT_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[^\s]')

def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=JSONDecoder()):
    while True:
        match = NOT_WHITESPACE.search(document, pos)
        if not match:
        pos = match.start()

            obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos)
        except JSONDecodeError:
            # do something sensible if there's some error
        yield obj

s = """

{"a": 1}  



for obj in decode_stacked(s):



{'a': 1}
[1, 2]



So, as was mentioned in a couple comments containing the data in an array is simpler but the solution does not scale well in terms of efficiency as the data set size increases. You really should only use an iterator when you want to access a random object in the array, otherwise, generators are the way to go. Below I have prototyped a reader function which reads each json object individually and returns a generator.


The basic idea is to signal the reader to split on the carriage character "\n" (or "\r\n" for Windows). Python can do this with the file.readline() function.

基本思想是通知读者分割托架字符“\ n”(或Windows的“\ r \ n”)。 Python可以使用file.readline()函数执行此操作。

import json
def json_readr(file):
    for line in open(file, mode="r"):
        yield json.loads(line)

However, this method only really works when the file is written as you have it -- with each object separated by a new line character. Below I wrote an example of a writer that separates an array of json objects and saves each one on a new line.

但是,此方法仅在文件写入时才真正起作用 - 每个对象用新的行字符分隔。下面我写了一个编写器的例子,它分隔了一个json对象数组并将每个对象保存在一个新行上。

def json_writr(file, json_objects):
    f = open(file, mode="w")
    for jsonobj in json_objects:
        jsonstr = json.dumps(jsonobj)

You could also do the same operation with file.writelines() and list comprehension

您也可以使用file.writelines()和list comprehension执行相同的操作

    jsobjs = [json.dumps(j)+"\n" for j in json_objects]

And if you wanted to append the data instead of writing a new file just change ' mode="w" ' to ' mode="a" '.

如果你想附加数据而不是写一个新文件,只需将'mode =“w”'更改为'mode =“a”'。

In the end I find this helps a great deal not only with readability when I try and open json files in text editor but also in terms of using memory more efficiently.


On that note if you change you mind at some point and you want a list out of the reader, Python allows you to put a generator function inside of a list and populate the list automatically. In other words, just write


lst = list(json_readr(file))

Hope this helps. Sorry if it was a bit verbose.




As you parse through the objects, you are dealing with dictionaries. You can extract the values you need by searching via key. E.g. value = jsonDictionary['Usefulness'].

在解析对象时,您正在处理字典。您可以通过搜索键来提取所需的值。例如。 value = jsonDictionary ['有用性']。

You can loop through the json objects by using a for loop. e.g.:


for obj in bunchOfObjs:
    value = obj['Usefulness']
    #now do something with your value, e.g insert into panda....