
时间:2022-09-15 10:57:30

I'm using jqPlot to create a bar graph, but I ran into a few problems.


Problem 1: The first and last bars on the graph are cut off. Only half of it is displaying


Problem 2: I don't want my data points to span the entire x-axis. Is there to not have the data span the entire x-axis?


有jqPlot条形图的问题ex: This is what is does right now.


This is the data I am passing into it


var chartData = [["19-Jan-2012",2.61],["20-Jan-2012",5.00],["21-Jan-2012",6.00]]

This is the jquery I am using.


 // Plot chart
        function PlotChart(chartData, numberOfTicks) {
            $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
                 var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', [chartData], {
                    title: 'Mouse Cursor Tracking',
                         renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
                         rendererOptions: {
                            barPadding: 1,
                            barMargin: 15,
                            barDirection: 'vertical',
                            barWidth: 50
                        pointLabels: { show: true }
                    axes: {
                        xaxis: {
                            pad: 0,       // a factor multiplied by the data range on the axis to give the
                            numberTicks: numberOfTicks,
                            renderer:  $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,  // renderer to use to draw the axis,
                            tickOptions: {
                                formatString: '%b %#d'   // format string to use with the axis tick formatter
                        yaxis: {
                            tickOptions: {
                                formatString: '$%.2f'
                    highlighter: {
                        sizeAdjust: 7.5
                    cursor: {
                        show: true

3 个解决方案



From how you want your plot to look, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble if you switch to using a CategoryAxisRenderer instead of the DateAxisRenderer. The CategoryAxisRenderer is a lot better at displaying discreet groupings of data as opposed to a true time series.

根据您希望绘图的外观,如果切换到使用CategoryAxisRenderer而不是DateAxisRenderer,您将省去很多麻烦。 CategoryAxisRenderer在显示谨慎的数据分组方面要好得多,而不是真正的时间序列。

var axisDates = ["Jan 19", "Jan 20", "Jan 21"]
var chartData = [2.61,5.00,6.00]

        $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
             var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [chartData], {
                title: 'Some Plot',
                     renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
                     rendererOptions: {
                        barPadding: 1,
                        barMargin: 15,
                        barDirection: 'vertical',
                        barWidth: 50
                    pointLabels: { show: true }
                axes: {
                    xaxis: {                            
                            renderer:  $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
                            ticks: axisDates
                    yaxis: {
                        tickOptions: {
                            formatString: '$%.2f'
                highlighter: {
                    sizeAdjust: 7.5
                cursor: {
                    show: true




The DateAxisRenderer is really meant for line graphs, not bar graphs. When you combine it with bar graphs, it just doesn't work right. The idea / goal of the DateAxisRenderer is to make a linear / accurate time graph across a date/time. That way, if you miss a date entry, it will still be drawn to scale over time. Check their examples on the DateAxisRenderer here: http://www.jqplot.com/tests/date-axes.php

DateAxisRenderer实际上是用于折线图,而不是条形图。将它与条形图组合使用时,它无法正常工作。 DateAxisRenderer的想法/目标是在日期/时间内制作线性/准确的时间图。这样,如果您错过了日期条目,它仍将按时间缩放。在这里查看DateAxisRenderer上的示例:http://www.jqplot.com/tests/date-axes.php

What you're wanting to use is the CategoryAxisRenderer. You can then just override / create your own tick label renderer and be good to go. Normally you wouldn't want to append extra empty items to an item, especially if they're empty, however, if you do, just append them to your data array.


Here's a jsfiddle doing what you want: http://jsfiddle.net/fordlover49/JWhmQ/


Note that you may want to look at the manage resources section to verify what files you need to reference (in addition to the jquery file).

请注意,您可能需要查看manage resources部分以验证需要引用的文件(除了jquery文件之外)。

Here's the javascript in case jsfiddle acts up:


$.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
var chartData = [["19-Jan-2012", 2.61], ["20-Jan-2012", 5.00], ["21-Jan-2012", 6.00]];

// add a custom tick formatter, so that you don't have to include the entire date renderer library.
$.jqplot.DateTickFormatter = function(format, val) {
    // for some reason, format isn't being passed through properly, so just going to hard code for purpose of this jsfiddle
    val = (new Date(val)).getTime();
    format = '%b&nbsp%#d'
    return $.jsDate.strftime(val, format);

function PlotChart(chartData, extraDays) {
    // if you want extra days, just append them to your chartData array.
    if (typeof extraDays === "number") {
        for (var i = 0; i < extraDays; i++) {
            var actualDate = new Date(chartData[chartData.length - 1]); // convert last entry to actual date
            var newDate = new Date(actualDate.getFullYear(), actualDate.getMonth(), actualDate.getDate() + 1); // create new increased date
            chartData.push([newDate, 0]);

    var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', [chartData], {
        title: 'Mouse Cursor Tracking',
        seriesDefaults: {
            renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
            rendererOptions: {
                barPadding: 1,
                barWidth: 50
            pointLabels: {
                show: true
        axes: {
            xaxis: {
                pad: 1,
                // a factor multiplied by the data range on the axis to give the            
                renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
                // renderer to use to draw the axis,     
                tickOptions: {
                    formatString: '%b %#d',
                    formatter: $.jqplot.DateTickFormatter
            yaxis: {
                tickOptions: {
                    formatString: '$%.2f'
        highlighter: {
            sizeAdjust: 7.5
        cursor: {
            show: true

PlotChart(chartData, 3);



Here is a simple hack that I used to show a margin.


I create a starting date and an ending date which are respectively one day before and one day after the contents I want to show.


For example if I want to show the month of January 2012


var startingDate = new Date(2012, 0, 0); //=> 31th Dec 2011
var endingDate = new Date(2012, 1, 1); //=> 1st Feb 2012

Then I declare my own DateTickFormatter where I will not printout these two dates.


$.jqplot.DateTickFormatter = function(format, val) {
        if (!format) {
            format = '%Y/%m/%d';

        if(val==startingDate.getTime() || val==endingDate.getTime()){
            return "";
            return $.jsDate.strftime(val, format);

Then in the xaxis I put the following options:


xaxis : {
      tickInterval:'1 day'



From how you want your plot to look, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble if you switch to using a CategoryAxisRenderer instead of the DateAxisRenderer. The CategoryAxisRenderer is a lot better at displaying discreet groupings of data as opposed to a true time series.

根据您希望绘图的外观,如果切换到使用CategoryAxisRenderer而不是DateAxisRenderer,您将省去很多麻烦。 CategoryAxisRenderer在显示谨慎的数据分组方面要好得多,而不是真正的时间序列。

var axisDates = ["Jan 19", "Jan 20", "Jan 21"]
var chartData = [2.61,5.00,6.00]

        $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
             var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [chartData], {
                title: 'Some Plot',
                     renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
                     rendererOptions: {
                        barPadding: 1,
                        barMargin: 15,
                        barDirection: 'vertical',
                        barWidth: 50
                    pointLabels: { show: true }
                axes: {
                    xaxis: {                            
                            renderer:  $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
                            ticks: axisDates
                    yaxis: {
                        tickOptions: {
                            formatString: '$%.2f'
                highlighter: {
                    sizeAdjust: 7.5
                cursor: {
                    show: true




The DateAxisRenderer is really meant for line graphs, not bar graphs. When you combine it with bar graphs, it just doesn't work right. The idea / goal of the DateAxisRenderer is to make a linear / accurate time graph across a date/time. That way, if you miss a date entry, it will still be drawn to scale over time. Check their examples on the DateAxisRenderer here: http://www.jqplot.com/tests/date-axes.php

DateAxisRenderer实际上是用于折线图,而不是条形图。将它与条形图组合使用时,它无法正常工作。 DateAxisRenderer的想法/目标是在日期/时间内制作线性/准确的时间图。这样,如果您错过了日期条目,它仍将按时间缩放。在这里查看DateAxisRenderer上的示例:http://www.jqplot.com/tests/date-axes.php

What you're wanting to use is the CategoryAxisRenderer. You can then just override / create your own tick label renderer and be good to go. Normally you wouldn't want to append extra empty items to an item, especially if they're empty, however, if you do, just append them to your data array.


Here's a jsfiddle doing what you want: http://jsfiddle.net/fordlover49/JWhmQ/


Note that you may want to look at the manage resources section to verify what files you need to reference (in addition to the jquery file).

请注意,您可能需要查看manage resources部分以验证需要引用的文件(除了jquery文件之外)。

Here's the javascript in case jsfiddle acts up:


$.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
var chartData = [["19-Jan-2012", 2.61], ["20-Jan-2012", 5.00], ["21-Jan-2012", 6.00]];

// add a custom tick formatter, so that you don't have to include the entire date renderer library.
$.jqplot.DateTickFormatter = function(format, val) {
    // for some reason, format isn't being passed through properly, so just going to hard code for purpose of this jsfiddle
    val = (new Date(val)).getTime();
    format = '%b&nbsp%#d'
    return $.jsDate.strftime(val, format);

function PlotChart(chartData, extraDays) {
    // if you want extra days, just append them to your chartData array.
    if (typeof extraDays === "number") {
        for (var i = 0; i < extraDays; i++) {
            var actualDate = new Date(chartData[chartData.length - 1]); // convert last entry to actual date
            var newDate = new Date(actualDate.getFullYear(), actualDate.getMonth(), actualDate.getDate() + 1); // create new increased date
            chartData.push([newDate, 0]);

    var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', [chartData], {
        title: 'Mouse Cursor Tracking',
        seriesDefaults: {
            renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
            rendererOptions: {
                barPadding: 1,
                barWidth: 50
            pointLabels: {
                show: true
        axes: {
            xaxis: {
                pad: 1,
                // a factor multiplied by the data range on the axis to give the            
                renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
                // renderer to use to draw the axis,     
                tickOptions: {
                    formatString: '%b %#d',
                    formatter: $.jqplot.DateTickFormatter
            yaxis: {
                tickOptions: {
                    formatString: '$%.2f'
        highlighter: {
            sizeAdjust: 7.5
        cursor: {
            show: true

PlotChart(chartData, 3);



Here is a simple hack that I used to show a margin.


I create a starting date and an ending date which are respectively one day before and one day after the contents I want to show.


For example if I want to show the month of January 2012


var startingDate = new Date(2012, 0, 0); //=> 31th Dec 2011
var endingDate = new Date(2012, 1, 1); //=> 1st Feb 2012

Then I declare my own DateTickFormatter where I will not printout these two dates.


$.jqplot.DateTickFormatter = function(format, val) {
        if (!format) {
            format = '%Y/%m/%d';

        if(val==startingDate.getTime() || val==endingDate.getTime()){
            return "";
            return $.jsDate.strftime(val, format);

Then in the xaxis I put the following options:


xaxis : {
      tickInterval:'1 day'