Spring 资源文件处理

时间:2022-09-14 17:36:37
* Interface for a resource descriptor that abstracts from the actual
* type of underlying resource, such as a file or class path resource.
* <p>An InputStream can be opened for every resource if it exists in
* physical form, but a URL or File handle can just be returned for
* certain resources. The actual behavior is implementation-specific.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 28.12.2003
* @see #getInputStream()
* @see #getURL()
* @see #getURI()
* @see #getFile()
* @see WritableResource
* @see ContextResource
* @see FileSystemResource
* @see ClassPathResource
* @see UrlResource
* @see ByteArrayResource
* @see InputStreamResource
* @see PathResource
public interface Resource extends InputStreamSource { /**
* Return whether this resource actually exists in physical form.
* <p>This method performs a definitive existence check, whereas the
* existence of a {@code Resource} handle only guarantees a
* valid descriptor handle.
boolean exists(); /**
* Return whether the contents of this resource can be read,
* e.g. via {@link #getInputStream()} or {@link #getFile()}.
* <p>Will be {@code true} for typical resource descriptors;
* note that actual content reading may still fail when attempted.
* However, a value of {@code false} is a definitive indication
* that the resource content cannot be read.
* @see #getInputStream()
boolean isReadable(); /**
* Return whether this resource represents a handle with an open
* stream. If true, the InputStream cannot be read multiple times,
* and must be read and closed to avoid resource leaks.
* <p>Will be {@code false} for typical resource descriptors.
boolean isOpen(); /**
* Return a URL handle for this resource.
* @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved as URL,
* i.e. if the resource is not available as descriptor
URL getURL() throws IOException; /**
* Return a URI handle for this resource.
* @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved as URI,
* i.e. if the resource is not available as descriptor
URI getURI() throws IOException; /**
* Return a File handle for this resource.
* @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved as absolute
* file path, i.e. if the resource is not available in a file system
File getFile() throws IOException; /**
* Determine the content length for this resource.
* @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved
* (in the file system or as some other known physical resource type)
long contentLength() throws IOException; /**
* Determine the last-modified timestamp for this resource.
* @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved
* (in the file system or as some other known physical resource type)
long lastModified() throws IOException; /**
* Create a resource relative to this resource.
* @param relativePath the relative path (relative to this resource)
* @return the resource handle for the relative resource
* @throws IOException if the relative resource cannot be determined
Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException; /**
* Determine a filename for this resource, i.e. typically the last
* part of the path: for example, "myfile.txt".
* <p>Returns {@code null} if this type of resource does not
* have a filename.
String getFilename(); /**
* Return a description for this resource,
* to be used for error output when working with the resource.
* <p>Implementations are also encouraged to return this value
* from their {@code toString} method.
* @see Object#toString()
String getDescription(); }


1. 文件(FileSystemResource)

2. Classpath资源(ClassPathResource)

3. URL资源(UrlResource)

4. InputStream资源(InputStreamResource)

5. Byte数组资源(ByteArrayResource)等。




new FileInputStream(this.file);
... ...

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