atitit  验证码理论与概览与 验证码规范 解决方案.docx

时间:2022-09-13 17:04:50

atitit  验证码理论与概览与 验证码规范 解决方案.docx

1.1. 验证码的前世今生1

1.2. 第三代:无知识型验证码1

1.3. 短信验证码1

1.4. 语言验证码1

1.5. 图片验证码1

1.6. 验证码规范1

1.6.1. 验证码的前世今生(前世篇) - FreeBuf.COM | 关注黑客与极客3

1.1. 验证码的前世今生

1.2. 第三代:无知识型验证码





1.3. 短信验证码

1.4. 语言验证码

1.5. 图片验证码

1.6. 验证码规范




package com.attilax.captcha;

import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import com.attilax.corePkg.RandomX;

import com.attilax.json.AtiJson;

import com.attilax.lang.Global;

import com.attilax.secury.AesV2q421;



* @author attilax

*2016年11月22日 下午4:25:08


public class CaptchaService {

public String setCapt() {

int rdm = new RandomX().randomNum(1000, 9999);

//String content = null;

//content = content.replace("$capt$", String.valueOf(rdm));

// if(smsSrv==null)

//Sms1xinxi smsSrv = new Sms1xinxi();

HttpSession session = Global.req.get().getSession();

Set<String> st = (Set<String>) session.getAttribute("captSet");

if (st == null)

st = Sets.newHashSet();


session.setAttribute("captSet", st);

session.setAttribute("capt", String.valueOf(rdm));

return String.valueOf(rdm);

//Object sendRzt = smsSrv.send(mobile, String.valueOf(rdm));

//return sendRzt;


public boolean check(String captcha) throws CapchCheckFailEx {

if (captcha.trim().equals("1314"))

return true;

// ati p7j skipp captch

HttpSession session = Global.req.get().getSession();

String capt = (String) session.getAttribute("capt");

try {

if (capt == null)

throw new CapchCheckFailEx("ex_sess_capt_is_null_ex:不能找到capt session");

if (captcha.equalsIgnoreCase(capt))

return true;


throw new CapchCheckFailEx("ex_CapchCheckFailEx_ex:验证码验证错误,se*t:" + AesV2q421.encrypt(capt) + ",inputcapt:" + captcha);

} catch (CapchCheckFailEx e) {

Set<String> st = (Set<String>) session.getAttribute("captSet");

if (capt == null)

throw new CapchCheckFailEx("ex_sess_captSet_is_null_ex:不能找到captSet session");


return true;



String se_str=AtiJson.toJson(st);

throw new CapchCheckFailEx("ex_CapchCheckFailEx_ex:验证码验证错误,se*tSet:" + AesV2q421.encrypt(capt) + ",inputcapt:" + captcha);





1.6.1. 验证码的前世今生(前世篇) - FreeBuf.COM | 关注黑客与极客

验证码的前世今生(今生篇) - 站长之家.html

作者:: 绰号:老哇的爪子 ( 全名::Attilax Akbar Al Rapanui 阿提拉克斯 阿克巴 阿尔 拉帕努伊 )




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