
时间:2022-09-13 08:01:01

Can the performance of this sequential search algorithm (taken from The Practice of Programming) be improved using any of C's native utilities, e.g. if I set the i variable to be a register variable ?


int lookup(char *word, char*array[])
    int i

    for (i = 0; array[i] != NULL; i++)
        if (strcmp(word, array[i]) == 0)
            return i;

    return -1;

10 个解决方案



Yes, but only very slightly. A much bigger performance improvement can be achieved by using better algorithms (for example keeping the list sorted and doing a binary search).


In general optimizing a given algorithm only gets you so far. Choosing a better algorithm (even if it's not completely optimized) can give you a considerable (order of magnitude) performance improvement.




I think, it will not make much of a difference. The compiler will already optimize it in that direction.


Besides, the variable i does not have much impact, word stays constant throughout the function and the rest is too large to fit in any register. It is only a matter how large the cache is and if the whole array might fit in there.


String comparisons are rather expensive computationally.


Can you perhaps use some kind of hashing for the array before searching?




There is well-known technique as sentinal method. To use sentinal method, you must know about the length of "array[]". You can remove "array[i] != NULL" comparing by using sentinal.

作为sentinal方法有众所周知的技术。要使用sentinal方法,您必须知道“array []”的长度。您可以使用sentinal删除“array [i]!= NULL”进行比较。

int lookup(char *word, char*array[], int array_len)
    int i = 0;
    array[array_len] = word;
    for (;; ++i)
        if (strcmp(word, array[i]) == 0) 
    array[array_len] = NULL;
    return (i != array_len) ? i : -1;



If you're reading TPOP, you will next see how they make this search many times faster with different data structures and algorithms.


But you can make things a bit faster by replacing things like


for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)


char **p = a;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)

If there is a known value at the end of the array (e.g. NULL) you can eliminate the loop counter:


for (p = a; *p != NULL; ++p)

Good luck, that's a great book!




To optimize that code the best bet would be to rewrite the strcmp routine since you are only checking for equality and don't need to evaluate the entire word.


Other than that you can't do much else. You can't sort as it appears you are looking for text within a larger text. Binary search won't work either since the text is unlikely to be sorted.


My 2p (C-psuedocode):


wrd_end = wrd_ptr + wrd_len;
arr_end = arr_ptr - wrd_len;
while (arr_ptr < arr_end)
    wrd_beg = wrd_ptr; arr_beg = arr_ptr;
    while (wrd_ptr == arr_ptr)
        wrd_ptr++; arr_ptr++;
        if (wrd_ptr == wrd_en)
            return wrd_beg;



Mark Harrison: Your for loop will never terminate! (++p is indented, but is not actually within the for :-)

马克哈里森:你的for循环永远不会终止! (++ p缩进,但实际上不在for :-)

Also, switching between pointers and indexing will generally have no effect on performance, nor will adding register keywords (as mat already mentions) -- the compiler is smart enough to apply these transformations where appropriate, and if you tell it enough about your cpu arch, it will do a better job of these than manual psuedo-micro-optimizations.

此外,在指针和索引之间切换通常不会影响性能,也不会添加注册关键字(如已经提到的那样) - 编译器足够聪明,可以在适当的地方应用这些转换,如果你对cpu arch有足够的了解,它会比手动的伪微优化更好地完成这些工作。



A faster way to match strings would be to store them Pascal style. If you don't need more than 255 characters per string, store them roughly like this, with the count in the first byte:


char s[] = "\x05Hello";

Then you can do:


for(i=0; i<len; ++i) {
    s_len = strings[i][0];
        s_len == match_len
        && strings[i][s_len] == match[s_len-1]
        && 0 == memcmp(strings[i]+1, match, s_len-1)
    ) {
        return 1;

And to get really fast, add memory prefetch hints for string start + 64, + 128 and the start of the next string. But that's just crazy. :-)

为了获得非常快的速度,请为字符串start + 64,+ 128和下一个字符串的开头添加内存预取提示。但那太疯狂了。 :-)



Another fast way to do it is to get your compiler to use a SSE2 optimized memcmp. Use fixed-length char arrays and align so the string starts on a 64-byte alignment. Then I believe you can get the good memcmp functions if you pass const char match[64] instead of const char *match into the function, or strncpy match into a 64,128,256,whatever byte array.

另一种快速方法是让编译器使用SSE2优化的memcmp。使用固定长度的char数组并对齐,以便字符串以64字节对齐方式开始。然后我相信你可以获得良好的memcmp函数,如果你将const char匹配[64]而不是const char * match传递给函数,或者strncpy匹配到64,128,256,无论字节数组是什么。

Thinking a bit more about this, these SSE2 match functions might be part of packages like Intel's and AMD's accelerator libraries. Check them out.




Realistically, setting I to be a register variable won't do anything that the compiler wouldn't do already.


If you are willing to spend some time upfront preprocessing the reference array, you should google "The World's Fastest Scrabble Program" and implement that. Spoiler: it's a DAG optimized for character lookups.

如果你愿意花一些时间预先处理参考数组,你应该谷歌“世界上最快的拼字游戏程序”并实现它。 Spoiler:它是针对字符查找优化的DAG。



/* there is no more quick  */
int lookup(char *word, char*array[])
    int i;
    for(i=0; *(array++) != NULL;i++)
        if (strcmp(word, *array) == 0)
            return i;
    return -1;



Yes, but only very slightly. A much bigger performance improvement can be achieved by using better algorithms (for example keeping the list sorted and doing a binary search).


In general optimizing a given algorithm only gets you so far. Choosing a better algorithm (even if it's not completely optimized) can give you a considerable (order of magnitude) performance improvement.




I think, it will not make much of a difference. The compiler will already optimize it in that direction.


Besides, the variable i does not have much impact, word stays constant throughout the function and the rest is too large to fit in any register. It is only a matter how large the cache is and if the whole array might fit in there.


String comparisons are rather expensive computationally.


Can you perhaps use some kind of hashing for the array before searching?




There is well-known technique as sentinal method. To use sentinal method, you must know about the length of "array[]". You can remove "array[i] != NULL" comparing by using sentinal.

作为sentinal方法有众所周知的技术。要使用sentinal方法,您必须知道“array []”的长度。您可以使用sentinal删除“array [i]!= NULL”进行比较。

int lookup(char *word, char*array[], int array_len)
    int i = 0;
    array[array_len] = word;
    for (;; ++i)
        if (strcmp(word, array[i]) == 0) 
    array[array_len] = NULL;
    return (i != array_len) ? i : -1;



If you're reading TPOP, you will next see how they make this search many times faster with different data structures and algorithms.


But you can make things a bit faster by replacing things like


for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)


char **p = a;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)

If there is a known value at the end of the array (e.g. NULL) you can eliminate the loop counter:


for (p = a; *p != NULL; ++p)

Good luck, that's a great book!




To optimize that code the best bet would be to rewrite the strcmp routine since you are only checking for equality and don't need to evaluate the entire word.


Other than that you can't do much else. You can't sort as it appears you are looking for text within a larger text. Binary search won't work either since the text is unlikely to be sorted.


My 2p (C-psuedocode):


wrd_end = wrd_ptr + wrd_len;
arr_end = arr_ptr - wrd_len;
while (arr_ptr < arr_end)
    wrd_beg = wrd_ptr; arr_beg = arr_ptr;
    while (wrd_ptr == arr_ptr)
        wrd_ptr++; arr_ptr++;
        if (wrd_ptr == wrd_en)
            return wrd_beg;



Mark Harrison: Your for loop will never terminate! (++p is indented, but is not actually within the for :-)

马克哈里森:你的for循环永远不会终止! (++ p缩进,但实际上不在for :-)

Also, switching between pointers and indexing will generally have no effect on performance, nor will adding register keywords (as mat already mentions) -- the compiler is smart enough to apply these transformations where appropriate, and if you tell it enough about your cpu arch, it will do a better job of these than manual psuedo-micro-optimizations.

此外,在指针和索引之间切换通常不会影响性能,也不会添加注册关键字(如已经提到的那样) - 编译器足够聪明,可以在适当的地方应用这些转换,如果你对cpu arch有足够的了解,它会比手动的伪微优化更好地完成这些工作。



A faster way to match strings would be to store them Pascal style. If you don't need more than 255 characters per string, store them roughly like this, with the count in the first byte:


char s[] = "\x05Hello";

Then you can do:


for(i=0; i<len; ++i) {
    s_len = strings[i][0];
        s_len == match_len
        && strings[i][s_len] == match[s_len-1]
        && 0 == memcmp(strings[i]+1, match, s_len-1)
    ) {
        return 1;

And to get really fast, add memory prefetch hints for string start + 64, + 128 and the start of the next string. But that's just crazy. :-)

为了获得非常快的速度,请为字符串start + 64,+ 128和下一个字符串的开头添加内存预取提示。但那太疯狂了。 :-)



Another fast way to do it is to get your compiler to use a SSE2 optimized memcmp. Use fixed-length char arrays and align so the string starts on a 64-byte alignment. Then I believe you can get the good memcmp functions if you pass const char match[64] instead of const char *match into the function, or strncpy match into a 64,128,256,whatever byte array.

另一种快速方法是让编译器使用SSE2优化的memcmp。使用固定长度的char数组并对齐,以便字符串以64字节对齐方式开始。然后我相信你可以获得良好的memcmp函数,如果你将const char匹配[64]而不是const char * match传递给函数,或者strncpy匹配到64,128,256,无论字节数组是什么。

Thinking a bit more about this, these SSE2 match functions might be part of packages like Intel's and AMD's accelerator libraries. Check them out.




Realistically, setting I to be a register variable won't do anything that the compiler wouldn't do already.


If you are willing to spend some time upfront preprocessing the reference array, you should google "The World's Fastest Scrabble Program" and implement that. Spoiler: it's a DAG optimized for character lookups.

如果你愿意花一些时间预先处理参考数组,你应该谷歌“世界上最快的拼字游戏程序”并实现它。 Spoiler:它是针对字符查找优化的DAG。



/* there is no more quick  */
int lookup(char *word, char*array[])
    int i;
    for(i=0; *(array++) != NULL;i++)
        if (strcmp(word, *array) == 0)
            return i;
    return -1;