Mac os x Terminal.app的缓冲区和屏幕命令

时间:2022-09-12 23:06:05

I use Mac os x to connect to my remote machine and then use screen on that machine.

我使用Mac os x Terminal.app连接到我的远程计算机,然后在该计算机上使用屏幕。

Is there a way to use the scrollbars on Terminal to scroll back and forth on the screen's buffer. It is painful to do ctrl+a + Esc and then Page Up/Down

有没有办法使用终端上的滚动条在屏幕的缓冲区上来回滚动。 ctrl + a + Esc然后Page Up / Down是痛苦的

Thanks Arvind

3 个解决方案


To expand on the previous two answers: the .screenrc line


termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@

will turn on your scrollbars. This is a win unless you're using control-A to switch between multiple screen sessions in the same Terminal window. Screen uses what's called cursor addressing mode to keep a separate history buffer for each session; the termcapinfo line above tells it never to use that mode. All history then goes into one buffer, the native Terminal buffer, and you'll see lines from all sessions mixed in with each other.


These days that just means using a separate Terminal window (or tab) for each login on your remote -- a low price to pay for getting your scrollbars back, to my mind.

这些天,这只是意味着为遥控器上的每次登录使用一个单独的终端窗口(或标签) - 在我的脑海中为您的滚动条返回付出的代价很低。

So why isn't scrollbar mode the default? Because in Ye Olde Tyme Dayes when we walked twenty miles in the snow to our 80 by 24 character-cell VT100s, you could only get one login per terminal. Unless you had two terminals on your desk, screen was the only multi-session game in town.

那么为什么滚动条模式不是默认值?因为在Ye Olde Tyme Dayes,当我们在雪中行走20英里到80 x 24个字符的VT100时,每个终端只能登录一次。除非你的桌面上有两个终端,否则屏幕是镇上唯一的多人游戏。


Adding the following to ~/.screenrc should do what you want.

将以下内容添加到〜/ .screenrc应该可以执行您想要的操作。

termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@


I do not think you will be able to use the terminal's scrollbar in screen, because the terminal only knows about the 80x25 or so sized portion, and the display caching is done in the screen process.


You could try to bind it to an easier combo, see the CUSTOMIZATION section of the man page.



To expand on the previous two answers: the .screenrc line


termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@

will turn on your scrollbars. This is a win unless you're using control-A to switch between multiple screen sessions in the same Terminal window. Screen uses what's called cursor addressing mode to keep a separate history buffer for each session; the termcapinfo line above tells it never to use that mode. All history then goes into one buffer, the native Terminal buffer, and you'll see lines from all sessions mixed in with each other.


These days that just means using a separate Terminal window (or tab) for each login on your remote -- a low price to pay for getting your scrollbars back, to my mind.

这些天,这只是意味着为遥控器上的每次登录使用一个单独的终端窗口(或标签) - 在我的脑海中为您的滚动条返回付出的代价很低。

So why isn't scrollbar mode the default? Because in Ye Olde Tyme Dayes when we walked twenty miles in the snow to our 80 by 24 character-cell VT100s, you could only get one login per terminal. Unless you had two terminals on your desk, screen was the only multi-session game in town.

那么为什么滚动条模式不是默认值?因为在Ye Olde Tyme Dayes,当我们在雪中行走20英里到80 x 24个字符的VT100时,每个终端只能登录一次。除非你的桌面上有两个终端,否则屏幕是镇上唯一的多人游戏。


Adding the following to ~/.screenrc should do what you want.

将以下内容添加到〜/ .screenrc应该可以执行您想要的操作。

termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@


I do not think you will be able to use the terminal's scrollbar in screen, because the terminal only knows about the 80x25 or so sized portion, and the display caching is done in the screen process.


You could try to bind it to an easier combo, see the CUSTOMIZATION section of the man page.
