
时间:2022-09-11 19:47:38

This is what I need to do:


object foo = GetFoo();
Type t = typeof(BarType);
(foo as t).FunctionThatExistsInBarType();

Can something like this be done?


5 个解决方案


No, you cannot. C# does not implement duck typing.

你不能。 C#没有实现duck typing。

You must implement an interface and cast to it.


(However there are attempts to do it. Look at Duck Typing Project for an example.)



You can use the Convert.ChangeType method.


object foo = GetFoo(); 
Type t = typeof(string);
string bar = (string)Convert.ChangeType(foo, t);


Your original question was flawed in that you ask to treat a variable as a type which is not known at compile time but note that you have string defined on the left hand side when you declare your variable. C# as of 3.5 is statically typed.


Once dynamic is available you could do something like this:


dynamic foo = GetFoo();

For when you don't know what the type is but you know it will always support the instance method FunctionThatExistsInBarType();


for now you are forced to use reflection (or code gen which really amounts to much the same thing but more expensive up front and faster later).


// any of these can be determined at runtime
Type t = typeof(Bar);
string methodToCall = "FunctionThatExistsInBarType";
Type[] argumentTypes = new Type[0];
object[] arguments = new object[0];
object foo;
// invoke the method - 
// example ignores overloading and exception handling for brevity
// assumption: return type is void or you don't care about it
t.GetMethod(methodToCall, BindingFalgs.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
    .Invoke(foo, arguments);


Since dynamics were added to c#, I think we can do it in this way:


class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        List<int> c = new List<int>(); 
        double i = 10.0;
        Type intType = typeof(int);
        c.Add(CastHelper.Cast(i, intType)); // works, no exception!

class CastHelper {
    public static dynamic Cast(object src, Type t) {
        var castMethod = typeof(CastHelper).GetMethod("CastGeneric").MakeGenericMethod(t);
        return castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { src });
    public static T CastGeneric<T>(object src) {
        return (T)Convert.ChangeType(src, typeof(T));


Provided you know all required types at compile-time, duck typingis (sort of) possible:

如果您在编译时知道所有必需类型,则可以使用duck typing(类型):

class BarFoo {}
class Foo {}
class Bar {}

class Program
    static void Main( )
        var foo = new Foo( );
        var bar = new Bar( );
        var barfoo = new BarFoo( );



    static string DoStuff(Foo foo) { return "DoStuff(Foo foo)"; }
    static string DoStuff(Bar bar) { return "DoStuff(Bar bar)"; }
    static string DoStuff(Base fb) { return "DoStuff(object fb)"; }


Dostuff(Foo foo)
Dostuff(Bar bar);
DoStuff(object fb);

If you end up implementing a lot of methods that basically do exactly the same, consider implementing an interface.



No, you cannot. C# does not implement duck typing.

你不能。 C#没有实现duck typing。

You must implement an interface and cast to it.


(However there are attempts to do it. Look at Duck Typing Project for an example.)



You can use the Convert.ChangeType method.


object foo = GetFoo(); 
Type t = typeof(string);
string bar = (string)Convert.ChangeType(foo, t);


Your original question was flawed in that you ask to treat a variable as a type which is not known at compile time but note that you have string defined on the left hand side when you declare your variable. C# as of 3.5 is statically typed.


Once dynamic is available you could do something like this:


dynamic foo = GetFoo();

For when you don't know what the type is but you know it will always support the instance method FunctionThatExistsInBarType();


for now you are forced to use reflection (or code gen which really amounts to much the same thing but more expensive up front and faster later).


// any of these can be determined at runtime
Type t = typeof(Bar);
string methodToCall = "FunctionThatExistsInBarType";
Type[] argumentTypes = new Type[0];
object[] arguments = new object[0];
object foo;
// invoke the method - 
// example ignores overloading and exception handling for brevity
// assumption: return type is void or you don't care about it
t.GetMethod(methodToCall, BindingFalgs.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
    .Invoke(foo, arguments);


Since dynamics were added to c#, I think we can do it in this way:


class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        List<int> c = new List<int>(); 
        double i = 10.0;
        Type intType = typeof(int);
        c.Add(CastHelper.Cast(i, intType)); // works, no exception!

class CastHelper {
    public static dynamic Cast(object src, Type t) {
        var castMethod = typeof(CastHelper).GetMethod("CastGeneric").MakeGenericMethod(t);
        return castMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { src });
    public static T CastGeneric<T>(object src) {
        return (T)Convert.ChangeType(src, typeof(T));


Provided you know all required types at compile-time, duck typingis (sort of) possible:

如果您在编译时知道所有必需类型,则可以使用duck typing(类型):

class BarFoo {}
class Foo {}
class Bar {}

class Program
    static void Main( )
        var foo = new Foo( );
        var bar = new Bar( );
        var barfoo = new BarFoo( );



    static string DoStuff(Foo foo) { return "DoStuff(Foo foo)"; }
    static string DoStuff(Bar bar) { return "DoStuff(Bar bar)"; }
    static string DoStuff(Base fb) { return "DoStuff(object fb)"; }


Dostuff(Foo foo)
Dostuff(Bar bar);
DoStuff(object fb);

If you end up implementing a lot of methods that basically do exactly the same, consider implementing an interface.
