Swift - Type '*' does not conform to protocol '*'

时间:2022-09-11 19:17:32

I got this error message when trying to create a Message class.


'Message' does not conform to protocol 'JSQMessageData'

JSQMessageData got from https://github.com/jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController


Swift - Type '*' does not conform to protocol '*'

My code

import Foundation

class Message : NSObject, JSQMessageData {

    var senderId_ : String!
    var senderDisplayName_ : String!
    var date_ : NSDate
    var isMediaMessage_ : Bool
    var hash_ : Int = 0
    var text_ : String

    init(senderId: String, senderDisplayName: String?, isMediaMessage: Bool, hash: Int, text: String) {
        self.senderId_ = senderId
        self.senderDisplayName_ = senderDisplayName
        self.date_ = NSDate()
        self.isMediaMessage_ = isMediaMessage
        self.hash_ = hash
        self.text_ = text

    func senderId() -> String! {
        return senderId_;

    func senderDisplayName() -> String! {
        return senderDisplayName_;

    func date() -> NSDate! {
        return date_;

    func isMediaMessage() -> Bool! {
        return isMediaMessage_;

    func hash() -> Int? {
        return hash_;

    func text() -> String! {
        return text_;


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "JSQMessageMediaData.h"

@protocol JSQMessageData <NSObject>


- (NSString *)senderId;
- (NSString *)senderDisplayName;
- (NSDate *)date;
- (BOOL)isMediaMessage;
- (NSUInteger)hash;


- (NSString *)text;
- (id<JSQMessageMediaData>)media;


Please advice how to fix this protocol issue. Thank you.


2 个解决方案



There are two problems:


  1. hash is defined as a method that returns an NSUInteger in the protocol. Also, NSUInteger can't be nil in Objective-C, so you can't return an optional. You need to change its implementation in the Message class to return an UInt


    func hash() -> UInt {
        return UInt(hash_);

or simply return hash_ and change hash_ from Int to UInt itself.


  1. BOOL can't be nil in Objective-C, so to conform to the protocol you need to change isMediaMessage() to return a non optional Bool by removing the !:


    func isMediaMessage() -> Bool {
        return isMediaMessage_;



The problem could be "hash", that is an unsigned int in the protocol and just an int in the implementation.

问题可能是“哈希”,即协议中的unsigned int,只是实现中的int。



There are two problems:


  1. hash is defined as a method that returns an NSUInteger in the protocol. Also, NSUInteger can't be nil in Objective-C, so you can't return an optional. You need to change its implementation in the Message class to return an UInt


    func hash() -> UInt {
        return UInt(hash_);

or simply return hash_ and change hash_ from Int to UInt itself.


  1. BOOL can't be nil in Objective-C, so to conform to the protocol you need to change isMediaMessage() to return a non optional Bool by removing the !:


    func isMediaMessage() -> Bool {
        return isMediaMessage_;



The problem could be "hash", that is an unsigned int in the protocol and just an int in the implementation.

问题可能是“哈希”,即协议中的unsigned int,只是实现中的int。