
时间:2022-09-11 16:35:16

I'm trying to open MVC project using VS2010. I'm opening this project from TFS server but I'm failed to open it and getting error : The project type is not supported by this installation.


please help.


5 个解决方案



You basically don't have something installed. That's why you get this error. I am very sure that you need to install the VS MVC project type - either MVC 2 or MVC 3. Use The Web Plaform Installer to install. The web platform installer can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx. Once you have installed it (it is only 2MB) you need to search for "MVC", install the MVC 2 and MVC 3 project templates.

你基本上没有安装什么东西。这就是为什么会有这个误差。我非常确定您需要安装VS MVC项目类型——MVC 2或MVC 3。使用Web Plaform安装程序安装。web平台安装程序可以在这里找到:http://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx。一旦你安装了它(只有2MB),你需要搜索“MVC”,安装MVC 2和MVC 3项目模板。



I got this error when I forgot to select the Web Developer feature in the Visual Studio setup. Unfortunately, the error you mentioned is the only error you get when Visual Studio 2010 is installed without this feature. You can install the Web Developer feature using the Windows control panel.

当我忘记在Visual Studio设置中选择Web Developer特性时,我得到了这个错误。不幸的是,您提到的错误是Visual Studio 2010没有这个特性安装的唯一错误。您可以使用Windows控制面板安装Web Developer特性。

By popular demand (7+ and counting), I'm placing part of CodingWithSpike's comment here. Specifically, the procedure to explicitly add Visual Web Designer to VS install.

根据大众的需求(7+和计数),我将CodingWithSpike的评论放在这里。具体地说,就是将Visual Web Designer显式添加到VS安装的过程。

  • open Control Panel
  • 打开控制面板
  • select Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs)
  • 选择程序和特性(或添加/删除程序)
  • choose Visual Studio
  • 选择Visual Studio
  • click "Uninstall/Change"
  • 点击“卸载/改变”
  • this opens the VS installer in maintenance mode.
  • 这将在维护模式中打开VS安装程序。
  • Click "Next" once
  • 单击“下一步”
  • Click "Add or Remove Features"
  • 点击“添加或删除特性”
  • Checkbox "Visual Web Designer"
  • 复选框“视觉网页设计师”
  • click Update button.
  • 点击更新按钮。
  • Enjoy having a working product!
  • 享受工作产品!



Edit the project.csproj file and look at the <ProjectTypeGuids>{E53F8FEA-EAE0-44A6-8774-FFD645390401};{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids> The GUIDS above includes MVC 3 Tools Update. That's a good guess of what you are missing. You can get MVC 3/TU from http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc3 BTW, that install includes VS2010 SP1 which is required for the TU edition.

编辑项目。csproj文件查看 {e53f8fea - eae0 - 44a6 - 8777 - ffd645390401};这很好地猜测了你错过了什么。您可以从http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc3中获得MVC 3/TU,该安装包括用于TU版本的VS2010 SP1。



If you've installed Visual Studio 2010 after Visual Studio Web Dev Express and MVC4, Visual Studio 2010 doesn't seem to pick up the MVC 4 templates. Running the MVC 4 installer again via the Web Platform Installer doesn't fix it. Repairing the MVC 4 installation fixed it in my case:

如果在Visual Studio Web Dev Express和MVC4之后安装了Visual Studio 2010,那么Visual Studio 2010似乎并没有采用MVC4模板。通过Web平台安装程序再次运行MVC 4安装程序并没有修复它。维修MVC 4安装,在我的情况下进行了修正:

  1. Under Control Panel, choose Programs/Uninstall a program.
  2. 在控制面板下,选择程序/卸载程序。
  3. Find Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 and double-click it.
  4. 发现微软的ASP。NET MVC 4,双击它。
  5. The Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 Setup prompt will appear. Choose Repair.
  6. 微软的ASP。将出现netmvc 4安装提示符。选择修复。

Visual Studio 2010 Express to Pro, ASP.NET MVC 4 installed but not an option?

Visual Studio 2010 Express to Pro, ASP。netmvc 4已安装,但不是选项?



in my case, i had opened my VS2010 solution, in vs2012, i was getting the project type is not supported, tried re installing mvc3 as was suggested, cancelled re installation, then i had the issue i couldn't open the project in VS2010 anymore. then tried to re install mcv3 again. solution was, uninstall mcv3, uninstall mcv4, then reinstall mcv3, then i could reopen my project in VS2010 . hope this helps someone!




You basically don't have something installed. That's why you get this error. I am very sure that you need to install the VS MVC project type - either MVC 2 or MVC 3. Use The Web Plaform Installer to install. The web platform installer can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx. Once you have installed it (it is only 2MB) you need to search for "MVC", install the MVC 2 and MVC 3 project templates.

你基本上没有安装什么东西。这就是为什么会有这个误差。我非常确定您需要安装VS MVC项目类型——MVC 2或MVC 3。使用Web Plaform安装程序安装。web平台安装程序可以在这里找到:http://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx。一旦你安装了它(只有2MB),你需要搜索“MVC”,安装MVC 2和MVC 3项目模板。



I got this error when I forgot to select the Web Developer feature in the Visual Studio setup. Unfortunately, the error you mentioned is the only error you get when Visual Studio 2010 is installed without this feature. You can install the Web Developer feature using the Windows control panel.

当我忘记在Visual Studio设置中选择Web Developer特性时,我得到了这个错误。不幸的是,您提到的错误是Visual Studio 2010没有这个特性安装的唯一错误。您可以使用Windows控制面板安装Web Developer特性。

By popular demand (7+ and counting), I'm placing part of CodingWithSpike's comment here. Specifically, the procedure to explicitly add Visual Web Designer to VS install.

根据大众的需求(7+和计数),我将CodingWithSpike的评论放在这里。具体地说,就是将Visual Web Designer显式添加到VS安装的过程。

  • open Control Panel
  • 打开控制面板
  • select Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs)
  • 选择程序和特性(或添加/删除程序)
  • choose Visual Studio
  • 选择Visual Studio
  • click "Uninstall/Change"
  • 点击“卸载/改变”
  • this opens the VS installer in maintenance mode.
  • 这将在维护模式中打开VS安装程序。
  • Click "Next" once
  • 单击“下一步”
  • Click "Add or Remove Features"
  • 点击“添加或删除特性”
  • Checkbox "Visual Web Designer"
  • 复选框“视觉网页设计师”
  • click Update button.
  • 点击更新按钮。
  • Enjoy having a working product!
  • 享受工作产品!



Edit the project.csproj file and look at the <ProjectTypeGuids>{E53F8FEA-EAE0-44A6-8774-FFD645390401};{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids> The GUIDS above includes MVC 3 Tools Update. That's a good guess of what you are missing. You can get MVC 3/TU from http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc3 BTW, that install includes VS2010 SP1 which is required for the TU edition.

编辑项目。csproj文件查看 {e53f8fea - eae0 - 44a6 - 8777 - ffd645390401};这很好地猜测了你错过了什么。您可以从http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc3中获得MVC 3/TU,该安装包括用于TU版本的VS2010 SP1。



If you've installed Visual Studio 2010 after Visual Studio Web Dev Express and MVC4, Visual Studio 2010 doesn't seem to pick up the MVC 4 templates. Running the MVC 4 installer again via the Web Platform Installer doesn't fix it. Repairing the MVC 4 installation fixed it in my case:

如果在Visual Studio Web Dev Express和MVC4之后安装了Visual Studio 2010,那么Visual Studio 2010似乎并没有采用MVC4模板。通过Web平台安装程序再次运行MVC 4安装程序并没有修复它。维修MVC 4安装,在我的情况下进行了修正:

  1. Under Control Panel, choose Programs/Uninstall a program.
  2. 在控制面板下,选择程序/卸载程序。
  3. Find Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 and double-click it.
  4. 发现微软的ASP。NET MVC 4,双击它。
  5. The Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 Setup prompt will appear. Choose Repair.
  6. 微软的ASP。将出现netmvc 4安装提示符。选择修复。

Visual Studio 2010 Express to Pro, ASP.NET MVC 4 installed but not an option?

Visual Studio 2010 Express to Pro, ASP。netmvc 4已安装,但不是选项?



in my case, i had opened my VS2010 solution, in vs2012, i was getting the project type is not supported, tried re installing mvc3 as was suggested, cancelled re installation, then i had the issue i couldn't open the project in VS2010 anymore. then tried to re install mcv3 again. solution was, uninstall mcv3, uninstall mcv4, then reinstall mcv3, then i could reopen my project in VS2010 . hope this helps someone!
