Google App引擎+ Spring =慢启动?

时间:2022-09-11 16:10:29

I read that Google App Engine (GAE) will shut down your application if it goes idle, and startup/boot everything again when it gets a request. And i know that Spring startup is slow, like 2-3 seconds even for a small web app. Is working on GAE using Spring really suffer from this badly?

我读到Google App Engine(GAE)会在应用程序空闲时关闭您的应用程序,并在收到请求时再次启动/启动所有应用程序。而且我知道Spring的启动速度很慢,即使对于一个小型的Web应用程序也是2-3秒。使用Spring工作GAE真的很痛苦吗?

Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案


It's really not that bad but considering your instances are being shutdown and started constantly, you should work on getting your startup as fast as possible. A few pointers to consider:


  1. Enable warmup requests
  2. 启用预热请求

  3. Enable resident instances
  4. 启用常驻实例

  5. Optimize Spring config (There are great suggestions in this article)
  6. 优化Spring配置(本文中有很多建议)


It's really not that bad but considering your instances are being shutdown and started constantly, you should work on getting your startup as fast as possible. A few pointers to consider:


  1. Enable warmup requests
  2. 启用预热请求

  3. Enable resident instances
  4. 启用常驻实例

  5. Optimize Spring config (There are great suggestions in this article)
  6. 优化Spring配置(本文中有很多建议)