
时间:2022-09-10 23:51:43

This question already has an answer here:


I am doing the HTTP request and getting response in my func. It return the value of response. I am doing it this way:


NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {(response, data, error) in
        println(NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
        stringResponse = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as! String
        if stringResponse == "0" {
            return false
        } else if stringResponse == "1" {
            return true
        } else {
            return false

But on all returns I have error Unexpected non-void return value in void function How to fix this?


2 个解决方案



Do this if you want the value after you get response.


func getResponse(completionHandler : ((isResponse : Bool) -> Void)) {

NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {(response, data, error) in
        println(NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
        stringResponse = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as! String
        if stringResponse == "0" {
           completionHandler(isResponse : false)
        } else if stringResponse == "1" {
           completionHandler(isResponse : true)
        } else {
           completionHandler(isResponse : false)

Now you call it as below from where ever you are calling.


classObject.getResponse {(isResponse) -> Void in 

//Do your stuff with isResponse variable.



The last parameter of sendAsynchronousRequest is a completion handler with type (NSURLResponse!, NSData!, NSError!) -> Void. Note it doesn't have any return type, so don't return anything.

sendAsynchronousRequest的最后一个参数是一个带有类型的完成处理程序(NSURLResponse!,NSData!,NSError!) - > Void。请注意,它没有任何返回类型,因此不要返回任何内容。

The completion handler is called by the connection framework, it doesn't need any return type.


It's pretty obscure what you are trying to achieve by that returns but you can't do it this way.




Do this if you want the value after you get response.


func getResponse(completionHandler : ((isResponse : Bool) -> Void)) {

NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {(response, data, error) in
        println(NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
        stringResponse = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as! String
        if stringResponse == "0" {
           completionHandler(isResponse : false)
        } else if stringResponse == "1" {
           completionHandler(isResponse : true)
        } else {
           completionHandler(isResponse : false)

Now you call it as below from where ever you are calling.


classObject.getResponse {(isResponse) -> Void in 

//Do your stuff with isResponse variable.



The last parameter of sendAsynchronousRequest is a completion handler with type (NSURLResponse!, NSData!, NSError!) -> Void. Note it doesn't have any return type, so don't return anything.

sendAsynchronousRequest的最后一个参数是一个带有类型的完成处理程序(NSURLResponse!,NSData!,NSError!) - > Void。请注意,它没有任何返回类型,因此不要返回任何内容。

The completion handler is called by the connection framework, it doesn't need any return type.


It's pretty obscure what you are trying to achieve by that returns but you can't do it this way.
