
时间:2022-09-10 23:48:05

What are the reasons for the existence of std::decay? In what situations is std::decay useful?


2 个解决方案



<joke>It's obviously used to decay radioactive std::atomic types into non-radioactive ones.</joke>


N2609 is the paper that proposed std::decay. The paper explains:


Simply put, decay<T>::type is the identity type-transformation except if T is an array type or a reference to a function type. In those cases the decay<T>::type yields a pointer or a pointer to a function, respectively.

简单地说,衰变 ::类型是标识类型转换,除非T是数组类型或函数类型的引用。在这些情况下,衰变 ::类型分别生成一个指针或一个指向函数的指针。

The motivating example is C++03 std::make_pair:

激励的例子是c++ 03 std::make_pair:

template <class T1, class T2> 
inline pair<T1,T2> make_pair(T1 x, T2 y)
    return pair<T1,T2>(x, y); 

which accepted its parameters by value to make string literals work:


std::pair<std::string, int> p = make_pair("foo", 0);

If it accepted its parameters by reference, then T1 will be deduced as an array type, and then constructing a pair<T1, T2> will be ill-formed.

如果它以引用的形式接受参数,那么T1将被推断为一个数组类型,然后构造一对 将是不正确的。 ,>

But obviously this leads to significant inefficiencies. Hence the need for decay, to apply the set of transformations that occurs when pass-by-value occurs, allowing you to get the efficiency of taking the parameters by reference, but still get the type transformations needed for your code to work with string literals, array types, function types and the like:


template <class T1, class T2> 
inline pair< typename decay<T1>::type, typename decay<T2>::type > 
make_pair(T1&& x, T2&& y)
    return pair< typename decay<T1>::type, 
                 typename decay<T2>::type >(std::forward<T1>(x), 

Note: this is not the actual C++11 make_pair implementation - the C++11 make_pair also unwraps std::reference_wrappers.

注意:这并不是实际的c++ 11 make_pair实现——c++ 11 make_pair也不包装std::reference_wrappers。



When dealing with template functions that take parameters of a template type, you often have universal parameters. Universal parameters are almost always references of one sort or another. They're also const-volatile qualified. As such, most type traits don't work on them as you'd expect:


template<class T>
void func(T&& param) {
    if (std::is_same<T,int>::value) 
        std::cout << "param is an int\n";
        std::cout << "param is not an int\n";

int main() {
    int three = 3;
    func(three);  //prints "param is not an int"!!!!



The solution here is to use std::decay:


template<class T>
void func(T&& param) {
    if (std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type,int>::value) 
        std::cout << "param is an int\n";
        std::cout << "param is not an int\n";





<joke>It's obviously used to decay radioactive std::atomic types into non-radioactive ones.</joke>


N2609 is the paper that proposed std::decay. The paper explains:


Simply put, decay<T>::type is the identity type-transformation except if T is an array type or a reference to a function type. In those cases the decay<T>::type yields a pointer or a pointer to a function, respectively.

简单地说,衰变 ::类型是标识类型转换,除非T是数组类型或函数类型的引用。在这些情况下,衰变 ::类型分别生成一个指针或一个指向函数的指针。

The motivating example is C++03 std::make_pair:

激励的例子是c++ 03 std::make_pair:

template <class T1, class T2> 
inline pair<T1,T2> make_pair(T1 x, T2 y)
    return pair<T1,T2>(x, y); 

which accepted its parameters by value to make string literals work:


std::pair<std::string, int> p = make_pair("foo", 0);

If it accepted its parameters by reference, then T1 will be deduced as an array type, and then constructing a pair<T1, T2> will be ill-formed.

如果它以引用的形式接受参数,那么T1将被推断为一个数组类型,然后构造一对 将是不正确的。 ,>

But obviously this leads to significant inefficiencies. Hence the need for decay, to apply the set of transformations that occurs when pass-by-value occurs, allowing you to get the efficiency of taking the parameters by reference, but still get the type transformations needed for your code to work with string literals, array types, function types and the like:


template <class T1, class T2> 
inline pair< typename decay<T1>::type, typename decay<T2>::type > 
make_pair(T1&& x, T2&& y)
    return pair< typename decay<T1>::type, 
                 typename decay<T2>::type >(std::forward<T1>(x), 

Note: this is not the actual C++11 make_pair implementation - the C++11 make_pair also unwraps std::reference_wrappers.

注意:这并不是实际的c++ 11 make_pair实现——c++ 11 make_pair也不包装std::reference_wrappers。



When dealing with template functions that take parameters of a template type, you often have universal parameters. Universal parameters are almost always references of one sort or another. They're also const-volatile qualified. As such, most type traits don't work on them as you'd expect:


template<class T>
void func(T&& param) {
    if (std::is_same<T,int>::value) 
        std::cout << "param is an int\n";
        std::cout << "param is not an int\n";

int main() {
    int three = 3;
    func(three);  //prints "param is not an int"!!!!



The solution here is to use std::decay:


template<class T>
void func(T&& param) {
    if (std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type,int>::value) 
        std::cout << "param is an int\n";
        std::cout << "param is not an int\n";

