
时间:2022-09-10 23:18:35

Let's say we have:


let a:Int? = nil

// block not executed - unwapping done, type is inferred
if let unwrapped_a = a {

// block not executed - unwrapping done, type is specified
if let unwrapped_a:Int = a {

// block gets executed - unwrapping not done, new local constant + assignment is done instead? 
if let not_unwrapped_a:Int? = a {

So should I assume that Swift does an unwrapping in the first case, but an assignment in the second case?


Isn't this syntax a bit too close to create confusion? I mean, yes, the compiler warns you that you're using an optional type when working with not_unwrapped_a, but still.



So after Airspeed Velocity's answer I found another (but actually the same) weird case:

所以在Airspeed Velocity的回答之后,我发现另一个(但实际上是相同的)奇怪的情况:

if let not_unwrapped_a:Int???? = a {

a will be silently wrapped in an Int????. So it will be a type of Int????? (five) - because a was already an optional. And then it will get unwrapped once.

a将默默地包裹在Int ????中。所以这将是一种Int ????? (五) - 因为a已经是可选的。然后它将被解开一次。

2 个解决方案



Case 1 and case 2 are identical – they are both assignments of the contents of a to a new variable. The only difference is you are leaving Swift to infer the type of unwrapped_a in option 1, whereas you’re manually giving the type in option 2. The main reason you’d ever need to do option 2 is if the source value were ambiguous – for example if it were an overloaded function that could return multiple types.

案例1和案例2是相同的 - 它们都是a对新变量的内容的赋值。唯一的区别是你要离开Swift来推断选项1中unwrapped_a的类型,而你手动给出选项2中的类型。你需要做选项2的主要原因是如果源值不明确 - 例如,如果它是一个可以返回多种类型的重载函数。

Case 3 is quite interesting.


Whenever you have a value, Swift will always be willing to silently upgrade it to an optional wrapping the value, if it helps make the types match and the code compile. Swift auto-upgrading of types is fairly rare (it won’t implicitly upgrade an Int16 to an Int32 for example) but values to optionals is an exception.


This means you can pass values wherever an optional is needed without having to bother to wrap it:


func f(maybe: Int?) { ... }

let i = 1

// you can just pass a straight value:

// Swift will turn this into this:

So in your final example, you’ve told Swift you want not_unwrapped_a to be an Int?. But it’s part of a let that requires a to be unwrapped before it’s assigned to it.


Presented with this, the only way Swift can make it work is to implicitly wrap a in another optional, so that’s what it does. Now it is an optional containing an optional containing nil. That is not a nil-valued optional - that is an optional containing a value (of an optional containing nil). Unwrapping that gives you an optional containing nil. It seems like nothing happened. But it did - it got wrapped a second time, then unwrapped once.

提出这一点,Swift可以使其工作的唯一方法是隐式地包装另一个可选项,这就是它的作用。现在它是一个可选项,包含一个包含nil的可选项。这不是一个零值可选 - 这是一个包含值的可选项(包含nil的可选值)。展开会给你一个包含nil的可选项。好像什么都没发生。但它确实 - 它被包裹了第二次,然后解开了一次。

You can see this in action if you compile your sample code with swiftc -dump-ast source.swift. You’ll see the phrase inject_into_optional implicit type='Int??’. The Int?? is an optional containing an optional.

如果使用swiftc -dump-ast source.swift编译示例代码,则可以看到此操作。你会看到短语inject_into_optional implicit type ='Int ??'。 Int ?? ??是一个包含可选项的可选项。

Optionals containing optionals aren’t obscure edge cases - they can happen easily. For example if you ever for…in over an array containing optionals, or used a subscript to get a value out of a dictionary that contained optionals, then optionals of optionals have been involved in that process.

包含选项的选项不是模糊的边缘情况 - 它们很容易发生。例如,如果你曾经...在包含选项的数组中,或者使用下标从包含选项的字典中获取值,则选项的选项已经参与该过程。

Another way of thinking about this is if you think of if let x = y { } as kind of* like a function, if_let, defined as follows:

考虑这个问题的另一种方法是,如果你考虑让x = y {}作为*类似函数if_let,定义如下:

func if_let<T>(optVal: T?, block: T->()) {
    if optVal != nil {

Now imagine if you supplied a block that took an Int? – that is, T would be an Int?. So T? would be a Int??. When you passed a regular Int? into if_let along with that block, Swift would then implicitly upgrade it to an Int?? to make it compile. That’s essentially what’s happening with the if let not_unwrapped_a:Int?.

现在假设您提供了一个采用Int的块? - 也就是说,T将是一个Int?。那么T?将是一个Int ??。当你通过常规的Int?进入if_let和那个块,然后Swift会隐式地将它升级为Int ??使它编译。这基本上是if let not_unwrapped_a:Int?正在发生的事情。

I agree, the implicit optional upgrade can sometimes be surprising (even more surprising is that Swift will upgrade functions that return optionals, i.e. if a function takes an (Int)->Int?, it will upgrade an (Int)->Int to return an optional instead). But presumably the feeling is the potential confusion is worth it for the convenience in this case.

我同意,隐式可选升级有时会令人惊讶(更令人惊讶的是Swift将升级返回选项的函数,即如果函数采用(Int) - > Int ?,它会升级(Int) - > Int到返回一个可选的)。但据推测,感觉是潜在的混乱是值得的,因为在这种情况下方便。

* only kind of




The purpose of the optional binding is to check an optional for not nil, unwrap and assign to a non optional of the type enclosed in the optional. So in my opinion the 1st case is the correct way of using it - the only variation I would use is adding an optional cast (useful for example when the optional contains AnyObject).

可选绑定的目的是检查可选的for nil,unwrap并赋值给可选中包含的非可选类型。因此,在我看来,第一种情况是使用它的正确方法 - 我将使用的唯一变体是添加可选的强制转换(例如,当可选项包含AnyObject时很有用)。

I wouldn't use the 2nd case, preferring an optional cast:


if let unwrapped_a = a as? Int { ... }

unless, as noted by @drewag in comments, the type is explicitly specified to avoid ambiguities when it's not clear.


In my opinion the 3rd case should generate a compilation error. I don't see any use of optional binding to assign an optional to another optional. Optional binding is not a generic inline assignment (such as if let x = 5 {...}), so conceptually it should not work if the left side is an optional - it should be handled the same way as if the right side is not an optional (for which compilation fails instead).

在我看来,第三种情况应该生成编译错误。我没有看到任何使用可选绑定将可选项分配给另一个可选项。可选绑定不是通用的内联赋值(例如,如果让x = 5 {...}),所以从概念上讲,如果左侧是可选的,它应该不起作用 - 它的处理方式应该与右侧是相同的不是可选的(相反,编译失败)。



Case 1 and case 2 are identical – they are both assignments of the contents of a to a new variable. The only difference is you are leaving Swift to infer the type of unwrapped_a in option 1, whereas you’re manually giving the type in option 2. The main reason you’d ever need to do option 2 is if the source value were ambiguous – for example if it were an overloaded function that could return multiple types.

案例1和案例2是相同的 - 它们都是a对新变量的内容的赋值。唯一的区别是你要离开Swift来推断选项1中unwrapped_a的类型,而你手动给出选项2中的类型。你需要做选项2的主要原因是如果源值不明确 - 例如,如果它是一个可以返回多种类型的重载函数。

Case 3 is quite interesting.


Whenever you have a value, Swift will always be willing to silently upgrade it to an optional wrapping the value, if it helps make the types match and the code compile. Swift auto-upgrading of types is fairly rare (it won’t implicitly upgrade an Int16 to an Int32 for example) but values to optionals is an exception.


This means you can pass values wherever an optional is needed without having to bother to wrap it:


func f(maybe: Int?) { ... }

let i = 1

// you can just pass a straight value:

// Swift will turn this into this:

So in your final example, you’ve told Swift you want not_unwrapped_a to be an Int?. But it’s part of a let that requires a to be unwrapped before it’s assigned to it.


Presented with this, the only way Swift can make it work is to implicitly wrap a in another optional, so that’s what it does. Now it is an optional containing an optional containing nil. That is not a nil-valued optional - that is an optional containing a value (of an optional containing nil). Unwrapping that gives you an optional containing nil. It seems like nothing happened. But it did - it got wrapped a second time, then unwrapped once.

提出这一点,Swift可以使其工作的唯一方法是隐式地包装另一个可选项,这就是它的作用。现在它是一个可选项,包含一个包含nil的可选项。这不是一个零值可选 - 这是一个包含值的可选项(包含nil的可选值)。展开会给你一个包含nil的可选项。好像什么都没发生。但它确实 - 它被包裹了第二次,然后解开了一次。

You can see this in action if you compile your sample code with swiftc -dump-ast source.swift. You’ll see the phrase inject_into_optional implicit type='Int??’. The Int?? is an optional containing an optional.

如果使用swiftc -dump-ast source.swift编译示例代码,则可以看到此操作。你会看到短语inject_into_optional implicit type ='Int ??'。 Int ?? ??是一个包含可选项的可选项。

Optionals containing optionals aren’t obscure edge cases - they can happen easily. For example if you ever for…in over an array containing optionals, or used a subscript to get a value out of a dictionary that contained optionals, then optionals of optionals have been involved in that process.

包含选项的选项不是模糊的边缘情况 - 它们很容易发生。例如,如果你曾经...在包含选项的数组中,或者使用下标从包含选项的字典中获取值,则选项的选项已经参与该过程。

Another way of thinking about this is if you think of if let x = y { } as kind of* like a function, if_let, defined as follows:

考虑这个问题的另一种方法是,如果你考虑让x = y {}作为*类似函数if_let,定义如下:

func if_let<T>(optVal: T?, block: T->()) {
    if optVal != nil {

Now imagine if you supplied a block that took an Int? – that is, T would be an Int?. So T? would be a Int??. When you passed a regular Int? into if_let along with that block, Swift would then implicitly upgrade it to an Int?? to make it compile. That’s essentially what’s happening with the if let not_unwrapped_a:Int?.

现在假设您提供了一个采用Int的块? - 也就是说,T将是一个Int?。那么T?将是一个Int ??。当你通过常规的Int?进入if_let和那个块,然后Swift会隐式地将它升级为Int ??使它编译。这基本上是if let not_unwrapped_a:Int?正在发生的事情。

I agree, the implicit optional upgrade can sometimes be surprising (even more surprising is that Swift will upgrade functions that return optionals, i.e. if a function takes an (Int)->Int?, it will upgrade an (Int)->Int to return an optional instead). But presumably the feeling is the potential confusion is worth it for the convenience in this case.

我同意,隐式可选升级有时会令人惊讶(更令人惊讶的是Swift将升级返回选项的函数,即如果函数采用(Int) - > Int ?,它会升级(Int) - > Int到返回一个可选的)。但据推测,感觉是潜在的混乱是值得的,因为在这种情况下方便。

* only kind of




The purpose of the optional binding is to check an optional for not nil, unwrap and assign to a non optional of the type enclosed in the optional. So in my opinion the 1st case is the correct way of using it - the only variation I would use is adding an optional cast (useful for example when the optional contains AnyObject).

可选绑定的目的是检查可选的for nil,unwrap并赋值给可选中包含的非可选类型。因此,在我看来,第一种情况是使用它的正确方法 - 我将使用的唯一变体是添加可选的强制转换(例如,当可选项包含AnyObject时很有用)。

I wouldn't use the 2nd case, preferring an optional cast:


if let unwrapped_a = a as? Int { ... }

unless, as noted by @drewag in comments, the type is explicitly specified to avoid ambiguities when it's not clear.


In my opinion the 3rd case should generate a compilation error. I don't see any use of optional binding to assign an optional to another optional. Optional binding is not a generic inline assignment (such as if let x = 5 {...}), so conceptually it should not work if the left side is an optional - it should be handled the same way as if the right side is not an optional (for which compilation fails instead).

在我看来,第三种情况应该生成编译错误。我没有看到任何使用可选绑定将可选项分配给另一个可选项。可选绑定不是通用的内联赋值(例如,如果让x = 5 {...}),所以从概念上讲,如果左侧是可选的,它应该不起作用 - 它的处理方式应该与右侧是相同的不是可选的(相反,编译失败)。