
时间:2023-02-02 20:02:13

I have a csv Document with 2 columns which contains Commodity Category and Commodity Name.




Sl.No. Commodity Category Commodity Name
1      Stationary         Pencil
2      Stationary         Pen
3      Stationary         Marker
4      Office Utensils    Chair
5      Office Utensils    Drawer
6      Hardware           Monitor
7      Hardware           CPU

and I have another csv file which contains various Commodity names.




Sl.No. Commodity Name
1      Pancil
2      Pencil-HB 02
3      Pencil-Apsara
4      Pancil-Nataraj
5      Pen-Parker
6      Pen-Reynolds
7      Monitor-X001RL

The output I would like is to standardise and categorise the commodity names and classify them into respective Commodity Categories like shown below :


Sl.No. Commodity Name   Commodity Category
1      Pencil           Stationary
2      Pencil           Stationary
3      Pencil           Stationary
4      Pancil           Stationary
5      Pen              Stationary
6      Pen              Stationary
7      Monitor          Hardware

Step 1) I first have to use NLTK (Text mining methods) and clean the data so as to seperate "Pencil" from "Pencil-HB 02" .

第一步)首先我需要使用NLTK(文本挖掘方法)来清理数据,将“Pencil”与“Pencil- hb02”分开。

Step 2) After cleaning I have to use Approximate String match technique i.e agrep() to match the patterns "Pencil *" or correcting "Pancil" to "Pencil".

清洗后,我必须使用近似的字符串匹配技术I。e agrep()匹配模式“铅笔*”或更正“Pancil”到“铅笔”。

Step 3)Once correcting the pattern I have to categorise. No idea how.


This is what I have thought about. I started with step 2 and I'm stuck in step 2 only. I'm not finding an exact method to code this. Is there any way to get the output as required? If yes please suggest me the method I can proceed with.


2 个解决方案



You could use the stringdist package. The correct function below will correct the Commodity.Name in file2 based on distances of the item to different CName.


Then a left_join is used to join the two tables.


I also notice that there are some classifications if I use the default options for stringdistmatrix. You can try changing the weight argument of stringdistmatrix for better correction result.


> library(dplyr)
> library(stringdist)
> file1 <- read.csv("/Users/Randy/Desktop/file1.csv")
> file2 <- read.csv("/Users/Randy/Desktop/file2.csv")
> head(file1)
  Sl.No. Commodity.Category Commodity.Name
1      1         Stationary         Pencil
2      2         Stationary            Pen
3      3         Stationary         Marker
4      4    Office Utensils          Chair
5      5    Office Utensils         Drawer
6      6           Hardware        Monitor
> head(file2)
  Sl.No. Commodity.Name
1      1         Pancil
2      2   Pencil-HB 02
3      3  Pencil-Apsara
4      4 Pancil-Nataraj
5      5     Pen-Parker
6      6   Pen-Reynolds
> CName <- levels(file1$Commodity.Name)
> correct <- function(x){
+     factor(sapply(x, function(z) CName[which.min(stringdistmatrix(z, CName, weight=c(1,0.1,1,1)))]), CName)
+ }
> correctedfile2 <- file2 %>%
+ transmute(Commodity.Name.Old = Commodity.Name, Commodity.Name = correct(Commodity.Name))
> correctedfile2 %>%
+ inner_join(file1[,-1], by="Commodity.Name")
  Commodity.Name.Old Commodity.Name Commodity.Category
1             Pancil         Pencil         Stationary
2       Pencil-HB 02         Pencil         Stationary
3      Pencil-Apsara         Pencil         Stationary
4     Pancil-Nataraj         Pencil         Stationary
5         Pen-Parker            Pen         Stationary
6       Pen-Reynolds            Pen         Stationary
7     Monitor-X001RL        Monitor           Hardware

If you need the "Others" category, you just need to play with the weights. I added a row "Diesel" in file2. Then compute the score using stringdist with customized weights (you should try varying the values). If the score is large than 2 (this value is related to how the weights are assigned), it doesn't correct anything.


PS: as we don't know all the possible labels, we have to do as.character to convect factor to character.


PS2: I am also using tolower for case insensitive scoring.


> head(file2)
  Sl.No. Commodity.Name
1      1         Diesel
2      2         Pancil
3      3   Pencil-HB 02
4      4  Pencil-Apsara
5      5 Pancil-Nataraj
6      6     Pen-Parker
> CName <- levels(file1$Commodity.Name)
> CName.lower <- tolower(CName)
> correct_1 <- function(x){
+     scores = stringdistmatrix(tolower(x), CName.lower, weight=c(1,0.001,1,0.5))
+     if (min(scores)>2) {
+         return(x)
+     } else {
+         return(as.character(CName[which.min(scores)]))
+     }
+ }
> correct <- function(x) {
+     sapply(as.character(x), correct_1)
+ }
> correctedfile2 <- file2 %>%
+ transmute(Commodity.Name.Old = Commodity.Name, Commodity.Name = correct(Commodity.Name))
> file1$Commodity.Name = as.character(file1$Commodity.Name)
> correctedfile2 %>%
+ left_join(file1[,-1], by="Commodity.Name")
  Commodity.Name.Old Commodity.Name Commodity.Category
1             Diesel         Diesel               <NA>
2             Pancil         Pencil         Stationary
3       Pencil-HB 02         Pencil         Stationary
4      Pencil-Apsara         Pencil         Stationary
5     Pancil-Nataraj         Pencil         Stationary
6         Pen-Parker            Pen         Stationary
7       Pen-Reynolds            Pen         Stationary
8     Monitor-X001RL        Monitor           Hardware



There is an 'Approximate string matching' function amatch() in {stingdist} (at least in that returns the most probable match from the pre-defined set of words. It has a parameter maxDist that can be set for the maximum distance to be matched, and a nomatch parameter that can be used for the 'other' category. Otherwise, method, weights, etc. can be set similarly to stringdistmatrix().


So, your original problem can be solved like this using a tidyverse compatible solution:



# Reading the files
file1 <- readr::read_csv("file1.csv")
file2 <- readr::read_csv("file2.csv")

# Getting the commodity names in a vector    
commodities <- file1 %>% distinct(`Commodity Name`) %>% pull()

# Finding the closest string match of the commodities, and joining the file containing the categories 
file2 %>%
    mutate(`Commodity Name` = commodities[amatch(`Commodity Name`, commodities, maxDist = 5)]) %>%
    left_join(file1, by = "Commodity Name")

This will return a data frame that contains the corrected commodity name and category. If the original Commodity name is more than 5 characters away (simplified explanation of string distance) from any of the possible commodity names, the corrected name will be NA.




You could use the stringdist package. The correct function below will correct the Commodity.Name in file2 based on distances of the item to different CName.


Then a left_join is used to join the two tables.


I also notice that there are some classifications if I use the default options for stringdistmatrix. You can try changing the weight argument of stringdistmatrix for better correction result.


> library(dplyr)
> library(stringdist)
> file1 <- read.csv("/Users/Randy/Desktop/file1.csv")
> file2 <- read.csv("/Users/Randy/Desktop/file2.csv")
> head(file1)
  Sl.No. Commodity.Category Commodity.Name
1      1         Stationary         Pencil
2      2         Stationary            Pen
3      3         Stationary         Marker
4      4    Office Utensils          Chair
5      5    Office Utensils         Drawer
6      6           Hardware        Monitor
> head(file2)
  Sl.No. Commodity.Name
1      1         Pancil
2      2   Pencil-HB 02
3      3  Pencil-Apsara
4      4 Pancil-Nataraj
5      5     Pen-Parker
6      6   Pen-Reynolds
> CName <- levels(file1$Commodity.Name)
> correct <- function(x){
+     factor(sapply(x, function(z) CName[which.min(stringdistmatrix(z, CName, weight=c(1,0.1,1,1)))]), CName)
+ }
> correctedfile2 <- file2 %>%
+ transmute(Commodity.Name.Old = Commodity.Name, Commodity.Name = correct(Commodity.Name))
> correctedfile2 %>%
+ inner_join(file1[,-1], by="Commodity.Name")
  Commodity.Name.Old Commodity.Name Commodity.Category
1             Pancil         Pencil         Stationary
2       Pencil-HB 02         Pencil         Stationary
3      Pencil-Apsara         Pencil         Stationary
4     Pancil-Nataraj         Pencil         Stationary
5         Pen-Parker            Pen         Stationary
6       Pen-Reynolds            Pen         Stationary
7     Monitor-X001RL        Monitor           Hardware

If you need the "Others" category, you just need to play with the weights. I added a row "Diesel" in file2. Then compute the score using stringdist with customized weights (you should try varying the values). If the score is large than 2 (this value is related to how the weights are assigned), it doesn't correct anything.


PS: as we don't know all the possible labels, we have to do as.character to convect factor to character.


PS2: I am also using tolower for case insensitive scoring.


> head(file2)
  Sl.No. Commodity.Name
1      1         Diesel
2      2         Pancil
3      3   Pencil-HB 02
4      4  Pencil-Apsara
5      5 Pancil-Nataraj
6      6     Pen-Parker
> CName <- levels(file1$Commodity.Name)
> CName.lower <- tolower(CName)
> correct_1 <- function(x){
+     scores = stringdistmatrix(tolower(x), CName.lower, weight=c(1,0.001,1,0.5))
+     if (min(scores)>2) {
+         return(x)
+     } else {
+         return(as.character(CName[which.min(scores)]))
+     }
+ }
> correct <- function(x) {
+     sapply(as.character(x), correct_1)
+ }
> correctedfile2 <- file2 %>%
+ transmute(Commodity.Name.Old = Commodity.Name, Commodity.Name = correct(Commodity.Name))
> file1$Commodity.Name = as.character(file1$Commodity.Name)
> correctedfile2 %>%
+ left_join(file1[,-1], by="Commodity.Name")
  Commodity.Name.Old Commodity.Name Commodity.Category
1             Diesel         Diesel               <NA>
2             Pancil         Pencil         Stationary
3       Pencil-HB 02         Pencil         Stationary
4      Pencil-Apsara         Pencil         Stationary
5     Pancil-Nataraj         Pencil         Stationary
6         Pen-Parker            Pen         Stationary
7       Pen-Reynolds            Pen         Stationary
8     Monitor-X001RL        Monitor           Hardware



There is an 'Approximate string matching' function amatch() in {stingdist} (at least in that returns the most probable match from the pre-defined set of words. It has a parameter maxDist that can be set for the maximum distance to be matched, and a nomatch parameter that can be used for the 'other' category. Otherwise, method, weights, etc. can be set similarly to stringdistmatrix().


So, your original problem can be solved like this using a tidyverse compatible solution:



# Reading the files
file1 <- readr::read_csv("file1.csv")
file2 <- readr::read_csv("file2.csv")

# Getting the commodity names in a vector    
commodities <- file1 %>% distinct(`Commodity Name`) %>% pull()

# Finding the closest string match of the commodities, and joining the file containing the categories 
file2 %>%
    mutate(`Commodity Name` = commodities[amatch(`Commodity Name`, commodities, maxDist = 5)]) %>%
    left_join(file1, by = "Commodity Name")

This will return a data frame that contains the corrected commodity name and category. If the original Commodity name is more than 5 characters away (simplified explanation of string distance) from any of the possible commodity names, the corrected name will be NA.
