
时间:2022-09-10 21:28:25

I have a simulation which calculates surface data for each iteration of the simulation. I would like to continuously plot that data as a surface plot to the same window (updating the plot in each iteration) in order to see how it evolves and to check the algorithm.


My Idea was to create a class that would initialize the window/plot and then redraw to that window from inside the simulation loop. Here is the class I came up with:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FixedLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib
matplotlib.interactive( False )

class plot3dClass( object ):

    def __init__( self, systemSideLength, lowerCutoffLength ):
        self.systemSideLength = systemSideLength
        self.lowerCutoffLength = lowerCutoffLength
        self.fig = plt.figure()
        self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot( 111, projection='3d' )
        self.ax.set_zlim3d( -10e-9, 10e9 )

        X = np.arange( 0, self.systemSideLength, self.lowerCutoffLength )
        Y = X
        self.X, self.Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

        self.ax.w_zaxis.set_major_locator( LinearLocator( 10 ) )
        self.ax.w_zaxis.set_major_formatter( FormatStrFormatter( '%.03f' ) )

        heightR = np.zeros( self.X.shape )
        self.surf = self.ax.plot_surface( self.X, self.Y, heightR, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=False )
        #~ self.fig.colorbar( self.surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5 )


    def drawNow( self, heightR ):

        self.surf = self.ax.plot_surface( self.X, self.Y, heightR, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=False )
        plt.draw()                      # redraw the canvas


The problem I have with this code, is that the code stops at the 'plt.show()' and only continues, when I close the plot-window. Also I am not sure if the calls of 'self.ax.plot_surface( ... )' and 'plt.draw()' would update the figure as I would like it.

我对这段代码的问题是,代码在“pl .show()”处停止,只在我关闭plot-window时继续。我也不确定是不是“self。ax”plot_surface(…)”而“pl .draw()”则会按我的意愿更新数据。

So is this class the right direction?


If yes: What modifications are needed?


If not: Could somebody please give me advice how to achieve what I want?


I realize that this problem might seem trivial to others, but I (honestly) did spend the whole day yesterday on Google and trying and I'm at a loss...


Any help would greatly appreciated, so that I can get back to my actual work.


Tanks alot in advance.


As a reference:


I also found the following code which does, what I want, but it is in 2D, so it does not help me directly:


from pylab import *
import time


tstart = time.time()               # for profiling
x = arange(0,2*pi,0.01)            # x-array
line, = plot(x,sin(x))

for i in arange(1,200):
    line.set_ydata(sin(x+i/10.0))  # update the data
    draw()                         # redraw the canvas

print 'FPS:' , 200/(time.time()-tstart)

3 个解决方案



You do not need to plt.show() if it is an animated (interactive) plot. You also want interactive set to True, not False which is the same as calling ion() in your 2d example. Also, you need to remove() the surface plots from previous frames if you do not want to see them all.


Otherwise you were pretty close.


This works for me:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FixedLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib, time

class plot3dClass( object ):

    def __init__( self, systemSideLength, lowerCutoffLength ):
        self.systemSideLength = systemSideLength
        self.lowerCutoffLength = lowerCutoffLength
        self.fig = plt.figure()
        self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot( 111, projection='3d' )
        self.ax.set_zlim3d( -10e-9, 10e9 )

        rng = np.arange( 0, self.systemSideLength, self.lowerCutoffLength )
        self.X, self.Y = np.meshgrid(rng,rng)

        self.ax.w_zaxis.set_major_locator( LinearLocator( 10 ) )
        self.ax.w_zaxis.set_major_formatter( FormatStrFormatter( '%.03f' ) )

        heightR = np.zeros( self.X.shape )
        self.surf = self.ax.plot_surface( 
            self.X, self.Y, heightR, rstride=1, cstride=1, 
            cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=False )
        # plt.draw() maybe you want to see this frame?

    def drawNow( self, heightR ):
        self.surf = self.ax.plot_surface( 
            self.X, self.Y, heightR, rstride=1, cstride=1, 
            cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=False )
        plt.draw()                      # redraw the canvas


p = plot3dClass(5,1)
for i in range(2):



I am grateful for the answer from Paul, although I haven't to tried it out yet.


In the meantime I had found another solution that works and renders with OpenGL using MayaVI, which is OK as I only need real-time quick visual feedback. However I had to install the following packages under Ubuntu: python-enthoughtbase and mayavi2


Here's the code:


import numpy as np
import time
from enthought.mayavi import mlab
from enthought.tvtk.tools import visual

    class plot3dClass( object ):

        def __init__( self, systemSideLength, lowerCutoffLength ):
            self.systemSideLength = systemSideLength
            self.lowerCutoffLength = lowerCutoffLength

            rangeMax = self.systemSideLength
            X = np.arange( 0, self.systemSideLength, self.lowerCutoffLength )
            Y = X

            matrixSize = int( round( self.systemSideLength / self.lowerCutoffLength ) )
            heightR = np.zeros( ( matrixSize, matrixSize ) )

            fig = mlab.figure(size=(500,500))
            self.surf = mlab.surf( X, Y, heightR, warp_scale = 1e1 ) # NOTE: the warp_scale factor is relative to the scale of the x- and y-axes
            box_extent = ( 0,rangeMax, 0,rangeMax, -1e-7,1e-7 ) # NOTE: the extent options refers to the size and position in the 3D space relative to the origin

            mlab.outline(self.surf, color=(0.7, .7, .7), extent = box_extent )

        def drawNow( self, heightR ):
            self.surf.mlab_source.scalars = heightR

This class is not quite where I would like it to be and I have two immediate issues with it:


  1. After a short will the window is grayed by Ubuntu as (I suppose) Ubuntu thinks the application is not responding. Perhaps rather a an Ubuntu issue, but annoying.
  2. 在一段时间之后,Ubuntu的窗口就会变灰(我猜),Ubuntu认为应用程序没有响应。也许更像是Ubuntu的问题,但是很烦人。
  3. I have been trying to find out how I can be able to rotate the plot with the mouse while animating.
  4. 我一直在试图找出如何在动画的同时,用鼠标旋转情节。

I will try getting these answered in another thread.


EDIT: Ok. I have just tried the code as suggested by Paul and it also works for me. However, trying it I have become aware that MatPlotLib probably is not the best choice for doing animations in real-time. At least for me it is extremely slow (perhaps only in 3D?).


So in the end I will stick with the MayaVI implementation from above, which except for the two points mentioned, works great.


EDIT: If you go with the MatPlotLib solution, I have found that you can put the line matplotlib.interactive(True) inside the declaration of the plotting class. That way you can have MatPlotLib only defined within the plotting class.

编辑:如果您使用MatPlotLib解决方案,我发现您可以将线MatPlotLib .interactive(True)放在plot类的声明中。这样,就可以只在plot类中定义MatPlotLib。



I had a similar problem and this worked for me:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

for k in xrange(0,X_range):
    ax.plot(x_input, y_input, z_input)

For you, I'd imagine the solution be something similar to the top answer except replacing time.sleep() with plt.pause(), which would finish the drawing the figure before sleeping.

对于您,我认为解决方案类似于上面的答案,除了用pl .pause()替换time.sleep(),它将在睡觉前完成图形。



You do not need to plt.show() if it is an animated (interactive) plot. You also want interactive set to True, not False which is the same as calling ion() in your 2d example. Also, you need to remove() the surface plots from previous frames if you do not want to see them all.


Otherwise you were pretty close.


This works for me:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FixedLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib, time

class plot3dClass( object ):

    def __init__( self, systemSideLength, lowerCutoffLength ):
        self.systemSideLength = systemSideLength
        self.lowerCutoffLength = lowerCutoffLength
        self.fig = plt.figure()
        self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot( 111, projection='3d' )
        self.ax.set_zlim3d( -10e-9, 10e9 )

        rng = np.arange( 0, self.systemSideLength, self.lowerCutoffLength )
        self.X, self.Y = np.meshgrid(rng,rng)

        self.ax.w_zaxis.set_major_locator( LinearLocator( 10 ) )
        self.ax.w_zaxis.set_major_formatter( FormatStrFormatter( '%.03f' ) )

        heightR = np.zeros( self.X.shape )
        self.surf = self.ax.plot_surface( 
            self.X, self.Y, heightR, rstride=1, cstride=1, 
            cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=False )
        # plt.draw() maybe you want to see this frame?

    def drawNow( self, heightR ):
        self.surf = self.ax.plot_surface( 
            self.X, self.Y, heightR, rstride=1, cstride=1, 
            cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, antialiased=False )
        plt.draw()                      # redraw the canvas


p = plot3dClass(5,1)
for i in range(2):



I am grateful for the answer from Paul, although I haven't to tried it out yet.


In the meantime I had found another solution that works and renders with OpenGL using MayaVI, which is OK as I only need real-time quick visual feedback. However I had to install the following packages under Ubuntu: python-enthoughtbase and mayavi2


Here's the code:


import numpy as np
import time
from enthought.mayavi import mlab
from enthought.tvtk.tools import visual

    class plot3dClass( object ):

        def __init__( self, systemSideLength, lowerCutoffLength ):
            self.systemSideLength = systemSideLength
            self.lowerCutoffLength = lowerCutoffLength

            rangeMax = self.systemSideLength
            X = np.arange( 0, self.systemSideLength, self.lowerCutoffLength )
            Y = X

            matrixSize = int( round( self.systemSideLength / self.lowerCutoffLength ) )
            heightR = np.zeros( ( matrixSize, matrixSize ) )

            fig = mlab.figure(size=(500,500))
            self.surf = mlab.surf( X, Y, heightR, warp_scale = 1e1 ) # NOTE: the warp_scale factor is relative to the scale of the x- and y-axes
            box_extent = ( 0,rangeMax, 0,rangeMax, -1e-7,1e-7 ) # NOTE: the extent options refers to the size and position in the 3D space relative to the origin

            mlab.outline(self.surf, color=(0.7, .7, .7), extent = box_extent )

        def drawNow( self, heightR ):
            self.surf.mlab_source.scalars = heightR

This class is not quite where I would like it to be and I have two immediate issues with it:


  1. After a short will the window is grayed by Ubuntu as (I suppose) Ubuntu thinks the application is not responding. Perhaps rather a an Ubuntu issue, but annoying.
  2. 在一段时间之后,Ubuntu的窗口就会变灰(我猜),Ubuntu认为应用程序没有响应。也许更像是Ubuntu的问题,但是很烦人。
  3. I have been trying to find out how I can be able to rotate the plot with the mouse while animating.
  4. 我一直在试图找出如何在动画的同时,用鼠标旋转情节。

I will try getting these answered in another thread.


EDIT: Ok. I have just tried the code as suggested by Paul and it also works for me. However, trying it I have become aware that MatPlotLib probably is not the best choice for doing animations in real-time. At least for me it is extremely slow (perhaps only in 3D?).


So in the end I will stick with the MayaVI implementation from above, which except for the two points mentioned, works great.


EDIT: If you go with the MatPlotLib solution, I have found that you can put the line matplotlib.interactive(True) inside the declaration of the plotting class. That way you can have MatPlotLib only defined within the plotting class.

编辑:如果您使用MatPlotLib解决方案,我发现您可以将线MatPlotLib .interactive(True)放在plot类的声明中。这样,就可以只在plot类中定义MatPlotLib。



I had a similar problem and this worked for me:


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

for k in xrange(0,X_range):
    ax.plot(x_input, y_input, z_input)

For you, I'd imagine the solution be something similar to the top answer except replacing time.sleep() with plt.pause(), which would finish the drawing the figure before sleeping.

对于您,我认为解决方案类似于上面的答案,除了用pl .pause()替换time.sleep(),它将在睡觉前完成图形。