适用于iOS的Firebase App Indexing:搜索结果中没有应用商店图标

时间:2022-09-10 19:17:36

I've just finished implementing app indexing in one of my apps. I followed Google's instructions here and everything seems to work, except that I do not see the app icon in the search result list.


When I perform a Google search in Safari, it just shows the usual search result list. Has anyone experience with this?


Google docs say:


The app icon appears in the Search results list some time after the initial click through from Search results.


Does anyone know what this is exactly suppose to mean? Do I have to have a touch icon or similar in place on the web server? Any help is appreciated.


2 个解决方案



It means you'll need to click through an actual link you've indexed/found in Search and successfully load the link. Once you've done that it'll probably take a few hours for the App Icon to then show up.

这意味着您需要单击已在搜索中编入索引/找到的实际链接并成功加载链接。一旦你完成了它,可能需要几个小时才能显示App Icon。



It's so sad to tell, but App indexing for iOS is no longer active.


You won't see app icons on SERPs, nor get ranking boost. You can still launch apps from SERPs, but it owes to universal links.


A JP Googler announced it...

JP Googler宣布它......


and doc is updated.


"The App Indexing API on Android enhances ranking performance for links to your app and provides autocomplete suggestions based on user actions you log in your app." https://firebase.google.com/docs/app-indexing/

“Android上的App Indexing API可增强指向您应用的链接的排名效果,并根据您在应用中登录的用户操作提供自动填充建议。” https://firebase.google.com/docs/app-indexing/



It means you'll need to click through an actual link you've indexed/found in Search and successfully load the link. Once you've done that it'll probably take a few hours for the App Icon to then show up.

这意味着您需要单击已在搜索中编入索引/找到的实际链接并成功加载链接。一旦你完成了它,可能需要几个小时才能显示App Icon。



It's so sad to tell, but App indexing for iOS is no longer active.


You won't see app icons on SERPs, nor get ranking boost. You can still launch apps from SERPs, but it owes to universal links.


A JP Googler announced it...

JP Googler宣布它......


and doc is updated.


"The App Indexing API on Android enhances ranking performance for links to your app and provides autocomplete suggestions based on user actions you log in your app." https://firebase.google.com/docs/app-indexing/

“Android上的App Indexing API可增强指向您应用的链接的排名效果,并根据您在应用中登录的用户操作提供自动填充建议。” https://firebase.google.com/docs/app-indexing/