iOS 9中是否有内置的图表库

时间:2022-09-10 19:14:39

I'm currently working on an app where I need to displa charts like in the added picture. I already know about ios-charts framework, etc.


But I really like the charts from iOS 9 health app landscape mode. It's showing current value when touching:

但我真的很喜欢iOS 9健康应用程序横向模式中的图表。它触摸时显示当前值:

iOS 9中是否有内置的图表库

Now I'm wondering if this kind of chart is available for developers from Apple in iOS 9, because I already saw it in some other 3rd party apps (e.g. Idealo app for iPad (Germany))

现在我想知道这种图表是否适用于iOS 9中Apple的开发人员,因为我已经在其他一些第三方应用程序中看到过它(例如iPad的Idealo应用程序(德国))

Thanks in advance!


1 个解决方案



No, there is no native Chart library in iOS. There are however, plenty of libraries available. Unfortunately, you will need to dig through them to find the one closest to what you've seen.


Of course, you could also reach out to the developers of the apps you like and ask them directly. Most developers like to share information like that.




No, there is no native Chart library in iOS. There are however, plenty of libraries available. Unfortunately, you will need to dig through them to find the one closest to what you've seen.


Of course, you could also reach out to the developers of the apps you like and ask them directly. Most developers like to share information like that.
