
时间:2023-11-21 12:09:44

0.1. question

frame的reactivate是 为了节省内存资源,要是现在的位置可以在已经有的keyframes找到一个相似的,就把之前的那个载入进去。



LSD SLAM avoids this issue by using the fact that the scene depth and the tracking accuracy has inherent correlation

lsd-slam中SlamSystem::SlamSystem(int w, int h, Eigen::Matrix3f K, bool enableSLAM)注意变量enableSlam


slam对应的就多了两个线程optimizationThread ,constraintSearchThread,优化线程只在constraintSearch线程添加了


constraintSearchThread添加约束,注意的是相邻关键帧的约束是通过if(parent != 0 && forceParent),forceParent来添加的,因为当前帧的parent就是前一帧

0.2. 算法框架


0.3. 代码解析

0.3.1. 数据结构 Frame

class Frame
friend class FrameMemory; Frame(int id, int width, int height, const Eigen::Matrix3f& K, double timestamp, const unsigned char* image); /** Prepares this frame for stereo comparisons with the other frame (computes some intermediate values that will be needed) */
void prepareForStereoWith(Frame* other, Sim3 thisToOther, const Eigen::Matrix3f& K, const int level); //只对关键帧有作用,非关键帧是空的
/** Pointers to all adjacent Frames in graph. empty for non-keyframes.*/
std::unordered_set< Frame*, std::hash<Frame*>, std::equal_to<Frame*>,
Eigen::aligned_allocator< Frame* > > neighbors; //Tracking Reference for quick test, this is used for re-localization and re-Keyframe positioning.
//一种快速的tracking reference
Eigen::Vector3f* permaRef_posData; // (x,y,z)
Eigen::Vector2f* permaRef_colorAndVarData; // (I, Var)
int permaRefNumPts; private:
//获取图像的数据,gredient ,inverse depth ,variance ,color
void require(int dataFlags, int level = 0);
void release(int dataFlags, bool pyramidsOnly, bool invalidateOnly); struct Data
//PYRAMID_LEVELS = 5 > 5 ? 5 : 5
float* image[PYRAMID_LEVELS];
bool imageValid[PYRAMID_LEVELS]; Eigen::Vector4f* gradients[PYRAMID_LEVELS];
bool gradientsValid[PYRAMID_LEVELS]; float* maxGradients[PYRAMID_LEVELS];
bool maxGradientsValid[PYRAMID_LEVELS]; // negative depthvalues are actually allowed, so setting this to -1 does NOT invalidate the pixel's depth.
// a pixel is valid iff idepthVar[i] > 0.
float* idepth[PYRAMID_LEVELS];
bool idepthValid[PYRAMID_LEVELS]; // MUST contain -1 for invalid pixel (that dont have depth)!!
float* idepthVar[PYRAMID_LEVELS];
bool idepthVarValid[PYRAMID_LEVELS]; // data from initial tracking, indicating which pixels in the reference frame ware good or not.
// deleted as soon as frame is used for mapping.
bool* refPixelWasGood;
} Data data; /** Releases everything which can be recalculated, but keeps the minimal
* representation in memory. Use release(Frame::ALL, false) to store on disk instead.
* ONLY CALL THIS, if an exclusive lock on activeMutex is owned! */
bool minimizeInMemory();
} Frame::Frame(int id, int width, int height, const Eigen::Matrix3f& K, double timestamp, const unsigned char* image)
initialize(id, width, height, K, timestamp);
data.image[0] = FrameMemory::getInstance().getFloatBuffer(data.width[0]*data.height[0]);
//copy from image to data.image[0]
} void Frame::require(int dataFlags, int level)
if ((dataFlags & IMAGE) && ! data.imageValid[level])
if ((dataFlags & GRADIENTS) && ! data.gradientsValid[level])
if ((dataFlags & MAX_GRADIENTS) && ! data.maxGradientsValid[level])
if (((dataFlags & IDEPTH) && ! data.idepthValid[level])
|| ((dataFlags & IDEPTH_VAR) && ! data.idepthVarValid[level]))
} void Frame::release(int dataFlags, bool pyramidsOnly, bool invalidateOnly)
} bool Frame::minimizeInMemory()
buildMutex.lock(); release(IMAGE | IDEPTH | IDEPTH_VAR, true, false);
release(GRADIENTS | MAX_GRADIENTS, false, false); clear_refPixelWasGood(); buildMutex.unlock();
return true;
return false;
} FrameMemory

class FrameMemory
static FrameMemory& getInstance(); boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> activateFrame(Frame* frame);
void deactivateFrame(Frame* frame);
void pruneActiveFrames(); private:
std::unordered_map< void*, unsigned int > bufferSizes;
//第一个元素是buffer size,第二个有几个这样的buffer
std::unordered_map< unsigned int, std::vector< void* > > availableBuffers; boost::mutex activeFramesMutex;
std::list<Frame*> activeFrames;
} //只是内存的管理
void FrameMemory::pruneActiveFrames()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(activeFramesMutex); while((int)activeFrames.size() > maxLoopClosureCandidates + 20)
printf("failed to minimize frame %d twice. maybe some active-lock is lingering?\n",activeFrames.back()->id());
return; // pre-emptive return if could not deactivate.
activeFrames.back()->isActive = false;
} FramePoseStruct

//这个类有parent tracking ,优化之后,变成keyframe之后的变量设置
class FramePoseStruct{
public: //trackingParent就是reference keyframe的pose
// parent, the frame originally tracked on. never changes.
FramePoseStruct* trackingParent; // set initially as tracking result (then it's a SE(3)),
// and is changed only once, when the frame becomes a KF (->rescale).
Sim3 thisToParent_raw; int frameID;
Frame* frame; void setPoseGraphOptResult(Sim3 camToWorld);
void applyPoseGraphOptResult();
private: // absolute position (camToWorld).
// can change when optimization offset is merged.
Sim3 camToWorld; // camToWorld = camToWorld_new;(FramePoseStruct::applyPoseGraphOptResult) // new, optimized absolute position. is added on mergeOptimization.
Sim3 camToWorld_new; // whether camToWorld_new is newer than camToWorld
bool hasUnmergedPose;
} //要是parent tracking reference的pose优化之后,之后的child的值都要修改,pose-graph
Sim3 FramePoseStruct::getCamToWorld(int recursionDepth)
// prevent stack overflow
assert(recursionDepth < 5000); // if the node is in the graph, it's absolute pose is only changed by optimization.
if(isOptimized) return camToWorld; // return chached pose, if still valid.
if(cacheValidFor == cacheValidCounter)
return camToWorld; // return id if there is no parent (very first frame)
if(trackingParent == nullptr)
return camToWorld = Sim3(); // abs. pose is computed from the parent's abs. pose, and cached.
cacheValidFor = cacheValidCounter; return camToWorld = trackingParent->getCamToWorld(recursionDepth+1) * thisToParent_raw;

0.3.2. Tracking thread

void SlamSystem::randomInit(uchar* image, double timeStamp, int id)
currentKeyFrame.reset(new Frame(id, width, height, K, timeStamp, image));
keyFrameGraph->addFrame(currentKeyFrame.get()); if(doSlam)
keyFrameGraph->idToKeyFrame.insert(std::make_pair(currentKeyFrame->id(), currentKeyFrame));
} //tracking
void SlamSystem::trackFrame(uchar *image , unsigned int frameID, bool blockUntilMapped,double timestamp)
// Create new frame
std::shared_ptr<Frame> trackingNewFrame(new Frame(frameID, width, height, K, timestamp, image)); //进行重定位
if(trackingReference->keyframe != currentKeyFrame.get() || currentKeyFrame->depthHasBeenUpdatedFlag)
currentKeyFrame->depthHasBeenUpdatedFlag = false;
trackingReferenceFrameSharedPT = currentKeyFrame;
} FramePoseStruct* trackingReferencePose = trackingReference->keyframe->pose;
SE3 frameToReference_initialEstimate = se3FromSim3(
trackingReferencePose->getCamToWorld().inverse() * keyFrameGraph->allFramePoses.back()->getCamToWorld()); //SE3 track 的调用
SE3 newRefToFrame_poseUpdate = tracker->trackFrame(
frameToReference_initialEstimate); //添加到frameGraph
keyFrameGraph->addFrame(trackingNewFrame.get()); //当前帧是不是要设置为KeyFrame
if (!my_createNewKeyframe && currentKeyFrame->numMappedOnThisTotal > MIN_NUM_MAPPED)
Sophus::Vector3d dist = newRefToFrame_poseUpdate.translation() * currentKeyFrame->meanIdepth;
float minVal = fmin(0.2f + keyFrameGraph->keyframesAll.size() * 0.8f / INITIALIZATION_PHASE_COUNT,1.0f); if(keyFrameGraph->keyframesAll.size() < INITIALIZATION_PHASE_COUNT) minVal *= 0.7; lastTrackingClosenessScore = trackableKeyFrameSearch->getRefFrameScore(, tracker->pointUsage); if (lastTrackingClosenessScore > minVal)
createNewKeyFrame = true;
} if(unmappedTrackedFrames.size() < 50 || (unmappedTrackedFrames.size() < 100 && trackingNewFrame->getTrackingParent()->numMappedOnThisTotal < 10))
unmappedTrackedFrames.push_back(trackingNewFrame); if(blockUntilMapped && trackingIsGood)
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(newFrameMappedMutex);
while(unmappedTrackedFrames.size() > 0)
//printf("TRACKING IS BLOCKING, waiting for %d frames to finish mapping.\n", (int)unmappedTrackedFrames.size());
} SE3 SE3Tracker::trackFrame(TrackingReference* reference,Frame* frame,const SE3& frameToReference_initialEstimate)
Sophus::SE3f referenceToFrame = frameToReference_initialEstimate.inverse().cast<float>();
NormalEquationsLeastSquares ls; for(int lvl=SE3TRACKING_MAX_LEVEL-1;lvl >= SE3TRACKING_MIN_LEVEL;lvl--)
reference->makePointCloud(lvl); //这是一个宏定义,call的函数是calcResidualAndBuffers
callOptimized(calcResidualAndBuffers, (reference->posData[lvl], reference->colorAndVarData[lvl], SE3TRACKING_MIN_LEVEL == lvl ? reference->pointPosInXYGrid[lvl] : 0, reference->numData[lvl], frame, referenceToFrame, lvl, (plotTracking && lvl == SE3TRACKING_MIN_LEVEL))); //buf_warped_size小于0.01* (width>>lvl)*(height>>lvl) ,track失败,diverged
if(buf_warped_size < MIN_GOODPERALL_PIXEL_ABSMIN * (width>>lvl)*(height>>lvl))
diverged = true;
trackingWasGood = false;
return SE3();
} float lastErr = callOptimized(calcWeightsAndResidual,(referenceToFrame)); for(int iteration=0; iteration < settings.maxItsPerLvl[lvl]; iteration++)
callOptimized(calculateWarpUpdate,(ls)); while(true)
// solve LS system with current lambda
Vector6 b = -ls.b;
Matrix6x6 A = ls.A;
for(int i=0;i<6;i++) A(i,i) *= 1+LM_lambda;
Vector6 inc = A.ldlt().solve(b);
incTry++; // apply increment. pretty sure this way round is correct, but hard to test.
Sophus::SE3f new_referenceToFrame = Sophus::SE3f::exp((inc)) * referenceToFrame; // re-evaluate residual
callOptimized(calcResidualAndBuffers, (reference->posData[lvl], reference->colorAndVarData[lvl], SE3TRACKING_MIN_LEVEL == lvl ? reference->pointPosInXYGrid[lvl] : 0, reference->numData[lvl], frame, new_referenceToFrame, lvl, (plotTracking && lvl == SE3TRACKING_MIN_LEVEL)));
if(buf_warped_size < MIN_GOODPERALL_PIXEL_ABSMIN* (width>>lvl)*(height>>lvl))
diverged = true;
trackingWasGood = false;
return SE3();
} float error = callOptimized(calcWeightsAndResidual,(new_referenceToFrame));
numCalcResidualCalls[lvl]++; }
trackingWasGood = !diverged
&& lastGoodCount / (frame->width(SE3TRACKING_MIN_LEVEL)*frame->height(SE3TRACKING_MIN_LEVEL)) > MIN_GOODPERALL_PIXEL
&& lastGoodCount / (lastGoodCount + lastBadCount) > MIN_GOODPERGOODBAD_PIXEL; if(trackingWasGood)
reference->keyframe->numFramesTrackedOnThis++; return toSophus(referenceToFrame.inverse()); } float SE3Tracker::calcResidualAndBuffers(const Eigen::Vector3f* refPoint,const Eigen::Vector2f* refColVar,int* idxBuf,
int refNum,Frame* frame,const Sophus::SE3f& referenceToFrame,int level,bool plotResidual)
Eigen::Matrix3f rotMat = referenceToFrame.rotationMatrix();
Eigen::Vector3f transVec = referenceToFrame.translation(); for(;refPoint<refPoint_max; refPoint++, refColVar++, idxBuf++)
Eigen::Vector3f Wxp = rotMat * (*refPoint) + transVec; //得到在当前帧图像坐标内的坐标
float u_new = (Wxp[0]/Wxp[2])*fx_l + cx_l;
float v_new = (Wxp[1]/Wxp[2])*fy_l + cy_l; //三个元素是: dx,dy,color
Eigen::Vector3f resInterp = getInterpolatedElement43(frame_gradients, u_new, v_new, w);
float c1 = affineEstimation_a * (*refColVar)[0] + affineEstimation_b;
float c2 = resInterp[2];
float residual = c1 - c2;
float weight = fabsf(residual) < 5.0f ? 1 : 5.0f / fabsf(residual);
sxx += c1*c1*weight;
syy += c2*c2*weight;
sx += c1*weight;
sy += c2*weight;
sw += weight;
bool isGood = residual*residual / (MAX_DIFF_CONSTANT + MAX_DIFF_GRAD_MULT*(resInterp[0]*resInterp[0] + resInterp[1]*resInterp[1])) < 1; //这些数据的记录
*(buf_warped_x+idx) = Wxp(0);
*(buf_warped_y+idx) = Wxp(1);
*(buf_warped_z+idx) = Wxp(2); *(buf_warped_dx+idx) = fx_l * resInterp[0];
*(buf_warped_dy+idx) = fy_l * resInterp[1];
*(buf_warped_residual+idx) = residual; *(buf_d+idx) = 1.0f / (*refPoint)[2];
*(buf_idepthVar+idx) = (*refColVar)[1];
idx++; if(isGood)
sumResUnweighted += residual*residual;
sumSignedRes += residual;
badCount++; float depthChange = (*refPoint)[2] / Wxp[2]; // if depth becomes larger: pixel becomes "smaller", hence count it less.
usageCount += depthChange < 1 ? depthChange : 1; } sx += c1*weight; lastMeanRes = sumSignedRes / goodCount; affineEstimation_a_lastIt = sqrtf((syy - sy*sy/sw) / (sxx - sx*sx/sw));
affineEstimation_b_lastIt = (sy - affineEstimation_a_lastIt*sx)/sw; return sumResUnweighted / goodCount; }


float SE3Tracker::calcWeightsAndResidual(const Sophus::SE3f& referenceToFrame)
float tx = referenceToFrame.translation()[0];
float ty = referenceToFrame.translation()[1];
float tz = referenceToFrame.translation()[2]; float sumRes = 0; //
for(int i=0;i<buf_warped_size;i++)
float px = *(buf_warped_x+i); // x'
float py = *(buf_warped_y+i); // y'
float pz = *(buf_warped_z+i); // z'
float d = *(buf_d+i); // d
float rp = *(buf_warped_residual+i); // r_p
float gx = *(buf_warped_dx+i); // \delta_x I
float gy = *(buf_warped_dy+i); // \delta_y I
float s = settings.var_weight * *(buf_idepthVar+i); // \sigma_d^2 //di /d(u,v) ,d(p)/d(p') = d(rp+t)/d(p') , d(p')/d d,展开求解就可以
// calc dw/dd (first 2 components):
float g0 = (tx * pz - tz * px) / (pz*pz*d);
float g1 = (ty * pz - tz * py) / (pz*pz*d); // calc w_p
float drpdd = gx * g0 + gy * g1; // ommitting the minus
float w_p = 1.0f / ((cameraPixelNoise2) + s * drpdd * drpdd); float weighted_rp = fabs(rp*sqrtf(w_p)); float wh = fabs(weighted_rp < (settings.huber_d/2) ? 1 : (settings.huber_d/2) / weighted_rp); sumRes += wh * w_p * rp*rp; *(buf_weight_p+i) = wh * w_p;
} return sumRes / buf_warped_size;
} //
Vector6 SE3Tracker::calculateWarpUpdate(NormalEquationsLeastSquares &ls)
for(int i=0;i<buf_warped_size;i++)
float px = *(buf_warped_x+i);
float py = *(buf_warped_y+i);
float pz = *(buf_warped_z+i);
float r = *(buf_warped_residual+i);
float gx = *(buf_warped_dx+i);
float gy = *(buf_warped_dy+i);
// step 3 + step 5 comp 6d error vector float z = 1.0f / pz;
float z_sqr = 1.0f / (pz*pz);
Vector6 v;
v[0] = z*gx + 0;
v[1] = 0 + z*gy;
v[2] = (-px * z_sqr) * gx +
(-py * z_sqr) * gy;
v[3] = (-px * py * z_sqr) * gx +
(-(1.0 + py * py * z_sqr)) * gy;
v[4] = (1.0 + px * px * z_sqr) * gx +
(px * py * z_sqr) * gy;
v[5] = (-py * z) * gx +
(px * z) * gy; // step 6: integrate into A and b:
ls.update(v, r, *(buf_weight_p+i));
Vector6 result; // solve ls
ls.solve(result); return result;

0.3.3. Mapping thread

// PUSHED in tracking, READ & CLEARED in mapping
std::deque< std::shared_ptr<Frame> > unmappedTrackedFrames;
bool SlamSystem::doMappingIteration()
mergeOptimizationOffset(); if(trackingIsGood)
//doMapping false 的话,只有tracking线程,没有mappinp线程,也就是不能应对快速运动
//printf("tryToChange refframe, lastScore %f!\n", lastTrackingClosenessScore);
if(lastTrackingClosenessScore > 1)
changeKeyframe(true, false, lastTrackingClosenessScore * 0.75); if (displayDepthMap || depthMapScreenshotFlag)
debugDisplayDepthMap(); return false;
} //创建关键帧
if (createNewKeyFrame)
changeKeyframe(false, true, 1.0f); if (displayDepthMap || depthMapScreenshotFlag)
bool didSomething = updateKeyframe(); if (displayDepthMap || depthMapScreenshotFlag)
return false;
} return true;
// invalidate map if it was valid.
if(currentKeyFrame->numMappedOnThisTotal >= MIN_NUM_MAPPED)
discardCurrentKeyframe(); map->invalidate();
} // start relocalizer if it isnt running already
relocalizer.start(keyFrameGraph->keyframesAll); // did we find a frame to relocalize with?
takeRelocalizeResult(); return true;
} bool SlamSystem::updateKeyframe()
std::deque< std::shared_ptr<Frame> > references; if(unmappedTrackedFrames.size() > 0)
} void DepthMap::updateKeyframe(std::deque< std::shared_ptr<Frame> > referenceFrames)
for(std::shared_ptr<Frame> frame : referenceFrames)
Sim3 refToKf;
if(frame->pose->trackingParent->frameID == activeKeyFrame->id())
refToKf = frame->pose->thisToParent_raw;
refToKf = activeKeyFrame->getScaledCamToWorld().inverse() * frame->getScaledCamToWorld(); frame->prepareForStereoWith(activeKeyFrame, refToKf, K, 0);
} observeDepth(); // threadReducer.reduce(boost::biobserveDepthCreatend(&DepthMap::observeDepthRow, this, _1, _2, _3), 3, height-3, 10); regularizeDepthMapFillHoles(); regularizeDepthMap(false, VAL_SUM_MIN_FOR_KEEP); //设置activeKeyFrame的深度图
} } void SlamSystem::finishCurrentKeyframe()
mappingTrackingReference->invalidate(); }
} void slamYSystem::changeKeyframe(bool noCreate, bool force , float maxScore){
if(doKFReActivation && SLAMEnabled)
newReferenceKF = trackableKeyFrameSearch->findRePositionCandidate(newKeyframeCandidate.get(), maxScore);
if(newReferenceKF != 0)
trackingIsGood = false;
nextRelocIdx = -1;
printf("mapping is disabled & moved outside of known map. Starting Relocalizer!\n");
} void SlamSystem::createNewCurrentKeyframe(std::shared_ptr<Frame> newKeyframeCandidate)
// add NEW keyframe to id-lookup
keyFrameGraph->idToKeyFrame.insert(std::make_pair(newKeyframeCandidate->id(), newKeyframeCandidate));
} // propagate & make new.
map->createKeyFrame(newKeyframeCandidate.get()); } void DepthMap::createKeyFrame(Frame* new_keyframe)
propagateDepth(new_keyframe); regularizeDepthMap(true, VAL_SUM_MIN_FOR_KEEP); regularizeDepthMapFillHoles(); regularizeDepthMap(false, VAL_SUM_MIN_FOR_KEEP); activeKeyFrame->setDepth(currentDepthMap); }

0.3.4. Depth estimation DepthMapPixelHypothesis


class DepthMapPixelHypothesis
/** Counter for validity, basically how many successful observations are incorporated. */
int validity_counter; /** Actual Gaussian Distribution.*/
float idepth;
float idepth_var; /** Smoothed Gaussian Distribution.*/
float idepth_smoothed;
float idepth_var_smoothed; inline DepthMapPixelHypothesis(
const float &my_idepth,
const float &my_idepth_smoothed,
const float &my_idepth_var,
const float &my_idepth_var_smoothed,
const int &my_validity_counter) :
idepth_var_smoothed(my_idepth_var_smoothed) {}; //
cv::Vec3b getVisualizationColor(int lastFrameID) const; } DepthMap


class DepthMap
public: DepthMap(int w, int h, const Eigen::Matrix3f& K); //传进去的参数是deque,队列的形式
void updateKeyframe(std::deque< std::shared_ptr<Frame> > referenceFrames); void createKeyFrame(Frame* new_keyframe);
private: inline float doLineStereo(
const float u, const float v, const float epxn, const float epyn,
const float min_idepth, const float prior_idepth, float max_idepth,
const Frame* const referenceFrame, const float* referenceFrameImage,
float &result_idepth, float &result_var, float &result_eplLength,
RunningStats* const stats); }
void DepthMap::updateKeyframe(std::deque< std::shared_ptr<Frame> > referenceFrames)
//最old的reference frame
oldest_referenceFrame = referenceFrames.front().get();
//最young的referemce frame
newest_referenceFrame = referenceFrames.back().get();
referenceFrameByID_offset = oldest_referenceFrame->id(); for(std::shared_ptr<Frame> frame : referenceFrames)
Sim3 refToKf; frame->prepareForStereoWith(activeKeyFrame, refToKf, K, 0);
} observeDepth(); // thread 调用observeDepthRow,更新每一个点的depth regularizeDepthMapFillHoles(); regularizeDepthMap(false, VAL_SUM_MIN_FOR_KEEP); activeKeyFrame->setDepth(currentDepthMap); } void DepthMap::createKeyFrame(Frame* new_keyframe)
boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock2 = new_keyframe->getActiveLock(); SE3 oldToNew_SE3 = se3FromSim3(new_keyframe->pose->thisToParent_raw).inverse(); //
propagateDepth(new_keyframe); //注意activeKeyFrame的设置
activeKeyFrame = new_keyframe;
activeKeyFramelock = activeKeyFrame->getActiveLock();
activeKeyFrameImageData = new_keyframe->image(0);
activeKeyFrameIsReactivated = false; regularizeDepthMap(true, VAL_SUM_MIN_FOR_KEEP); regularizeDepthMapFillHoles(); regularizeDepthMap(false, VAL_SUM_MIN_FOR_KEEP); // make mean inverse depth be one.
float sumIdepth=0, numIdepth=0;
for(DepthMapPixelHypothesis* source = currentDepthMap; source < currentDepthMap+width*height; source++)
sumIdepth += source->idepth_smoothed;
float rescaleFactor = numIdepth / sumIdepth;
float rescaleFactor2 = rescaleFactor*rescaleFactor; for(DepthMapPixelHypothesis* source = currentDepthMap; source < currentDepthMap+width*height; source++)
source->idepth *= rescaleFactor;
source->idepth_smoothed *= rescaleFactor;
source->idepth_var *= rescaleFactor2;
source->idepth_var_smoothed *= rescaleFactor2;
activeKeyFrame->pose->thisToParent_raw = sim3FromSE3(oldToNew_SE3.inverse(), rescaleFactor);
activeKeyFrame->pose->invalidateCache(); activeKeyFrame->setDepth(currentDepthMap); } void DepthMap::observeDepthRow(int yMin, int yMax, RunningStats* stats)
for(int y=yMin;y<yMax; y++)
for(int x=3;x<width-3;x++){
success = observeDepthCreate(x, y, idx, stats);
success = observeDepthUpdate(x, y, idx, keyFrameMaxGradBuf, stats);
} bool DepthMap::observeDepthCreate(const int &x, const int &y, const int &idx, RunningStats* const &stats)
bool isGood = makeAndCheckEPL(x, y, refFrame, &epx, &epy, stats);
if(!isGood) return false; float error = doLineStereo(
0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f/MIN_DEPTH,
refFrame, refFrame->image(0),
result_idepth, result_var, result_eplLength, stats); *target = DepthMapPixelHypothesis(
VALIDITY_COUNTER_INITIAL_OBSERVE); } bool DepthMap::observeDepthUpdate(const int &x, const int &y, const int &idx, const float* keyFrameMaxGradBuf, RunningStats* const &stats)
bool isGood = makeAndCheckEPL(x, y, refFrame, &epx, &epy, stats); // which exact point to track, and where from.
//mean +- 2 \sigma 深度范围进行搜索
float sv = sqrt(target->idepth_var_smoothed);
float min_idepth = target->idepth_smoothed - sv*STEREO_EPL_VAR_FAC;
float max_idepth = target->idepth_smoothed + sv*STEREO_EPL_VAR_FAC; float error = doLineStereo(
min_idepth, target->idepth_smoothed ,max_idepth,
refFrame, refFrame->image(0),
result_idepth, result_var, result_eplLength, stats); if(error == -1){
//out of bounds
else if(error == -2){
//not good for stereo(e.g. some inf/nan occured, has inconsistent minimum)
else if(error == -3){
//if not found (error to high)
//do textbook ekf update
// increase var by a little (prediction-uncertainty)
float id_var = target->idepth_var*SUCC_VAR_INC_FAC; //update var with observation
float w = result_var / (result_var + id_var);
float new_idepth = (1-w)*result_idepth + w*target->idepth;
target->idepth = UNZERO(new_idepth); // variance can only decrease from observation; never increase.
id_var = id_var * w;
if(id_var < target->idepth_var)
target->idepth_var = id_var; // increase validity!
target->validity_counter += VALIDITY_COUNTER_INC;
float absGrad = keyFrameMaxGradBuf[idx];
if(target->validity_counter > VALIDITY_COUNTER_MAX+absGrad*(VALIDITY_COUNTER_MAX_VARIABLE)/255.0f)
target->validity_counter = VALIDITY_COUNTER_MAX+absGrad*(VALIDITY_COUNTER_MAX_VARIABLE)/255.0f;
} } bool DepthMap::makeAndCheckEPL(const int x, const int y, const Frame* const ref, float* pepx, float* pepy, RunningStats* const stats)
//是不是看成 两边同除以z(ref->thisToOther_t[2]),变成x/减去ref->thisToOther_t在图像上投影的位置
float epx = - fx * ref->thisToOther_t[0] + ref->thisToOther_t[2]*(x - cx);
float epy = - fy * ref->thisToOther_t[1] + ref->thisToOther_t[2]*(y - cy);
// ======== check epl length =========
float eplLengthSquared = epx*epx+epy*epy; float gx = activeKeyFrameImageData[idx+1] - activeKeyFrameImageData[idx-1];
float gy = activeKeyFrameImageData[idx+width] - activeKeyFrameImageData[idx-width];
// ===== check epl-grad magnitude ======
float eplGradSquared = gx * epx + gy * epy; eplGradSquared = eplGradSquared*eplGradSquared / eplLengthSquared; // square and norm with epl-length if(eplGradSquared < MIN_EPL_GRAD_SQUARED)
if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_observe_skipped_small_epl_grad++;
return false;
} // ===== check epl-grad angle ======
if(eplGradSquared / (gx*gx+gy*gy) < MIN_EPL_ANGLE_SQUARED)
if(enablePrintDebugInfo) stats->num_observe_skipped_small_epl_angle++;
return false;
// ===== DONE - return "normalized" epl =====
float fac = GRADIENT_SAMPLE_DIST / sqrt(eplLengthSquared);
*pepx = epx * fac;
*pepy = epy * fac; return true;
} inline float DepthMap::doLineStereo(
const float u, const float v, const float epxn, const float epyn,
const float min_idepth, const float prior_idepth, float max_idepth,
const Frame* const referenceFrame, const float* referenceFrameImage,
float &result_idepth, float &result_var, float &result_eplLength,
RunningStats* stats)
// calculate epipolar line start and end point in old image
Eigen::Vector3f KinvP = Eigen::Vector3f(fxi*u+cxi,fyi*v+cyi,1.0f);
Eigen::Vector3f pInf = referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_R * KinvP;
Eigen::Vector3f pReal = pInf / prior_idepth + referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t; float rescaleFactor = pReal[2] * prior_idepth // calculate values to search for
float realVal_p1 = getInterpolatedElement(activeKeyFrameImageData,u + epxn*rescaleFactor, v + epyn*rescaleFactor, width);
float realVal_m1 = getInterpolatedElement(activeKeyFrameImageData,u - epxn*rescaleFactor, v - epyn*rescaleFactor, width);
float realVal = getInterpolatedElement(activeKeyFrameImageData,u, v, width);
float realVal_m2 = getInterpolatedElement(activeKeyFrameImageData,u - 2*epxn*rescaleFactor, v - 2*epyn*rescaleFactor, width);
float realVal_p2 = getInterpolatedElement(activeKeyFrameImageData,u + 2*epxn*rescaleFactor, v + 2*epyn*rescaleFactor, width); Eigen::Vector3f pClose = pInf + referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t*max_idepth; Eigen::Vector3f pFar = pInf + referenceFrame->K_otherToThis_t*min_idepth; // calculate increments in which we will step through the epipolar line.
// they are sampleDist (or half sample dist) long
float incx = pClose[0] - pFar[0];
float incy = pClose[1] - pFar[1];
float eplLength = sqrt(incx*incx+incy*incy); incx *= GRADIENT_SAMPLE_DIST/eplLength;
incy *= GRADIENT_SAMPLE_DIST/eplLength; // extend one sample_dist to left & right.
pFar[0] -= incx;
pFar[1] -= incy;
pClose[0] += incx;
pClose[1] += incy; // from here on:
// - pInf: search start-point
// - p0: search end-point
// - incx, incy: search steps in pixel
// - eplLength, min_idepth, max_idepth: determines search-resolution, i.e. the result's variance. float cpx = pFar[0];
float cpy = pFar[1]; float val_cp_m2 = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx-2.0f*incx, cpy-2.0f*incy, width);
float val_cp_m1 = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx-incx, cpy-incy, width);
float val_cp = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx, cpy, width);
float val_cp_p1 = getInterpolatedElement(referenceFrameImage,cpx+incx, cpy+incy, width);
float val_cp_p2; }

0.3.5. Map optimization

void SlamSystem::constraintSearchThreadLoop()
if(newKeyFrames.size() == 0)
if(keyFrameGraph->keyframesForRetrack.size() > 10)
int found = findConstraintsForNewKeyFrames(toReTrackFrame, false, false, 2.0); } }
findConstraintsForNewKeyFrames(newKF, true, true, 1.0);
} //对应的是不是sim3,尺度漂移问题 ,添加g2o中的边约束
int SlamSystem::findConstraintsForNewKeyFrames(Frame* newKeyFrame, bool forceParent, bool useFABMAP, float closeCandidatesTH)
{ // =============== get all potential candidates and their initial relative pose. =================
std::vector<KFConstraintStruct*, Eigen::aligned_allocator<KFConstraintStruct*> > constraints; std::unordered_set<Frame*, std::hash<Frame*>, std::equal_to<Frame*>,
Eigen::aligned_allocator< Frame* > > candidates = trackableKeyFrameSearch->findCandidates(newKeyFrame, fabMapResult, useFABMAP, closeCandidatesTH); std::map< Frame*, Sim3, std::less<Frame*>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<std::pair<Frame*, Sim3> > > candidateToFrame_initialEstimateMap; // erase the ones that are already neighbours. // =============== distinguish between close and "far" candidates in Graph =================
// Do a first check on trackability of close candidates. SO3 disturbance = SO3::exp(Sophus::Vector3d(0.05,0,0));
for (Frame* candidate : candidates)
SE3 c2f_init = se3FromSim3(candidateToFrame_initialEstimateMap[candidate].inverse()).inverse();
c2f_init.so3() = c2f_init.so3() * disturbance;
SE3 c2f = constraintSE3Tracker->trackFrameOnPermaref(candidate, newKeyFrame, c2f_init);
if(!constraintSE3Tracker->trackingWasGood) {closeFailed++; continue;} SE3 f2c_init = se3FromSim3(candidateToFrame_initialEstimateMap[candidate]).inverse();
f2c_init.so3() = disturbance * f2c_init.so3();
SE3 f2c = constraintSE3Tracker->trackFrameOnPermaref(newKeyFrame, candidate, f2c_init);
if(!constraintSE3Tracker->trackingWasGood) {closeFailed++; continue;} if((f2c.so3() * c2f.so3()).log().norm() >= 0.09) {closeInconsistent++; continue;} closeCandidates.insert(candidate); for (Frame* candidate : candidates)
{ farCandidates.push_back(candidate);
} // erase the ones that we tried already before (close) // erase the ones that are already neighbours (far) // =============== limit number of close candidates ===============
// while too many, remove the one with the highest connectivity.
} for(unsigned int i=0;i<constraints.size();i++)
keyFrameGraph->insertConstraint(constraints[i]); } bool SlamSystem::optimizationIteration(int itsPerTry, float minChange)
// Do the optimization. This can take quite some time!
int its = keyFrameGraph->optimize(itsPerTry); // save the optimization result.
for(size_t i=0;i<keyFrameGraph->keyframesAll.size(); i++)
// set change
keyFrameGraph->keyframesAll[i]->pose->graphVertex->estimate()); // add error
for(auto edge : keyFrameGraph->keyframesAll[i]->pose->graphVertex->edges())
keyFrameGraph->keyframesAll[i]->edgeErrorSum += ((EdgeSim3*)(edge))->chi2();
} }