
时间:2023-01-02 20:00:57

I want to make a file that contains useful functions for my project. Well, I know that I can define a function inside my class implementation. But I don't really get it... I mean: I don't want to create a "class", just functions. Or are functions always part of a class? My objective-c knowledge is pretty limited, and my nice big book on objective-c does mention them, but does not explain how to implement them stand-alone.


2 个解决方案


Organize your code in plain old C style:


  • a header file (.h) containing all function declarations.
  • 包含所有函数声明的头文件(.h)。

  • a body file (.c) containing all function bodies.
  • 包含所有函数体的正文文件(.c)。

Include your header file wherever you need one of your functions.


Let Xcode manage compilation and link.



Because Objective-C is a superset of C, you can do this in the normal c way, in that you define your functions in a header file, which you include wherever you want to use them, then implement them in the .c file.


I'd probably implement them as class methods on a class in order to namespace them, and prevent any accidental collisions, though.



Organize your code in plain old C style:


  • a header file (.h) containing all function declarations.
  • 包含所有函数声明的头文件(.h)。

  • a body file (.c) containing all function bodies.
  • 包含所有函数体的正文文件(.c)。

Include your header file wherever you need one of your functions.


Let Xcode manage compilation and link.



Because Objective-C is a superset of C, you can do this in the normal c way, in that you define your functions in a header file, which you include wherever you want to use them, then implement them in the .c file.


I'd probably implement them as class methods on a class in order to namespace them, and prevent any accidental collisions, though.
