Objective-C / iPhone内存管理静态变量

时间:2022-09-07 20:09:25

I have a static method that creates an instance of the class and puts it in the static variable. I am wondering what the proper way of memory management is in this situation.


You can't put it in the dealloc-method, because although it can access the static variable any instance method that is created that get's released will also release the sharedInstance.


I guess there might be an option of creating a static destroy method which will manualy release the memory and can be called by the user from appWillTerminate, but that seems a bit odd.


So, again, the question: What is the proper way of releasing a static variable?


// MyClass.m
#import "MyClass.h"

static MyClass *myClass; // How to properly do memory management

@implementation MyClass

+ (MyClass *)sharedMyClass {
    if (myClass == nil) myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
    return myClass;

3 个解决方案



You can either not release them, which is fine since the app is shutting down anyway. Cocoa on the iPhone already does this, it doesn't completely delete everything, it just lets the app get blown away.

您可以不释放它们,这很好,因为应用程序正在关闭。 iPhone上的Cocoa已经做到了这一点,它没有完全删除所有内容,只是让应用程序被吹走了。

Or you can delete it from appWillTerminate or some other shutdown function.




You'll want to have a look at "Creating a Singleton" on the iPhone dev center to see how to properly implement that pattern. You won't be releasing your singleton, just letting it die when the application exits.


Also, if you're multithreaded you'll probably want to wrap that alloc in a @synchronize( self ) {}


Here is the full text:


Some classes of Foundation and the Application Kit create singleton objects. In a “strict” implementation, a singleton is the sole allowable instance of a class in the current process. But you can also have a more flexible singleton implementation in which a factory method always returns the same instance, but you can allocate and initialize additional instances.The NSFileManager class fits this latter pattern, whereas the UIApplication fits the former. When you ask for an instance of UIApplication, it passes you a reference to the sole instance, allocating and initializing it if it doesn’t yet exist.

某些类的Foundation和Application Kit会创建单个对象。在“严格”实现中,单例是当前进程中类的唯一允许实例。但是您也可以使用更灵活的单例实现,其中工厂方法始终返回相同的实例,但您可以分配和初始化其他实例.NSFileManager类适合后一种模式,而UIApplication适合前者。当您请求UIApplication的实例时,它会向您传递对唯一实例的引用,如果它尚不存在则分配并初始化它。

A singleton object acts as a kind of control center, directing or coordinating the services of the class. Your class should generate a singleton instance rather than multiple instances when there is conceptually only one instance (as with, for example, NSWorkspace). You use singleton instances rather than factory methods or functions when it is conceivable that there might be multiple instances one day.


To create a singleton as the sole allowable instance of a class in the current process, you need to have an implementation similar to Listing 2-15. This code does the following:


Declare a static instance of your singleton object and initialize it to nil. In your class factory method for the class (named something like “sharedInstance” or “sharedManager”), generate an instance of the class but only if the static instance is nil. Override the allocWithZone: method to ensure that another instance is not allocated if someone tries to allocate and initialize an instance of your class directly instead of using the class factory method. Instead, just return the shared object. Implement the base protocol methods copyWithZone:, release, retain, retainCount, and autorelease to do the appropriate things to ensure singleton status. (The last four of these methods apply to memory-managed code, not to garbage-collected code.) Listing 2-15 Strict implementation of a singleton static MyGizmoClass

声明单个对象的静态实例并将其初始化为nil。在类的类工厂方法(命名为“sharedInstance”或“sharedManager”)中,生成类的实例,但仅当静态实例为nil时。如果有人试图直接分配和初始化类的实例而不是使用类工厂方法,则覆盖allocWithZone:方法以确保未分配另一个实例。相反,只需返回共享对象。实现基本协议方法copyWithZone:,release,retain,retainCount和autorelease来做相应的事情以确保单例状态。 (这些方法的最后四个适用于内存管理代码,而不适用于垃圾收集代码。)清单2-15严格实现单例静态MyGizmoClass

 *sharedGizmoManager = nil;  
 + (MyGizmoClass*)sharedManager {
     if (sharedGizmoManager == nil) {
         sharedGizmoManager = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
     return sharedGizmoManager; }  
 + (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
     return [[self sharedManager] retain]; }

 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
     return self; }

 - (id)retain {
     return self; }

 - (NSUInteger)retainCount {
     return NSUIntegerMax;  //denotes an object that cannot be released }

 - (void)release {
     //do nothing }

 - (id)autorelease {
     return self; }

If you want a singleton instance (created and controlled by the class factory method) but also have the ability to create other instances as needed through allocation and initialization, do not override allocWithZone: and the other methods following it as shown in Listing 2-15.


UPDATE: There is now a much easier way to create a singleton


+ (MyClass*)sharedInstance
  static MyClass* _sharedInstance = nil;
  static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
  dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
    _sharedInstance = [[MyClass alloc] init];

  return _sharedInstance;

Using this new style you don't need to worry about the @syncronize or overriding the memory management methods.




static variable or class remains in memory Untill lifetime of your application


So if it is UnUsed then make


Your_variable = nil;

while declaring use static _datatype variable = nil; which help while initializing .. and memory management

同时声明使用static _datatype variable = nil;这有助于初始化..和内存管理

// MyClass.m
#import "MyClass.h"

static MyClass *myClass = nil;

@implementation MyClass

+ (MyClass *)sharedMyClass {
    if (myClass == nil)
            myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
    return myClass;




You can either not release them, which is fine since the app is shutting down anyway. Cocoa on the iPhone already does this, it doesn't completely delete everything, it just lets the app get blown away.

您可以不释放它们,这很好,因为应用程序正在关闭。 iPhone上的Cocoa已经做到了这一点,它没有完全删除所有内容,只是让应用程序被吹走了。

Or you can delete it from appWillTerminate or some other shutdown function.




You'll want to have a look at "Creating a Singleton" on the iPhone dev center to see how to properly implement that pattern. You won't be releasing your singleton, just letting it die when the application exits.


Also, if you're multithreaded you'll probably want to wrap that alloc in a @synchronize( self ) {}


Here is the full text:


Some classes of Foundation and the Application Kit create singleton objects. In a “strict” implementation, a singleton is the sole allowable instance of a class in the current process. But you can also have a more flexible singleton implementation in which a factory method always returns the same instance, but you can allocate and initialize additional instances.The NSFileManager class fits this latter pattern, whereas the UIApplication fits the former. When you ask for an instance of UIApplication, it passes you a reference to the sole instance, allocating and initializing it if it doesn’t yet exist.

某些类的Foundation和Application Kit会创建单个对象。在“严格”实现中,单例是当前进程中类的唯一允许实例。但是您也可以使用更灵活的单例实现,其中工厂方法始终返回相同的实例,但您可以分配和初始化其他实例.NSFileManager类适合后一种模式,而UIApplication适合前者。当您请求UIApplication的实例时,它会向您传递对唯一实例的引用,如果它尚不存在则分配并初始化它。

A singleton object acts as a kind of control center, directing or coordinating the services of the class. Your class should generate a singleton instance rather than multiple instances when there is conceptually only one instance (as with, for example, NSWorkspace). You use singleton instances rather than factory methods or functions when it is conceivable that there might be multiple instances one day.


To create a singleton as the sole allowable instance of a class in the current process, you need to have an implementation similar to Listing 2-15. This code does the following:


Declare a static instance of your singleton object and initialize it to nil. In your class factory method for the class (named something like “sharedInstance” or “sharedManager”), generate an instance of the class but only if the static instance is nil. Override the allocWithZone: method to ensure that another instance is not allocated if someone tries to allocate and initialize an instance of your class directly instead of using the class factory method. Instead, just return the shared object. Implement the base protocol methods copyWithZone:, release, retain, retainCount, and autorelease to do the appropriate things to ensure singleton status. (The last four of these methods apply to memory-managed code, not to garbage-collected code.) Listing 2-15 Strict implementation of a singleton static MyGizmoClass

声明单个对象的静态实例并将其初始化为nil。在类的类工厂方法(命名为“sharedInstance”或“sharedManager”)中,生成类的实例,但仅当静态实例为nil时。如果有人试图直接分配和初始化类的实例而不是使用类工厂方法,则覆盖allocWithZone:方法以确保未分配另一个实例。相反,只需返回共享对象。实现基本协议方法copyWithZone:,release,retain,retainCount和autorelease来做相应的事情以确保单例状态。 (这些方法的最后四个适用于内存管理代码,而不适用于垃圾收集代码。)清单2-15严格实现单例静态MyGizmoClass

 *sharedGizmoManager = nil;  
 + (MyGizmoClass*)sharedManager {
     if (sharedGizmoManager == nil) {
         sharedGizmoManager = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
     return sharedGizmoManager; }  
 + (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
     return [[self sharedManager] retain]; }

 - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
     return self; }

 - (id)retain {
     return self; }

 - (NSUInteger)retainCount {
     return NSUIntegerMax;  //denotes an object that cannot be released }

 - (void)release {
     //do nothing }

 - (id)autorelease {
     return self; }

If you want a singleton instance (created and controlled by the class factory method) but also have the ability to create other instances as needed through allocation and initialization, do not override allocWithZone: and the other methods following it as shown in Listing 2-15.


UPDATE: There is now a much easier way to create a singleton


+ (MyClass*)sharedInstance
  static MyClass* _sharedInstance = nil;
  static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
  dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
    _sharedInstance = [[MyClass alloc] init];

  return _sharedInstance;

Using this new style you don't need to worry about the @syncronize or overriding the memory management methods.




static variable or class remains in memory Untill lifetime of your application


So if it is UnUsed then make


Your_variable = nil;

while declaring use static _datatype variable = nil; which help while initializing .. and memory management

同时声明使用static _datatype variable = nil;这有助于初始化..和内存管理

// MyClass.m
#import "MyClass.h"

static MyClass *myClass = nil;

@implementation MyClass

+ (MyClass *)sharedMyClass {
    if (myClass == nil)
            myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
    return myClass;
