
时间:2022-09-07 10:45:56

When you implement a category of a class in a file, will all the instances of that class be of the category by default?


I'm new to Objective-C and I'm trying to make my uneditable UITextView non-selectable. I came across this answer using a category: https://*.com/a/8013538/1533240


Which has the following solution:


@implementation UITextView (DisableCopyPaste)

-(BOOL) canBecomeFirstResponder
    return NO;

I added the snippet to my code, but it doesn't seem to be working in that I can still select the text. My declaration of the UITextView is the usual:


titleLabel = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];

titleLabel = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];

I tried changing the declaration to [DisableCopyPaste alloc] but that didn't seem to work.. haha.

我尝试将声明更改为[DisableCopyPaste alloc],但这似乎不起作用..哈哈。


3 个解决方案



You misunderstand the point of categories. Categories add methods to an existing class. They must never be used to override existing methods. Doing so is undefined behavior (technically only undefined in one case, but you can't predict that case, so you must assume it applies).


If you need to override methods, you must subclass, not use categories. See the top answer to the question you linked.




When you implement a category of a class in a file, will all the instances of that class be of the category by default?


Yes. If you create a category, the methods in that category are added to the class. For example, if you create a category on NSString that returns the checksum of a string, you can use that method on any instance of NSString.


I added the snippet to my code, but it doesn't seem to be working in that I can still select the text.


Don't use categories to override existing methods.


For one thing, it's bad form. You're effectively changing the behavior of the class in a way that the author didn't expect. For another thing, you can't count on the override to work -- the order in which categories are added to classes isn't defined, so you never know if some other category might come along and replace the method that you tried to replace. It's simply not reliable. If you need to override methods, create a subclass instead.

首先,它是糟糕的形式。您正在以作者没想到的方式有效地改变类的行为。另一方面,你不能指望覆盖工作 - 没有定义类别添加到类的顺序,所以你永远不知道是否可能出现其他类别并替换你试图替换的方法。它根本不可靠。如果需要覆盖方法,请改为创建子类。



What you need to do is to declare category in header .h file:

你需要做的是在header .h文件中声明类别:

such as:

@interface UITextView (DisableCopyPaste)
-(BOOL) methodName

then in .m define as


@implementation UITextView (DisableCopyPaste)
-(BOOL) methodName
    return NO;

You can do two thing,


  1. You can write it in a class and import that to all classes you need this functionality.
  2. 您可以在类中编写它并将其导入到您需要此功能的所有类中。

  3. Or write these lines eachs .h and .m (respectively) you need it.
  4. 或者分别写下你需要的.h和.m这些行。



You misunderstand the point of categories. Categories add methods to an existing class. They must never be used to override existing methods. Doing so is undefined behavior (technically only undefined in one case, but you can't predict that case, so you must assume it applies).


If you need to override methods, you must subclass, not use categories. See the top answer to the question you linked.




When you implement a category of a class in a file, will all the instances of that class be of the category by default?


Yes. If you create a category, the methods in that category are added to the class. For example, if you create a category on NSString that returns the checksum of a string, you can use that method on any instance of NSString.


I added the snippet to my code, but it doesn't seem to be working in that I can still select the text.


Don't use categories to override existing methods.


For one thing, it's bad form. You're effectively changing the behavior of the class in a way that the author didn't expect. For another thing, you can't count on the override to work -- the order in which categories are added to classes isn't defined, so you never know if some other category might come along and replace the method that you tried to replace. It's simply not reliable. If you need to override methods, create a subclass instead.

首先,它是糟糕的形式。您正在以作者没想到的方式有效地改变类的行为。另一方面,你不能指望覆盖工作 - 没有定义类别添加到类的顺序,所以你永远不知道是否可能出现其他类别并替换你试图替换的方法。它根本不可靠。如果需要覆盖方法,请改为创建子类。



What you need to do is to declare category in header .h file:

你需要做的是在header .h文件中声明类别:

such as:

@interface UITextView (DisableCopyPaste)
-(BOOL) methodName

then in .m define as


@implementation UITextView (DisableCopyPaste)
-(BOOL) methodName
    return NO;

You can do two thing,


  1. You can write it in a class and import that to all classes you need this functionality.
  2. 您可以在类中编写它并将其导入到您需要此功能的所有类中。

  3. Or write these lines eachs .h and .m (respectively) you need it.
  4. 或者分别写下你需要的.h和.m这些行。