
时间:2022-09-07 10:15:28

I have spent the last few days getting an OAuth implementation up and running. Not on Android, but on my web server that will act as the proxy to the OAuth protected service. I'm just about to implement my Android client and my head is still churning over security and implementation issues.


OAuth is messy enough when the client is just a web browser. You have the following series of steps:


  • (client web browser) make request to my proxy server
  • (客户端Web浏览器)向我的代理服务器发出请求

  • (proxy server) request unauthorized token from OAuth provider (e.g. - web service API)
  • (代理服务器)从OAuth提供商请求未经授权的令牌(例如 - Web服务API)

  • (proxy server) ask OAuth provider to have user authorize the token. Redirect web browser to OAuth provider's 'authorize' URI
  • (代理服务器)要求OAuth提供商让用户授权令牌。将Web浏览器重定向到OAuth提供程序的“授权”URI

  • (OAuth provider) after user completes authorization, redirects browser to your callback URI
  • (OAuth提供商)用户完成授权后,将浏览器重定向到您的回调URI

  • (proxy server::callback URI) Exchange authorization token for an access token and then store it for future calls
  • (代理服务器::回调URI)访问令牌的Exchange授权令牌,然后将其存储以供将来调用

  • Make API calls to OAuth provider and return response document to client web browser
  • 对OAuth提供程序进行API调用并将响应文档返回给客户端Web浏览器

Now that's quite enough as it is. But when using the same mechanics with a mobile app as a client it gets even more involved. The problem is of course that you have to do some acrobatics to inject a browser session into your mobile app's code flow while doing the OAuth dance. This means you have to further complicate the OAuth dance as follows (I am using an Android app for this example to make things concrete):


  • (mobile web app::native code) make request from proxy server using Java/HTTP
  • (移动Web应用程序::本机代码)使用Java / HTTP从代理服务器发出请求

  • (proxy server) request unauthorized token from OAuth provider (e.g. - web service API)
  • (代理服务器)从OAuth提供商请求未经授权的令牌(例如 - Web服务API)

  • (proxy server) return a response document to the mobile web app that contains the redirect URI for user authorization by the OAuth provider, preferably obfuscated to hide the consumer key and other details to deter "over-the-air" snooping.
  • (代理服务器)将响应文档返回到移动Web应用程序,该应用程序包含OAuth提供商用户授权的重定向URI,最好是模糊化以隐藏消费者密钥和其他细节以阻止“无线”窥探。

  • (mobile web app) Launch a web browser activity with the authorization URL with an intent filter installed. However, store and then replace the proxy server's specified callback URI with a special "phony" URI crafted for easy URI identification by an intent filter (see following steps)
  • (移动Web应用程序)使用已安装intent过滤器的授权URL启动Web浏览器活动。但是,存储然后用一个特殊的“假冒”URI替换代理服务器的指定回调URI,以便通过意图过滤器轻松识别URI(请参阅以下步骤)

  • (OAuth provider) after user completes authorization, redirect browser to your "phony" callback URI.
  • (OAuth提供商)在用户完成授权后,将浏览器重定向到您的“假冒”回调URI。

  • (mobile web app) Intent filter detects "phony" callback URI and uses that signal to regain control. Rebuild the proxy server's callback URI and use Java/HTTP to execute the request.
  • (移动网络应用程序)意图过滤器检测“假”回调URI并使用该信号重新获得控制权。重建代理服务器的回调URI并使用Java / HTTP执行请求。

  • (proxy server::callback URI) Exchange authorization token for an access token and then store it for future calls as before
  • (代理服务器::回调URI)访问令牌的Exchange授权令牌,然后像以前一样将其存储以供将来调用

  • Make API calls to OAuth provider and return response document to mobile web app
  • 对OAuth提供程序进行API调用,并将响应文档返回到移动Web应用程序

This is rather hideous as you can see. If there is a much simpler way of doing this then I am eager to hear it. As far as I know there only two other alternatives, each with their own significant problems.


1) Forget about a proxy server and do everything directly from the mobile web app. The big security hole here is that you have to "bake" in your OAuth consumer key and secret into your app. If an attacker decompiles your code and hunts down those strings, a fairly easy operation for someone who is experienced at reverse engineering, they can wreak havoc with your application and users.


2) Switch to XAuth where the user provides you with their login name and password, and you "agree" not to store them and exchange them directly for an access token with the XAuth server. The first problem is gaining user trust to provide that information, the problem OAuth was created to solve, and of course what about people that don't honor their commitment to discard the login details? Worse, the XAuth server must support XAuth and offer HTTPS (SSL) connections and I have seen tons of web API's that don't support either. An SSL connection is necessary of course because without it you'd send the user's login name and password over the wire in plain text when making your XAuth request.

2)切换到XAuth,用户在那里向您提供他们的登录名和密码,并且您“同意”不存储它们并直接与XAuth服务器交换它们以获取访问令牌。第一个问题是获得用户信任以提供该信息,创建OAuth以解决问题,当然还有那些不履行其放弃登录详细信息的承诺的人呢?更糟糕的是,XAuth服务器必须支持XAuth并提供HTTPS(SSL)连接,而且我看到大量的Web API都不支持。当然,SSL连接是必要的,因为在没有它的情况下,您在发出XAuth请求时会以纯文本形式通过网络发送用户的登录名和密码。


FYI, although it does not use a proxy server the following example illustrates the technique I described above for injecting a browser session into your mobile app OAuth interaction and intercepting the callback URI:



So it seems pretty ugly any way you look at it and I didn't even get into the additional annoyance of creating and managing your own user ID for the user so you can look up their access tokens stored on your proxy web server properly (including the messiness of one more PIN or access code for the user to manage).


Interesting side note: When doing some research on an Android web browser session security I was pleased to find out that you are not allowed access to the current web page HTML. If you could access it, then a hostile Android coder could easily sniff out the user's login and password thereby defeating the purpose and intent of OAuth entirely. I was dismayed to find out that there may be a way to get that HTML by way of the CacheManager object. Curiously enough that object is now deprecated and schedule for removal according to the Android docs so hopefully that means Google discovered the (potential) security hole and is taking steps to remove it in an upcoming build:

有趣的注意事项:在对Android Web浏览器会话安全性进行一些研究时,我很高兴地发现您不能访问当前的网页HTML。如果您可以访问它,那么恶意的Android编码器可以轻松地嗅出用户的登录名和密码,从而完全破坏OAuth的目的和意图。我很沮丧地发现可能有办法通过CacheManager对象获取HTML。奇怪的是,根据Android文档,该对象现已被弃用并计划删除,因此希望这意味着Google发现了(潜在的)安全漏洞,并正在采取措施在即将推出的版本中将其删除:


In closing, I'd like to hear the thoughts of those out there that have struggled with these very same issues when creating their OAuth applications.


-- roschler

1 个解决方案



Janrain has released a library which provides some UI glue and a proxy backend login system; it supports a bunch of popular OAuth identity providers (e.g. Google/FB). At the end of the sign in flow you get an HTTPS POST from the device supplying you with a token exchangeable for a user identifier and other info, and a channel to return an access token to the device.

Janrain发布了一个库,它提供了一些UI粘合剂和一个代理后端登录系统;它支持一堆流行的OAuth身份提供商(例如Google / FB)。在登录流程结束时,您将从设备获得HTTPS POST,为您提供可交换用户标识符和其他信息的令牌,以及用于向设备返回访问令牌的通道。



Disclosure: I work at Janrain, on this library.




Janrain has released a library which provides some UI glue and a proxy backend login system; it supports a bunch of popular OAuth identity providers (e.g. Google/FB). At the end of the sign in flow you get an HTTPS POST from the device supplying you with a token exchangeable for a user identifier and other info, and a channel to return an access token to the device.

Janrain发布了一个库,它提供了一些UI粘合剂和一个代理后端登录系统;它支持一堆流行的OAuth身份提供商(例如Google / FB)。在登录流程结束时,您将从设备获得HTTPS POST,为您提供可交换用户标识符和其他信息的令牌,以及用于向设备返回访问令牌的通道。



Disclosure: I work at Janrain, on this library.
