
时间:2022-09-07 07:40:42

I'm trying to extend an Obj-C class in Swift and make it conform to the Equatable protocoll. This requires to access some private members of the extended class, which the compiler doesn't let me do. What is the correct way to do it without making the private members public?



import Foundation

extension ShortDate : Equatable {

public func == (lhs: ShortDate, rhs: ShortDate) -> Bool {
    if (lhs.components.year == rhs.components.year)
        && (lhs.components.month == rhs.components.month)
        && (lhs.components.day == rhs.components.day) {
            return true;
    return false;


@interface ShortDate : NSObject<NSCopying, NSCoding> {
    NSDate           *inner;
    NSDateComponents *components; // The date split into components.



The error:

ShortDate.swift:26:9: 'ShortDate' does not have a member named 'components'


2 个解决方案



I believe that there is no way to access Objective-C instance variables from Swift. Only Objective-C properties get mapped to Swift properties.




I came across this question while trying to find a way to access a private variable of a class from one of the SDKs we use. Since we don't have or control the source code we can't change the variables to properties. I did find that the following solution works for this case:


extension ObjcClass {
    func getPrivateVariable() -> String? {
        return value(forKey: "privateVariable") as? String

    open override func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any? {
        if key == "privateVariable" {
            return nil
        return super.value(forUndefinedKey: key)

Overriding value(forUndefinedKey:) is optional. value(forKey:) will crash if the private variable doesn't exist on the class unless you override value(forUndefinedKey:) and provide a default value.

覆盖值(forUndefinedKey :)是可选的。如果类上不存在私有变量,则值(forKey :)将崩溃,除非您覆盖值(forUndefinedKey :)并提供默认值。



I believe that there is no way to access Objective-C instance variables from Swift. Only Objective-C properties get mapped to Swift properties.




I came across this question while trying to find a way to access a private variable of a class from one of the SDKs we use. Since we don't have or control the source code we can't change the variables to properties. I did find that the following solution works for this case:


extension ObjcClass {
    func getPrivateVariable() -> String? {
        return value(forKey: "privateVariable") as? String

    open override func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any? {
        if key == "privateVariable" {
            return nil
        return super.value(forUndefinedKey: key)

Overriding value(forUndefinedKey:) is optional. value(forKey:) will crash if the private variable doesn't exist on the class unless you override value(forUndefinedKey:) and provide a default value.

覆盖值(forUndefinedKey :)是可选的。如果类上不存在私有变量,则值(forKey :)将崩溃,除非您覆盖值(forUndefinedKey :)并提供默认值。