
时间:2022-09-07 07:34:48

In Cocoa, when should I use NSAssert, NSException, NSError?

在Cocoa中,我什么时候应该使用NSAssert NSException, NSError?

Here's what I've been thinking:


NSAssert - When creating any client program used for the programmers own benefit to double check rules, conventions, assumptions, or pre-conditions and post-conditions?

NSAssert -当创建任何客户端程序,用于程序员自己的利益时,仔细检查规则、约定、假设,或前置条件和后置条件?

NSException - When creating a third-party library for the benefit of other programmers that use the library, so that they immediately know when an input is invalid?


NSError - When interfacing with an external system to get data like a file, database, or web service that isn't guaranteed to give me a result?

NSError -当与外部系统交互以获取文件、数据库或web服务等数据时,是否保证不会给我结果?

4 个解决方案



An NSAssert will throw an exception when it fails. So NSAssert is there to be short and easy way to write and to check any assumptions you have made in your code. It is not (in my opinion) an alternative to exceptions, just a shortcut. If an assertion fails then something has gone terribly wrong in your code and the program should not continue.


One thing to note is that NSAssert will not be compiled into your code in a release build, so this is typically used for sanity checking during development. I actually tend to use a custom assert macro that is always active.


The times you would @throw your own NSException are when you definitely want it in a release build, and in things like public libraries/interface when some arguments are invalid or you have been called incorrectly. Note that it isn't really standard practice to @catch an exception and continue running your application. If you try this with some of Apple's standard libraries (for example Core Data) bad things can happen. Similar to an assert, if an exception is thrown the app should generally terminate fairly quickly because it means there is a programming error somewhere.

在发布版本中,当你想要发布自己的NSException时,你会使用@throw,而当某些参数无效或者你被错误地调用时,在公共库/接口之类的东西中。注意,@catch异常并继续运行应用程序并不是真正的标准实践。如果您尝试使用苹果的一些标准库(例如Core Data),就会发生糟糕的事情。与断言类似,如果抛出异常,应用程序通常应该很快终止,因为这意味着某个地方存在编程错误。

NSErrors should be used in your libraries/interfaces for errors that are not programming errors, and that can be recovered from. You can provide information/error codes to the caller and they can handle the error cleanly, alert the user if appropriate, and continue execution. This would typically be for things like a File-not-found error or some other non-fatal error.




The convention in Cocoa is that an exception indicates a programmer error. A lot of code, including framework code, is not designed to work properly after an exception is thrown.


Any sort of error that should be recoverable is represented by an NSError. There’s also a system for presenting NSErrors to the user. As you say, this is mostly useful for fallible external resources.


Conceptually, an assertion is a statement that a given predicate always evaluates to true; if it doesn’t, the program is broken. While its behaviour can be modified, the NSAssert family is by default a convenient way of throwing NSInternalInconsistencyExceptions (with the option of turning them off in release builds).




Edit: In Xcode 4.2, assertions are turned off by default for release builds,

编辑:在Xcode 4.2中,默认情况下,断言被关闭,用于发布版本,

Now NSAssert will not be compiled into your code in a release build, but you can change it in build settings


@Mike Weller, There are one wrong in your answer.

@Mike Weller,你的回答有一个错误。

One thing to note is that NSAssert will not be compiled into your code in a release build, so this is typically used for sanity checking during development.


Actually, NSAssert will be compiled into your code if you don't add NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS in your precompiled prefix files.


In Technical Note TN2190 we can find:


Macros like NDEBUG to turn off C assert or NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS to turn off Foundation's NSAssert are important to specify for your precompiled prefix files

像NDEBUG这样的宏用于关闭C assert或ns_block_assert以关闭Foundation的NSAssert,对于为预编译的前缀文件指定这些宏非常重要

Or you can read this one:How to know if NSAssert is disabled in release builds?




In general, exceptions are used to signal programmer errors — they're things that shouldn't happen. Errors are used to signal error conditions that might come up in the normal operation of the program — user errors, basically, or external conditions that need to be true but might not be. So trying to delete some locked element in a document might be an error, and trying to download a file without an Internet connection would be an error, but trying to access an invalid element in a collection would be an exception.


Assertions are typically used in testing, and AFAIK are not used as a general error-handling mechanism like the others.




An NSAssert will throw an exception when it fails. So NSAssert is there to be short and easy way to write and to check any assumptions you have made in your code. It is not (in my opinion) an alternative to exceptions, just a shortcut. If an assertion fails then something has gone terribly wrong in your code and the program should not continue.


One thing to note is that NSAssert will not be compiled into your code in a release build, so this is typically used for sanity checking during development. I actually tend to use a custom assert macro that is always active.


The times you would @throw your own NSException are when you definitely want it in a release build, and in things like public libraries/interface when some arguments are invalid or you have been called incorrectly. Note that it isn't really standard practice to @catch an exception and continue running your application. If you try this with some of Apple's standard libraries (for example Core Data) bad things can happen. Similar to an assert, if an exception is thrown the app should generally terminate fairly quickly because it means there is a programming error somewhere.

在发布版本中,当你想要发布自己的NSException时,你会使用@throw,而当某些参数无效或者你被错误地调用时,在公共库/接口之类的东西中。注意,@catch异常并继续运行应用程序并不是真正的标准实践。如果您尝试使用苹果的一些标准库(例如Core Data),就会发生糟糕的事情。与断言类似,如果抛出异常,应用程序通常应该很快终止,因为这意味着某个地方存在编程错误。

NSErrors should be used in your libraries/interfaces for errors that are not programming errors, and that can be recovered from. You can provide information/error codes to the caller and they can handle the error cleanly, alert the user if appropriate, and continue execution. This would typically be for things like a File-not-found error or some other non-fatal error.




The convention in Cocoa is that an exception indicates a programmer error. A lot of code, including framework code, is not designed to work properly after an exception is thrown.


Any sort of error that should be recoverable is represented by an NSError. There’s also a system for presenting NSErrors to the user. As you say, this is mostly useful for fallible external resources.


Conceptually, an assertion is a statement that a given predicate always evaluates to true; if it doesn’t, the program is broken. While its behaviour can be modified, the NSAssert family is by default a convenient way of throwing NSInternalInconsistencyExceptions (with the option of turning them off in release builds).




Edit: In Xcode 4.2, assertions are turned off by default for release builds,

编辑:在Xcode 4.2中,默认情况下,断言被关闭,用于发布版本,

Now NSAssert will not be compiled into your code in a release build, but you can change it in build settings


@Mike Weller, There are one wrong in your answer.

@Mike Weller,你的回答有一个错误。

One thing to note is that NSAssert will not be compiled into your code in a release build, so this is typically used for sanity checking during development.


Actually, NSAssert will be compiled into your code if you don't add NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS in your precompiled prefix files.


In Technical Note TN2190 we can find:


Macros like NDEBUG to turn off C assert or NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS to turn off Foundation's NSAssert are important to specify for your precompiled prefix files

像NDEBUG这样的宏用于关闭C assert或ns_block_assert以关闭Foundation的NSAssert,对于为预编译的前缀文件指定这些宏非常重要

Or you can read this one:How to know if NSAssert is disabled in release builds?




In general, exceptions are used to signal programmer errors — they're things that shouldn't happen. Errors are used to signal error conditions that might come up in the normal operation of the program — user errors, basically, or external conditions that need to be true but might not be. So trying to delete some locked element in a document might be an error, and trying to download a file without an Internet connection would be an error, but trying to access an invalid element in a collection would be an exception.


Assertions are typically used in testing, and AFAIK are not used as a general error-handling mechanism like the others.
