
时间:2022-09-06 21:08:06

I want to make a static library which basically displays some views and button. My client wants this to be distributed as a library to be used by other iPhone developers.


My doubts are


  • Can we add images and other resources to the library .a file?
  • 我们可以向库中添加图像和其他资源吗?
  • How can we include localization to this static library?(localizable.strings??)
  • 如何将本地化包含到这个静态库中?

4 个解决方案



A library plus images and resources is exactly what a framework is for, not a static library. (Disclaimer: I'm a Mac programmer, not an iPhone programmer, so for all I know maybe frameworks are less common on iPhone.)




This is correct, you CAN't include localitation files to your static library. This only one of many disadvantages you have to deal with when developing a static library.


To make your static library localized, add the Localizable.strings files you have created to your project, that includes your library and all works fine.




Since Frameworks are not allowed on iOS, you have 2 likely choices:


  1. Package a "Resources" folder alongside the static library. This contains your images, etc. Provide documentation to the user of the library as to where the resources should go (presumably copied into the app's Resources folder). Localization files would be imported into the project.


  2. Base64 (or whatever) encode images, etc, and compile those as static data into the library code. This is a little awkward, but it can be done. You have to un-encode them when loading them for display (NSData etc). You could provide a resources class which stores the encoded objects and returns them in their un-encoded form. One obvious drawback here is that your code could get pretty large -- make sure you only load the resources when actually needed and unload when done..


I don't believe you can embed (for later use) localization string files however.




You can convert images into binary data and add them to the library as a char[]. Then when the image is needed just use


[[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:(void*)<CHAR_ARRAY_NAME> length:sizeof(<CHAR_ARRAY_NAME>) freeWhenDone:NO]];

This simple application will help you to convert images https://github.com/RomanN2/image-to-binary-data

这个简单的应用程序将帮助您转换图像https://github.com/romann2/image-to - bin-data



A library plus images and resources is exactly what a framework is for, not a static library. (Disclaimer: I'm a Mac programmer, not an iPhone programmer, so for all I know maybe frameworks are less common on iPhone.)




This is correct, you CAN't include localitation files to your static library. This only one of many disadvantages you have to deal with when developing a static library.


To make your static library localized, add the Localizable.strings files you have created to your project, that includes your library and all works fine.




Since Frameworks are not allowed on iOS, you have 2 likely choices:


  1. Package a "Resources" folder alongside the static library. This contains your images, etc. Provide documentation to the user of the library as to where the resources should go (presumably copied into the app's Resources folder). Localization files would be imported into the project.


  2. Base64 (or whatever) encode images, etc, and compile those as static data into the library code. This is a little awkward, but it can be done. You have to un-encode them when loading them for display (NSData etc). You could provide a resources class which stores the encoded objects and returns them in their un-encoded form. One obvious drawback here is that your code could get pretty large -- make sure you only load the resources when actually needed and unload when done..


I don't believe you can embed (for later use) localization string files however.




You can convert images into binary data and add them to the library as a char[]. Then when the image is needed just use


[[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:(void*)<CHAR_ARRAY_NAME> length:sizeof(<CHAR_ARRAY_NAME>) freeWhenDone:NO]];

This simple application will help you to convert images https://github.com/RomanN2/image-to-binary-data

这个简单的应用程序将帮助您转换图像https://github.com/romann2/image-to - bin-data