
时间:2021-01-20 19:58:14

When I try to delete an extranet user from sitecore , error pop up shows


The following users could not be deleted:


Exception: Non-static method requires a target.

extranet \ pratik.wasnik@example.com例外:非静态方法需要一个目标。

Can anyone help me in deleting this user ? this user is already unlocked.


1 个解决方案


The user sitecore\pratikw is not an extranet user but a user in the Sitecore domain. Maybe you are logged in to sitecore as the user and that causes the issue?

用户sitecore \ pratikw不是Extranet用户,而是Sitecore域中的用户。也许您作为用户登录到sitecore并导致问题?

Extranet users is named like this extranet\. You should probably look for extranet\pratikw

Extranet用户的名字就像这个外联网\。你应该寻找外网\ pratikw


The user sitecore\pratikw is not an extranet user but a user in the Sitecore domain. Maybe you are logged in to sitecore as the user and that causes the issue?

用户sitecore \ pratikw不是Extranet用户,而是Sitecore域中的用户。也许您作为用户登录到sitecore并导致问题?

Extranet users is named like this extranet\. You should probably look for extranet\pratikw

Extranet用户的名字就像这个外联网\。你应该寻找外网\ pratikw