两个数组声明方法c ++之间的区别

时间:2022-09-06 14:39:31

These of 2 of the probably many ways of declaring arrays (and allocating memory for them) in c++

这些可能是在c ++中声明数组(并为它们分配内存)的两种方法中的两种

1. int a[3];

2. int *b = new int[3];

I want to understand how c++ is treating the two differently.

我想了解c ++如何以不同的方式处理这两者。

a. In both cases, i can access array with the following syntax: a[1] and b[1]

一个。在这两种情况下,我都可以使用以下语法访问数组:a [1]和b [1]

b. When i try cout<< a and cout<< b, both print the addresses of first element of respective arrays.

湾当我尝试cout << a和cout << b时,两者都打印各个数组的第一个元素的地址。

It looks to me as if both a and b are being treated as pointers to first elements of arrays.


c. But strangely, when i try to do cout << sizeof(a) and sizeof(b) they print different values - 4 and 12 respectively.

C。但奇怪的是,当我尝试做cout << sizeof(a)和sizeof(b)时,他们分别打印出不同的值--4和12。

I don't understand why in case of sizeof(b), the size of entire array is being printed.


5 个解决方案



a is an array (type int [3])
b is a pointer (type int*)

a是数组(类型int [3])b是指针(类型int *)

In C++ they are completely different things.

在C ++中,它们是完全不同的东西。

The sizeof an array is the number of elements times the size of each element.
The sizeof a pointer is independent of the size of the array (usually 4 or 8 bytes).


The only thing that arrays and pointers have in common is that arrays often "decay" to pointers in several situations. That's what's happening when you print out their value.




As you noted, it seems as though both a and b are pointers to the start of the array. But in reality, only b is a pointer. a is actually an array.

正如您所指出的,似乎a和b都是指向数组开头的指针。但实际上,只有b是一个指针。 a实际上是一个数组。

The difference between the two is subtle when writing (or reading) code. The variable a is treated as a regular variable (just like an int or double) in that it has an automatically allocated portion of memory assigned to it. For comparison, suppose you had declared int i. The variable i is the name given to a certain set of contiguous bytes in memory to hold an integer value (4 bytes on your machine). Similarly, a is the name given to the set of contiguous bytes which holds your array (12 bytes in your case).

在编写(或读取)代码时,两者之间的差异是微妙的。变量a被视为常规变量(就像int或double一样),因为它具有分配给它的自动分配的内存部分。为了比较,假设你已经声明了int i。变量i是给予内存中某组连续字节的名称,用于保存整数值(机器上的4个字节)。类似地,a是保存数组的连续字节集的名称(在您的情况下为12个字节)。

In contrast b is only a pointer to a single memory location. In your case, there is a block of 12 bytes which is dynamically allocated (via new int[3]). b itself is an automatically allocated 4-byte pointer which points to the first int value in that 12 byte block.

相反,b仅是指向单个存储器位置的指针。在您的情况下,有一个12字节的块,它是动态分配的(通过new int [3])。 b本身是一个自动分配的4字节指针,指向该12字节块中的第一个int值。

So they really are two different kinds of things. This is made less clear to C++ programmers. One reason for this is the fact that you can use the [] operator on both types. Another reason is that arrays implicitly degenerate to pointers in several situations (e.g. in the function void Foo(int a[3]);, a is not actually an array, but a pointer to the beginning of the array). But don't be fooled - arrays are not pointers (as many people claim), and pointers are definitely not arrays.

所以他们真的是两种不同的东西。这对C ++程序员来说不太清楚。其中一个原因是您可以在两种类型上使用[]运算符。另一个原因是数组在几种情况下隐式退化为指针(例如在函数void Foo(int a [3]);, a实际上不是数组,而是指向数组开头的指针)。但不要被愚弄 - 数组不是指针(正如许多人所声称的那样),指针绝对不是数组。



1 is allocated on the stack. Arrays on the stack must have a size known at compile-time.


2 is allocated on the heap. Arrays on the heap have no such requirement. Remember if you allocate with new[] you need to deallocate it later with delete[]:

2在堆上分配。堆上的数组没有这样的要求。请记住,如果使用new []进行分配,则需要稍后使用delete []解除分配:

int* b = new int[3];
delete[] b;



C++ arrays in the stack have a limitation that

堆栈中的C ++数组有一个限制

int array[10];
sizeof(array) needs to be compile-time constant and

C++ arrays in the heap only have the 2nd limitation, but not the first one. (this allows array size to be determined on runtime)

堆中的C ++数组只有第二个限制,但不是第一个限制。 (这允许在运行时确定数组大小)



Stack arrays (#1) have sizes limited by the stack. Heap arrays (#2) have sizes limited by the heap (which is bigger than the stack).


There are some significant performance advantages to stack allocations, look up this thread for more information: Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation




a is an array (type int [3])
b is a pointer (type int*)

a是数组(类型int [3])b是指针(类型int *)

In C++ they are completely different things.

在C ++中,它们是完全不同的东西。

The sizeof an array is the number of elements times the size of each element.
The sizeof a pointer is independent of the size of the array (usually 4 or 8 bytes).


The only thing that arrays and pointers have in common is that arrays often "decay" to pointers in several situations. That's what's happening when you print out their value.




As you noted, it seems as though both a and b are pointers to the start of the array. But in reality, only b is a pointer. a is actually an array.

正如您所指出的,似乎a和b都是指向数组开头的指针。但实际上,只有b是一个指针。 a实际上是一个数组。

The difference between the two is subtle when writing (or reading) code. The variable a is treated as a regular variable (just like an int or double) in that it has an automatically allocated portion of memory assigned to it. For comparison, suppose you had declared int i. The variable i is the name given to a certain set of contiguous bytes in memory to hold an integer value (4 bytes on your machine). Similarly, a is the name given to the set of contiguous bytes which holds your array (12 bytes in your case).

在编写(或读取)代码时,两者之间的差异是微妙的。变量a被视为常规变量(就像int或double一样),因为它具有分配给它的自动分配的内存部分。为了比较,假设你已经声明了int i。变量i是给予内存中某组连续字节的名称,用于保存整数值(机器上的4个字节)。类似地,a是保存数组的连续字节集的名称(在您的情况下为12个字节)。

In contrast b is only a pointer to a single memory location. In your case, there is a block of 12 bytes which is dynamically allocated (via new int[3]). b itself is an automatically allocated 4-byte pointer which points to the first int value in that 12 byte block.

相反,b仅是指向单个存储器位置的指针。在您的情况下,有一个12字节的块,它是动态分配的(通过new int [3])。 b本身是一个自动分配的4字节指针,指向该12字节块中的第一个int值。

So they really are two different kinds of things. This is made less clear to C++ programmers. One reason for this is the fact that you can use the [] operator on both types. Another reason is that arrays implicitly degenerate to pointers in several situations (e.g. in the function void Foo(int a[3]);, a is not actually an array, but a pointer to the beginning of the array). But don't be fooled - arrays are not pointers (as many people claim), and pointers are definitely not arrays.

所以他们真的是两种不同的东西。这对C ++程序员来说不太清楚。其中一个原因是您可以在两种类型上使用[]运算符。另一个原因是数组在几种情况下隐式退化为指针(例如在函数void Foo(int a [3]);, a实际上不是数组,而是指向数组开头的指针)。但不要被愚弄 - 数组不是指针(正如许多人所声称的那样),指针绝对不是数组。



1 is allocated on the stack. Arrays on the stack must have a size known at compile-time.


2 is allocated on the heap. Arrays on the heap have no such requirement. Remember if you allocate with new[] you need to deallocate it later with delete[]:

2在堆上分配。堆上的数组没有这样的要求。请记住,如果使用new []进行分配,则需要稍后使用delete []解除分配:

int* b = new int[3];
delete[] b;



C++ arrays in the stack have a limitation that

堆栈中的C ++数组有一个限制

int array[10];
sizeof(array) needs to be compile-time constant and

C++ arrays in the heap only have the 2nd limitation, but not the first one. (this allows array size to be determined on runtime)

堆中的C ++数组只有第二个限制,但不是第一个限制。 (这允许在运行时确定数组大小)



Stack arrays (#1) have sizes limited by the stack. Heap arrays (#2) have sizes limited by the heap (which is bigger than the stack).


There are some significant performance advantages to stack allocations, look up this thread for more information: Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation
