具有相同名称的本地和NIS用户 - chown

时间:2021-08-02 17:29:31

I have a linux with a configured NIS domain, and both a local user and a NIS user with the name johndoe (but different UIDs).


When applying 'chown johndoe:johndoegrp somefile.txt' - which john doe will become the owner ? I know I can see for myself with 'ls -n', but some end users told me that they got inconsistent outcomes.

当应用'chown johndoe:johndoegrp somefile.txt'时 - 哪个john doe会成为所有者?我知道我可以用'ls -n'看到自己,但是一些最终用户告诉我他们的结果不一致。

Is it possible ?

可能吗 ?

1 个解决方案



you have to check the order in /etc/nsswitch.conf. On Machine I have


  passwd:     files nis



you have to check the order in /etc/nsswitch.conf. On Machine I have


  passwd:     files nis