NIO Server无法收听客户端

时间:2022-09-05 13:16:10

Hi I am trying to implements a simple Java NIO server; which registers the socketChannel with the selector. Hence I wish to listen to client and send some response back. After the socketChannel is registered with the selector, even if client(non NIO) sends some data, Server is not able to read; howerver the key generated is still being iterated.

嗨,我正在尝试实现一个简单的Java NIO服务器;它将socketChannel注册到选择器。因此,我希望听取客户的意见并发回一些回复。使用选择器注册socketChannel后,即使客户端(非NIO)发送了一些数据,服务器也无法读取; howerver生成的密钥仍在迭代中。

Detailed View: Server Side:


**First thread**:

public void run() { while (true) {

public void run(){while(true){

    ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel =;
    SocketChannel clientChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept();
    new Listener("").addSocketChannel(clientChannel);


**Second Thread**:

    static Selector selector =;
    public boolean addSocketChannel(SocketChannel clientChannel) {

        SelectionKey key = clientSocketChannel.register(selector, selector.OP_READ|SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);              
        key.attach(new ChannelCallback(clientSocketChannel));
        return key.isValid();

    public void run() {

        Set keysSet = selector.keys();
        Iterator i = keysSet.iterator();        
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);

        if (key.isReadable()) {
            //read and do something

Client Side:

Socket socket = new Socket(serverIP, serverPort);    
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());    
dos.writeBytes(str + "\n");

NB: When done in single thread, the same program works, but when implemented in the manner mentioned above causes it not to listen to client. Please help me to resolve this issue.


2 个解决方案


It's very difficult to see what you have done there, but it looks as if what you have marked as "second thread" is used by both threads (some confusion over implementing Runnable/extending Thread and actual threads?). In particular, I'm guessing the new Listener constructs and starts a thread. You are then calling addSocketChannel in the first thread. Therefore, there is a race condition.

很难看到你在那里做了什么,但看起来两个线程都使用了你标记为“第二个线程”的东西(对实现Runnable /扩展线程和实际线程有些困惑?)。特别是,我猜测新的Listener构造并启动一个线程。然后,您在第一个线程中调用addSocketChannel。因此,存在竞争条件。

Also it's a poor idea to make selector static.



Read works reading from another thread, here are the obvious problems with your code.


public void run() {
    Set keysSet = selector.keys();

Here you are taking the key set from the iterator, but there is no code ever doing select() or selectNow() on the selector, so this set will always be empty.


    Iterator i = keysSet.iterator();        
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
    if (key.isReadable()) {
        //read and do something

This doesn't even compile, the check for 'read' on the key must be done inside the while-block.


SelectionKey key = clientSocketChannel.register(selector,
                                                SelectionKey.OP_READ | 

Two problems: The channel should be set in non-blocking mode before this is done and SelectionKey.OP_WRITE should not be set unless you want the key to be returned every time you run a select.


You should only set SelectionKey.OP_WRITE if you are actually planning to do a write.


Finally, using two threads here is very unconventional. The recommended way of doing this is to register the ServerSocketChannel to the Selector with OP_ACCEPT, and run the accept on the ServerSocket on the same thread as read/writes.



It's very difficult to see what you have done there, but it looks as if what you have marked as "second thread" is used by both threads (some confusion over implementing Runnable/extending Thread and actual threads?). In particular, I'm guessing the new Listener constructs and starts a thread. You are then calling addSocketChannel in the first thread. Therefore, there is a race condition.

很难看到你在那里做了什么,但看起来两个线程都使用了你标记为“第二个线程”的东西(对实现Runnable /扩展线程和实际线程有些困惑?)。特别是,我猜测新的Listener构造并启动一个线程。然后,您在第一个线程中调用addSocketChannel。因此,存在竞争条件。

Also it's a poor idea to make selector static.



Read works reading from another thread, here are the obvious problems with your code.


public void run() {
    Set keysSet = selector.keys();

Here you are taking the key set from the iterator, but there is no code ever doing select() or selectNow() on the selector, so this set will always be empty.


    Iterator i = keysSet.iterator();        
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
    if (key.isReadable()) {
        //read and do something

This doesn't even compile, the check for 'read' on the key must be done inside the while-block.


SelectionKey key = clientSocketChannel.register(selector,
                                                SelectionKey.OP_READ | 

Two problems: The channel should be set in non-blocking mode before this is done and SelectionKey.OP_WRITE should not be set unless you want the key to be returned every time you run a select.


You should only set SelectionKey.OP_WRITE if you are actually planning to do a write.


Finally, using two threads here is very unconventional. The recommended way of doing this is to register the ServerSocketChannel to the Selector with OP_ACCEPT, and run the accept on the ServerSocket on the same thread as read/writes.
