
时间:2022-09-04 10:06:37

I am creating a new native module for react native as per the documentation given here. According to it, we have to register the module by creating AnExampleReactPackage module. But I don't know where exactly in my project path do I have to create this module. I have tried the same location where MainReactPackage is created, i.e



but failed. So where do I create this module or is there something that I am missing?


1 个解决方案



You can create the ReactPackage anywhere inside your Android project and import it in the MainReactPackage.java.


I prefer creating all the ReactNative Modules in the same folder. So, I create modules like com/example/modules/AnExampleReactPackage.

我更喜欢在同一个文件夹中创建所有ReactNative模块。所以,我创建了com / example / modules / AnExampleReactPackage等模块。



You can create the ReactPackage anywhere inside your Android project and import it in the MainReactPackage.java.


I prefer creating all the ReactNative Modules in the same folder. So, I create modules like com/example/modules/AnExampleReactPackage.

我更喜欢在同一个文件夹中创建所有ReactNative模块。所以,我创建了com / example / modules / AnExampleReactPackage等模块。