
时间:2022-09-03 22:52:50

I have been working on this web application using Eclipse and m2e (maven plugin for Eclipse).


After a while I decide to change the project name in eclipse doing: Right click on project >> refactor >> rename

过了一会儿我决定在eclipse中更改项目名称:右键单击项目>> refactor >> rename

Following this I see a few errors coming up, mostly to do with classpath configuration & java versions mismatch. I fix them, adding the maven dependencies to the build path, and updating the java versions to be used during compilation & run time.


I rebuild my web app & restart my server (Tomcat in this case). Open my browser to go to my app's root url. And I get a 404 page (everything looks fine in the console btw).


I've been going through my buildpath and classpath config to double check if anything was coming from there but everything seems fine. I'm confused and unsure where to look at.


Thanks in advance


3 个解决方案



This really depends on your Setup. If you are using the default path, it is (as Kal said) myserver/newappname.

这实际上取决于您的安装程序。如果你使用的是默认路径,那就是(如Kal所说)myserver / newappname。

If you are using a url that you have configured in webserver for easier readability like (myapp.myserver.com) you would have to change the redirection in your server from your old appname to the new one.




Actually, 404 HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested.

实际上,404 HTTP标准响应代码表明客户端能够与服务器通信,但服务器无法找到所请求的内容。

 1. Check your path with newapplication name.
 2. See inside your server, Is there a resource with (newNameApp.war)?
 3. As you are using maven, try to build the project and see the log, by which name war is generated, and where the war got placed.



I faced the same situation and simply restarted Eclipse and no more 404 afterward




This really depends on your Setup. If you are using the default path, it is (as Kal said) myserver/newappname.

这实际上取决于您的安装程序。如果你使用的是默认路径,那就是(如Kal所说)myserver / newappname。

If you are using a url that you have configured in webserver for easier readability like (myapp.myserver.com) you would have to change the redirection in your server from your old appname to the new one.




Actually, 404 HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested.

实际上,404 HTTP标准响应代码表明客户端能够与服务器通信,但服务器无法找到所请求的内容。

 1. Check your path with newapplication name.
 2. See inside your server, Is there a resource with (newNameApp.war)?
 3. As you are using maven, try to build the project and see the log, by which name war is generated, and where the war got placed.



I faced the same situation and simply restarted Eclipse and no more 404 afterward
