如何使用匿名访问为本地asp.net webforms开发设置IIS 6?

时间:2022-09-03 19:50:13

When I setup IIS6 to develop projects locally I have to enable "Integrated Windows Authentication" under directory security in order for my CSS & Images to show up. (Note: I have double checked that network service has rights to all directories in my web application)

当我设置IIS6在本地开发项目时,我必须在目录安全性下启用“集成Windows身份验证”,以便显示我的CSS和图像。 (注意:我已经仔细检查过网络服务对我的Web应用程序中的所有目录都有权限)

However this often causes my browser to prompt me for windows login username and password when I am running the application.


Is there anyway to get around entering a windows login password all the time ?


(I am using windows xp pro 64bit)

(我使用的是windows xp pro 64bit)

2 个解决方案


Maybe it is some problem with the kerberos authentication to your web site. Just disable it on your site. from the c:\Inetpub\AdminScripts directory run this command.

也许这对您网站的kerberos身份验证有些问题。只需在您的网站上停用即可。从c:\ Inetpub \ AdminScripts目录运行此命令。

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/WebSite/root/NTAuthenticationProviders "NTLM"

Or change the authentication to anonymous. And make sure that the user in the directory security tab (IUSR_computername) has access to said directories. It is not the application pool user who access files and other resources.



Well it certainly is not as it's supposed to be!


You say you've double checked that Network Service has access to the directories. But with anonymous access, the account that needs access is the IUSR_[machinename] account. The account is specified under the Directory Security tab.

您说您已经仔细检查过网络服务是否可以访问这些目录。但是通过匿名访问,需要访问的帐户是IUSR_ [machinename]帐户。该帐户在“目录安全性”选项卡下指定。

If all else fails, for local development you might as well grant everyone access to the directories.



Maybe it is some problem with the kerberos authentication to your web site. Just disable it on your site. from the c:\Inetpub\AdminScripts directory run this command.

也许这对您网站的kerberos身份验证有些问题。只需在您的网站上停用即可。从c:\ Inetpub \ AdminScripts目录运行此命令。

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/WebSite/root/NTAuthenticationProviders "NTLM"

Or change the authentication to anonymous. And make sure that the user in the directory security tab (IUSR_computername) has access to said directories. It is not the application pool user who access files and other resources.



Well it certainly is not as it's supposed to be!


You say you've double checked that Network Service has access to the directories. But with anonymous access, the account that needs access is the IUSR_[machinename] account. The account is specified under the Directory Security tab.

您说您已经仔细检查过网络服务是否可以访问这些目录。但是通过匿名访问,需要访问的帐户是IUSR_ [machinename]帐户。该帐户在“目录安全性”选项卡下指定。

If all else fails, for local development you might as well grant everyone access to the directories.
